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Old Bomber Fan

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Everything posted by Old Bomber Fan

  1. 2 and 3 when we need first downs typical lapo and Nichols that pass not even close
  2. How about helmet on helmet when Harris is already down?
  3. Can’t blame fogg for reruns he is blanketed
  4. adjustments adjustments adjustments....so far in sask favour does that mean we are being out coached yet again?
  5. I agree with 17to85. Good QBs can recognize a blitz prior to the snap of the ball and can either check off prior to with another play or pass that info to his offense. Nichols doesn't seem to be able to do that. Screen or check down passes to someone out of the backfield will work but are seldom used. He seems to stand in waiting for something and his 4 secs become 3 or less. There doesn't seem to be any adjustment. Wonder what a 2 back backfield would do to offset the blitz. Seemed to work last year?
  6. While I have always thought Nichols was not our saviour I can't really put all the blame on him without knowing what plays are called etc. I can say however that he cannot throw a long ball with any consistency; will not take responsibility for the O performance; and seems to be too quick to check down to his outlet receiver. Now with that said I think Lapo is as much if not more responsible for the dismal performance of the o line. He has abandoned the 2 back set; he has brought in personal that in my humble opinion are not as good as some that are sitting and he has reverted back to the same old same old OC he was last year and previous years in which he got fired. To start the season there was a not of motion; he used two back, not necessarily the two I would have chosen but they were there; he was using Demski as he should be used but all that has gone out the window in the last two games. Too reliant on Harris makes this team one dimensional. So the blame goes to both. Yes some receivers dropped passes.....so did Calgary but they were far more imaginative than we were. And we are speaking only of offense here not defense. My only hope is that we split with Sask but my gut says we will lose both.
  7. Couldn’t agree more with milt. He is blaming everyone but himself.
  8. Not sure if any QB will give us a chance as long as lapo continues to call crappy games like this one
  9. Me thinks if we lose to sask next week and depending on what happens later today, mos will be in trouble. Doubt they would fire him at that point in the season but he might be forced to deal with some issues he doesn’t appear to want to deal with right now....namely DC and QB
  10. Reason I say get Langford out is he cannot break a tackle and can’t catch unless he is facing the ball
  11. Notice that most of the time Calgary when in second down are in short yardage but us we are at least 6-8 yards that in itself tells you about the play calling or qbing of our offense
  12. Less than 5 left in game and mos so stupid or stubborn take your pick and seeing the o isn’t doing diddle will not put in streveler typical
  13. Adjustment Calgary check.....adjustments bombers nil......end result second half no contest
  14. Doesn’t matter if you put Steve Lee in at this point LaPolice has not adjusted as have calgary....they know he can’t throw long and will give him the second and 7 all day long. Calgary going for the 10 yard passes with yac after that. We can’t cover that either. Defence tired
  15. Offence still doing very little 2 and outs too many too frequently. Being out coached yet again
  16. sit Lankford insert Flanders and run a two back backfield. Throw long to Adams a few times and eliminate as much as possible those 3-5 yard passes. Stretch the defense both vertically and across the field. Then let Fogg return punts take him out of the backfield and add tons of pressure. Don't be afraid to blitz and do it often. Finally someone shake the head of MOS.....don't be so darn stubborn and call a spade a spade! Will that result in a win.....I doubt it but it will be a start
  17. Not exactly sure we are 3rd in the West. I know many on this site do not like to recognize Sask but we should be aware of them nonetheless. I think the true picture will surface after both the labour day classic and Banjo bowl. Once that series is over, 3 games from now you will see where we are. Should we split with them and lose to Cal, which seems likely at our current performance level, then we should be looking at a crossover birth not second or third. I sure hope I am wrong but our performance against winning teams has been.....losing plain and simple.
  18. Think bad defenses have followed Hall in recent years. He is unadaptable to various offenses and frankly in my opinion his theories are past history and not of the current CFL. With that said the defense cannot be on the filed for as long as they have been. The 2 and outs are far too frequent for our offense and that does not provide the defense an opportunity to regroup recharge and get after it when returning to the field. I think you can place the blame on both sides of the ball and that is not excusing the defense as I have always said the talent can change but the results will not as long as they play with Hall's schemes. We simply got outcoached by both coordinators and HC. Simple
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