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    Calgary Alberta
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    Anything Bomber Related.

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  1. The enemy (Ottawa) of my enemy (Riders) is my Friend! Go Ottawa kick those Greenies butts!
  2. I tend to agree - I think we could win in BC after the week off and then split with the Riders. Winning in Regina on Labor day is a tall task and I would not place much stalk in their demise just yet.
  3. Kinda have to agree with you on Sheehan. Do we have anyone in the wings that can punt?
  4. I was at the game also - sitting in the Safeway Zone back in those days (had 4 daughters and a mortage). I remember that game so well as no one knew that the Bombers were going to play the 3-4 defence and I can remember how everyone was scared of Roy Dewalt and his running ability. It was both Tyrone Jones and James (Wild Wild) West that really put the hurt on Dewalt.
  5. Didn't Delbert Fowler have a funny nick name?? I do remember him sort of tall for a LB from what I can remember. Man I would love to see a LB core like we had back then. Heck I can go back even farther. I came up here in 1971 thinking I could make the Bomber team. Only thing I ended up with is my wife of 53 years - so I guess I won???
  6. Hope to see a good game tonight (I live in calgary but will be in front of my TV with my diet coke from start to finish). I really miss attending the games. When we lived in Winnipeg I loved hearing the ol chat "BC Sucks!" - I still remember to this day when the Lions came to the old stadium with Roy Dewalt as their QB and the bombers defence introduced the 3-4 for the first time. 4 linebackers (James West, maybe Gregg Battle and I can not remember the other two) and they absolutley destroyed Dewalt and the BC offense. The Lions were the heavy favorite that day. I assume they are the heavy favorites tonight also. But that is why you play the game.
  7. I am sort of getting a little more burned out than worn out. However I will miss Bomber Football after Grey Cup and the snow flies here in Calgary. Hopefully things will improve as we move toward the 1/2 way point and beyond. Always a Bomber Fan but a little flustrated at the moment. Lots of blame to go around that's for sure. PS - should not complain about the snow in Calgary in the winter cause after Christmas I am out of here to warm spots until April rolls around!😁
  8. Mookie! Always the optimist! I think Grant will be the difference for the Argos. I am not sure we can put enough pressure on Dukes and I am afraid Zack is past his best before days. But hope springs eternal and I will be in front of the TV with a cold ice tea rooting for the Blue as usual.
  9. I am leaning toward your point of view. I do have to say that my enthusium will still always be there for my Bombers but at the moment I am starting to lean toward time for a change at the top (Head Coach that is to say). I do not know what goes on behind closed doors but from the outside it at least appears to me that changes are needed sooner than later. Just bad roster management from my point of view is the major issue.
  10. Finally back in the good ol cool Canada - was over 48C a few days where I was last week and very happy to catch up on all Bomber things. And yeah actions speak louder that words. And I agree re-tooling needs to start now. I had all the Bomber games taped during my absence and am going to take a few days off an watch all of them. It is only 30C here in Calgary seems like winter from the 48C and over in the UAE (Dubai) where I have been spending way too much time.
  11. Mookie! Great to see you here. I forgot where the site was located and now back here. I am out of country a lot but hopefully can stay in Canada for the balance of the summer and keep track of the fortunes of my Bombers. Miss your old website and wonder where Nasty Nate is these days!😃
  12. don't I wish. I have an international client (Engineering Firm) that is involved in the precious metals mining industry there and had to make a field trip. Was not all that much fun. Glad to be back in Canada. I did make a stop in Miami on the way back for a day meeting but flew out the next morning. Did not see much of anything other than hotel and airport.
  13. I did not have the chance to watch the game as of yet. Did tape it and will replay today but from what am hearing lots of work to do. Looks like both sides of the ball have lots of work to do. I really missed the preseason and all the discussions as just back in North America this week. Life in Brazil is good but TV and CFL coverage sucks!😁 - and for fall weather it was hot hot hot. Had to spend some time in Santiago which was very nice and cool.
  14. Mookie! Great seeing you here. I pop in when I can. Work travel keeps me out of Canada more than I would like. Miss the "Our Bombers" days. I always wonder where Nasty Nate ended up. I even pop over to Total CFL every so often. That was where I first ran across you. Long time ago!😀
  15. This is exactly how I see it. Collaros needs to play error free ball. If he gets into trouble there is a good sideline to throw the ball to. Trying to make something out of nothing will lose us the game. If he has a good error free game we win. If the opposite happens we will not win.
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