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Old Bomber Fan

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Everything posted by Old Bomber Fan

  1. And I congratulate him on his start and hope he continues to play at this level both offensively and defensively regardless of what line he is one. As I said if he continues to do this I am wrong and have no problem admitting it. Let’s see what happens for the rest of the season and talk about it in April May or June . In the meantime good luck to the jets!
  2. I do agree they need some security however let me ask the question should Streveler go down who comes in to replace him.....McGuire or Collaras. If it is the later then I would suggest they have no faith in their development program or that he isn’t experience enough and that goes back to their development program as well. Not sure but were there other teams looking for another QB when their #1 went down and they had to play #2? Forgive me but I can’t recall any
  3. I guess this confirms one of two things, either the Bombers don't believe McGuire is a capable back up or the Bombers don't feel they can develop a QB period. They have had 2 years with Streveler and a year with McGuire so guess they don't make the grade. It either say the above or their scouting of QBs is poor. Oh well we will see what happens. Doubt he will be around come next year.
  4. point well taken guess I'm too long in tooth to realize this day and age because of the game itself that this might not be a possibility but really don't understand how you get real time reps for these guys to develop if you don't do that type of thing. Oh well then perhaps much more time has to be spent during practice. God help us if Streveler gets hurt and in comes another green horn with no experience.
  5. To change the discussion slightly regarding Streveler I do agree and have always stated Lapo is not what the Bombers need to be successful. It looks like many are now agreeing. However the point I would like to bring up is the development of our QBs. Last game was perhaps the second example in as many games were out development of QBs stood out to me. In he Hamilton game the games was over after 3 quarters pint set and match. Why then did they not put on McGuire to give him some meaningful reps. Similarly this past game we were done by our last two possession. Why then didn’t they put in McGuire to give him more game reps. Two examples of when they could give a back up exposure and two examples of when they failed. The same can be said in the banjo bowl...we were dominating and a prime time in the 4th to give mcguire a shot but didn’t. And I’m guessing if you look back over some of our other games there would have been opportunities that were lost. Yet they expect Streveler to step in and be as successful as a starter. Similarly should Streveler go down in comes McGuire with no reps period in real time! This my friends is no way to develop QBs or any other position for that matter. When given the opportunity to have a player experience live fire should you not do it? Again within reason. Thisvisvwhat I have witnessed since Lapo has been involved with the Bombers, when first an OC, next as a HC and again this time around. Do I blame Lapo for this....absolutely. Do I blame MOS absolutely again. This is why we never develop QBs, this is why we are in trouble when our starter goes down, and this is why we will not get close to the grey cup this year. Sad a frustrating!
  6. Let me just ask one question.....when was the last time you can remember the Blue Bombers mentoring a QB into a starter? Frankly I have been following them for 65 years and the only one I can think of in that time was Kenny Ploen. We have traded for some good ones (Clements), signed a couple from the States (Brock, Jabobs, Hanzen) who were already established QB in their own right. But who have we brought along aka the Calgary Stampeders, Ottawa back in the day, Edmonton, BC (with Buono there), modern day Hamilton. Someone said and correctly QBs have to be on the "right" team to succeed. Is that the offensive scheme, the OL line, the way they are coached? I would say all of the above. Here in Winnipeg, we do not coach our QBs well and I would offer that Buck is not the person we need as a QB coach or OC. If he was we would not be witnessing what we are today. We do not groom our QBs to be successful should they be called upon simply because they don't get the reps other backups on other teams get during practice. Our mentality is next man up which is great but you can't be next man up in the QB position if you don't get the reps and the game plan isn't designed around your strengths. This is nothing new for LaPo; he has been like this his whole career. When we hired him away from TSN everyone was saying how great an analysis and offensive mind he was and he even went south to pick the brains of some NFL OCs. Does that not ring funny? The NFL game is nowhere close to ours; 4 downs verse 3 is a drastic change. And do leopards change their spots? We need a new OC, have needed one since LaPo signed. We need someone who can teach QBs the subtle nuances of the position and show them how to use their strengths while working on their weaknesses...then translate that to the OC. I was looking around at all the new faces in the coaching ranks this weekend and there are many as has been mentioned. Some I have never heard of but there they are coaching. Because we don't know their names does not mean they will not be good coaches. The DC for Sask totally out coached LaPo and how long has LaPo been around. Same with Montreal, and Hamilton. We need to look outside the box I'm afraid. We lost Kahari, Sask Dickensen and Ottawa Dickensen during this journey. It will be interesting to see what happens next. It is truly hard to believe that teams in this league except Winnipeg cannot rebuild a team within a few years never mind 29! Lots have what's our excuse?
  7. Problem is the players play in the schemes the coordinators dictate. If the scheme isn’t working.......hello offence........then the coordinator MUST make adjustments. If he doesn’t the HC should step in and provide direction. Because O’Shea isnt an offensive mind he is afraid to speak to the king of offensives hence we destroy an up and coming young QB by try to make him a pocket passer, ignore his strength and at the same time destroy his confidence. He looked defeated today not the same young guy who was full of p... and vinegar in the beginning of this train wreck.....and he was successful then but now seems to expect what we expect nothing good. so it lies at O’Shea’s feet as well as Lapo. I said when we hired Lapo it was a bad move...got racked over the goals for saying it yet here we are. And as for O’Shea the second longest reining coach in bomber history.....what has he done for us lately.we will play the crossover against Montreal and get beaten in Montreal end of season. Sad
  8. Why not simply tackle him instead of trying to knock the ball away....maybe he will drop it
  9. Crossover here we come it might last one game
  10. Play calling?
  11. Why is it that their receivers catch the ball in stride and ours are standing still waiting for the ball
  12. Is there any reason why demolish is the only one he throws long to? That is 3 isn’t it ?
  13. Streveler looks defeated and not sure what to do. That’s a guy who had a ton of enthusiasm willing to run at will with desire and had super credentials coming in. Thanks Lapo
  14. Just thought of this shrivel is a relatively new DC Lapp has been around for years...why then can we not exploit the sask D. Let me guess Lapp isn’t as smart as we all think he is. Further with the exception of the D they don’t seem interested
  15. Lapo is trying to turn Streveler into a pocket passer which he isn’t a great example of putting a square peg in a round hole
  16. Lapo is trying to turn Streveler into a pocket passer which he isn’t a great example of putting a square peg in a round hole this is really bad
  17. Not sure I was too harsh on Laine simply stating some facts albeit I had one wrong. I guess all I’m saying is I received conformation of his attitude even while growing up in Finland from people who knew him there and followed him in hockey until he left. I do believe I said they would bridge him but sign Connor for more years and that has proven to be correct. I don’t think the jets are sold on his ability to be a team, two way player hence the bridge. Will be interesting to see what transpires in the next two years...if he develops into a team player they will offer more, if he continues this way guessing you will see a trade in next years off season. Do it is up to him. His true character will show through one way or the other. if he is just an immature young man as a hockey player and grows into a team player I’m wrong, if he doesn’t and remains his petulant self blaming everyone else for his shortcoming, he will be traded and unfortunately I’ll be right. Let’s hope for the former!
  18. It is interesting that there are several "new" OC and DCs in the league many who have played the game and many we have overlooked because: 1. we have "proven" coordinators who have been in the league for many years and 2. we did not pursue new names for some reason other than 1. Seems to me many here wanted Kahari to be our OC a couple of years back but that didn't happen. We had both Dickensons I think at one point and both were let go, now both head coaches. We need a new outlook and game plan on both sides of the ball. MOS is comfortable in his skin because he has two old coordinators whom he thinks know their way around the CFL. Sad but the game has moved on and left them behind. It is refreshing to see people want a change up in coordinators, I been saying that, to much displeasure of many here, for many years. MOS I believe the second most tenured coach in our history, is barely above, if he still is, in win/losses and yet he refuses to change coordinators. Is it because he fears for his job if a young upstart comes in and shows him up? I don't know that answer. I only know that we will not go anywhere with what we have. As I mentioned in another thread, we have been told our talent has increased each year but our coaching staff has not changed yet we have the same results. That must say something! As for Buck Pierce being our OC, I'm not so sure. Rational; I have watched our QB and receivers throughout the past two years and have seem little improvement in their abilities at their respective positions. They obviously have talent otherwise they would not be on the team but seems to me they have not progressed. I only have to look at Calgary, Sask, Hamilton to see how QBs are developed and I honestly don't see that here. So can he get results as an OC rather than a QB coach, I'm not sure. But with that said there are lots of good offensive minds out there who may be recent players or students of the game that could certainly do better than our current OC. They may not be successful in all the stats as we currently are but there is an old saying "stats are for losers" and we sure fit that description well!
  19. After watching last night's game, I am really more concerned than ever about Lapo, Hall and MOS. I don't think it will matter what QB is put in, Streveler with his ability to run and throw medium to short passes, McGuire with his ability to throw in the pocket or whomever, I don't think any will be successful. Even Nichols as successful as many here think he was within the system will never be successful because of the restraints that are put on because of the system LaPo implements. Yes our offense leads the league in many categories but that does not translate into wins, in fact it translates into losses with his don't lose philosophy late in games. On the defensive side as has been mentioned before, the bend don't break philosophy is proving to be problematic in many ways and again while it may sustain the team for most of the game it fails when needed most. And then there is MOS, the what second most tenured coach in Blue Bomber history and is barely above if above the 500 mark in wins and losses. He perchance for loyalty beyond the pale is disturbing and counter procuctive. The lack of preparation (referring to grooming QBs) is not unlike what we have seen before in Bomber town but why continue down a non productive path? And personal selection is yet another which I put on all of the above along with Walters. It has become painfully obvious, especially against eastern teams, that our secondary is absolutely terrible. Our safety is very vocal but cannot play to the level of his talk. Our defenders are great chasing the receiver but never look for the ball and are constantly beaten. They play back far too much from the line....is this because they are afraid the receiver will beat them.....well they do and with regularity. I find it difficult to rationalize that this is entirely the player but rather the paly design.. If for example a player is playing too far from the line why isn't someone telling them to move up or coaching on the sidlines. Why are adjustments not made at half time? That to me is coaching 101. And has anyone mentioned the drop off of play our start middle linebacker? He seems to be running all over the place while leaving the middle of the field wide open hence in the past two games huge completions in front of our great safety with Bighill nowhere in sight! There are problems in Bomberville whether we want to believe it or not and it is not all on Streveler or the players. Yes they did not execute well but boy our play calling and coaching is not good and will never get us to the Grey Cup. I believe that to be a reality even though I hope I am wrong
  20. Looked like players were going through the motions and mos looked defeated. If this is right then he should be having closed door meetings with his coaching staff. Ever since returning from bye week these guys seem uninterested. Maybe Walters has to have a meeting with the players.....pick it up or pack it up!
  21. Really can’t fault Streveler totally. Lapo play calling terrible as usual...down 3 possessions and we are throwing 7-10 yd passes! Interesting that regardless of who the QB might be the plays are the same...says it all yet nothing from management
  22. 7 yard pass needing 10 in tight coverage
  23. Well you never know maybe this time we will be the team to adjust and the cats won’t.....do you think?
  24. Get rid of hetch he can’t bring anyone down and chant cover period
  25. Look back for the ball Rios!
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