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Everything posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. It's not country tho.. It's like saying fallout boy is rock.. Well, it's not.. It's pop or emo rock.. Country to me is Allan Jackson, Garth Brooks, faith hill, Tim McGraw and Reba McIntyre.. Is that even country? I thought country was more like... Hank Williams and Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline ?
  2. You should its really good and has a good story. A good buddy of mine is from Scandinavia and was telling me that his dad n grandfather use to tell him and his brothers stories about Vikings and thats a bit what this show is based on. Old Viking legions and stories. Its pretty cool because they even use real names. He was blown away when he would watch some episodes and say... hey my dad use to tell me this story. Of course its not word for word but i found that to be pretty cool.
  3. I agree. And on todays 3 and a half men they talk about smoking pot openly and they even have a bong on the table. LOL Just to add... I dont really see much of a diff between this SI thing and the sun girls you can see online.
  4. Season 3 starts tonight. Anyone watch it?
  5. Folks all over be scooping out their eyes with spoons
  6. Guys like sports and they also like models in bikinis?
  7. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/football/nfl/nfl-concept-helmets-give-fresh-look-to-32-teams-1.2961452 Some are kinda nice.
  8. Ya im sure that wont piss them off more. Stick around and occupy their land? Thats what pissed them off in the first place. Did the USA not back Saddam at one time? Did they also not back the rebels in Afgan against the Russians? How did all that turn out? The problem is and my point is..... They dont understand these people and you cant win against what you cant understand. You dont know who to help or give weapons to because they will just turn on you like it has many times over. The fact you truly believe American regime building lacks any insight into the people or the country astounds me.. They didn't show up, hand out weapons, say "that's our guy... Screw the rest of you.." And then lay waste to everyone not American enough for them.. The problem was essentially "fixed" but Iraqi government and military leaders gave up at almost first sign of having to go alone..I'm pretty sure if Americans stayed and held the peace and kept the terror attacks and kills low, ISIS would have been crushed.. American pressure on themselves to come home left a power vacuum that these scum have walked right into and set up shop.. It's like America lanced the tumour out but didn't get to clean and sterilize the wound... Now infection has set in and gangrene is not far away.. Well heres an idea. Go read and understand what your talking about. They all need to figure it out on there own without anyone telling them. America staying and putting up army bases is what pissed them off to start with. At one time the USA backed and sent weapons to a rebel group in Afgan to fight back against the Russians.That rebel group was AQ run by Osama bin laden. man I hate arguing with someone who reads just enough of story to be dangerous and attempts to tell the rest of us how it is.. You've clearly done next to no homework (yes, 1-2 YouTube videos does not constitute knowledge) my dog knows CIA helped establish Bin laden and Al-Qaeda and how they were instrumental in driving out the Russians.. I'm pretty sure your completely ignorant to the facts that the silent majority in Iraq were suffering under religious and racial persecution, corruption and daily murder squads roaming thru areas.. But none of that is worth going into a country to help, right? human rights abuses and a government hellbent on killing off a race or two of people is cool to you as well I suppose... Don't get me wrong.. Obviously a staging base and access to oil were very important as well but it's not the end all-be all to why America went into Iraq in the first place.. First of all you need to grow up and stop with the lil name calling garbage and discuss things like an adult. If america as you say is so hell bent on helping the people of these countrys then why stop there? Why not head into North Korea? Or how about Saudi Arabia? Nigeria? Should i go on? Now go back to what i said..... They cant control or win against something they dont understand. They have tried it before. Do you think the people in them countrys and in that region are better off now? Have a look at the countrys ( Libya, Afgan, Iraq, Syria ) that are being taken over by ISIS. What do they all have in common? America had a hand in all and help or putting their leaders in place. Are they all better off now? Is it under control?
  9. Ya im sure that wont piss them off more. Stick around and occupy their land? Thats what pissed them off in the first place. Did the USA not back Saddam at one time? Did they also not back the rebels in Afgan against the Russians? How did all that turn out? The problem is and my point is..... They dont understand these people and you cant win against what you cant understand. You dont know who to help or give weapons to because they will just turn on you like it has many times over. The fact you truly believe American regime building lacks any insight into the people or the country astounds me.. They didn't show up, hand out weapons, say "that's our guy... Screw the rest of you.." And then lay waste to everyone not American enough for them.. The problem was essentially "fixed" but Iraqi government and military leaders gave up at almost first sign of having to go alone.. I'm pretty sure if Americans stayed and held the peace and kept the terror attacks and kills low, ISIS would have been crushed.. American pressure on themselves to come home left a power vacuum that these scum have walked right into and set up shop.. It's like America lanced the tumour out but didn't get to clean and sterilize the wound... Now infection has set in and gangrene is not far away.. Well heres an idea. Go read and understand what your talking about. They all need to figure it out on there own without anyone telling them. America staying and putting up army bases is what pissed them off to start with. Tell ya what, why don't you enlighten us with your take on the situation over there. I just did. you skipped over some of what i said
  10. Ya im sure that wont piss them off more. Stick around and occupy their land? Thats what pissed them off in the first place. Did the USA not back Saddam at one time? Did they also not back the rebels in Afgan against the Russians? How did all that turn out? The problem is and my point is..... They dont understand these people and you cant win against what you cant understand. You dont know who to help or give weapons to because they will just turn on you like it has many times over. The fact you truly believe American regime building lacks any insight into the people or the country astounds me.. They didn't show up, hand out weapons, say "that's our guy... Screw the rest of you.." And then lay waste to everyone not American enough for them.. The problem was essentially "fixed" but Iraqi government and military leaders gave up at almost first sign of having to go alone.. I'm pretty sure if Americans stayed and held the peace and kept the terror attacks and kills low, ISIS would have been crushed.. American pressure on themselves to come home left a power vacuum that these scum have walked right into and set up shop.. It's like America lanced the tumour out but didn't get to clean and sterilize the wound... Now infection has set in and gangrene is not far away.. Well heres an idea. Go read and understand what your talking about. They all need to figure it out on there own without anyone telling them. America staying and putting up army bases is what pissed them off to start with. At one time the USA backed and sent weapons to a rebel group in Afgan to fight back against the Russians.That rebel group was AQ run by Osama bin laden.
  11. Myers needs to learn our game. I think he will fit in but hes not very aggressive
  12. Id think you can develop a QB in the CFL without much playing time. If hes working under the same system and watching lots of film i would think he could get a real good hang of things because there is only so many kinds of D systems he will see.
  13. Thought he had it I would have dressed Pav though. If we lost, we could just blame Pav. If we loose im blaming Pav anyway.
  14. Ya im sure that wont piss them off more. Stick around and occupy their land? Thats what pissed them off in the first place. Did the USA not back Saddam at one time? Did they also not back the rebels in Afgan against the Russians? How did all that turn out? The problem is and my point is..... They dont understand these people and you cant win against what you cant understand. You dont know who to help or give weapons to because they will just turn on you like it has many times over.
  15. Inform me with your wisdom plz. Point something out i said that was incorrect.
  16. Spare us the uninformed anti American nonsense. LMAO Whats uninformed about it? Oh i get it..... I dont agree with your opinion so i must be uninformed. Good grief Not at all. Being uniformed is uninformed. We can disagree no problem. Framing an arguing as Americans are stupid is the wrong way to begin a point of you feel you are informed. They are stupid. First of all.... these people have been around a whole hell of alot longer then America, They have been fighting each other forever. America cant control its own people and country ... they sure as hell aint going to control them. You cant fight or win a war you dont understand. Its pretty stupid thinking that they are going to go kill people they think are bad and put people in place they think are good when they have no idea whos who. This is why the Russians just walked away from their war in Afgan. They knew there was no winning. You cant win against something you dont understand.
  17. Oh please. The middle east is such a mess and has been for a long time because the global powers started arbitrarily dividing the place up putting factions on opposite sides into countries together and expecting to to work. The whole area has been getting attacked and conquered for centuries and used as pawns in global power games and you're saying it's the americans alone? Come on now. After 9/11 Have things got better since the Yanks went and attacked these countrys? Dont seem so. These countrys and people need to figure things out alone without interference from others. Did things get better after the crusades? After the Mongols sacked everything they could? After the western powers started drawing arbitrary lines to make countries? The place has been unstable since long before 9/11. Trying to pin this entirely on Americans shows a frighteningly short sided view of the history of the region and why it's in the state it is. Yes America has it's share of responsibility, but you made the claim saying it was all their fault and that is completely incorrect. Christians went around killing. So did everyone. Im not going back that far dude. I know history. Good grief. That crap there has been a giant mess before America FFS
  18. True but... What if we had to go into this season with the Oline we had last year? Id take the new what ifs over last year anyday.
  19. Oh please. The middle east is such a mess and has been for a long time because the global powers started arbitrarily dividing the place up putting factions on opposite sides into countries together and expecting to to work. The whole area has been getting attacked and conquered for centuries and used as pawns in global power games and you're saying it's the americans alone? Come on now. After 9/11 Have things got better since the Yanks went and attacked these countrys? Dont seem so. These countrys and people need to figure things out alone without interference from others.
  20. Spare us the uninformed anti American nonsense. LMAO Whats uninformed about it? Oh i get it..... I dont agree with your opinion so i must be uninformed. Good grief
  21. The Americans are stupid and had and have no clue what they are doing. They alone created this. The Americans cant control their own country and have zero right to go tell others how to live. They brought out this war and now other country's are brought into it for the simple fact they try to help. Now they want to sit back and say it up to the others in the region to control it? It was under control before.. it was all nuts but it was controlled. Now its still nuts.... And out of control and spread world wide. The yanks are to blame and now need to fix it.
  22. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/byfuglien-videobombs-predators-broadcasters/ Buf
  23. All the risk is on Buffalo... Bogosian misses games mysteriously every season and Kane who knows if he ever grows up and matures. Much higher odds of Myers working out and at least one of the prospects turning into a solid player. Stafford and the draft pick is gravy and if they stay it will be a fleecing. I would watch for Kane to have impressive numbers next season. He will play top line minutes and Im betting the team will play to his strengths. They will lose a lot of games 6-5. So bad news for Bogo who will be shell shocked but Kane with one of the big time centers in this years drafts will just play run and gun. Actually Bogo will likely get a lot of assists. This is the type of deal that could be good for both teams. if Kane ends up scoring 40 goals, great. It means it worked out for Buffalo but doesnt mean it was a loser for the Jets. If Lemiuex and Armia become regular NHL'ers, we won too. If they dont, then you can re-evaluate. If the Jets sign one of Stafford or Frolik but not the other, I'd suspect that gives Armia a chance to make the 3RW next season. What wing does Petan play, knowing he's a natural center? I think Ehlers can play both wings..but didnt they have Petan playing center and wing during training camp? Petan can be effective playing either center or wing but my guess is we start him at center un till he finds his game playing against NHL players. My guess is Frolik wont be going anywhere... Maurice likes him and uses him all over the place. Maurice has said a bunch of times he can stick him on any line to jump start players and if i had to guess he will use him alot playing with whatever young guys make it up next year and i also think he will play on a line with the new guys tonight. I agree about Ehlers hes shifty and can prolly play any wing without missing a beat. Petan's biggest challenge in the NHL will be his size. This will affect him in both faceoffs and defensive responsibilities. It is way easier to play wing then center. I can see him going to the wing until he can prove he can handle the bigger NHL players. Ya that could be also. I guess its all going to depend how he reacts to the bigger NHLers. He is pretty good along the bordes with the puck LOL who knows.... I think im wrong with my predictions more then half the time.
  24. All the risk is on Buffalo... Bogosian misses games mysteriously every season and Kane who knows if he ever grows up and matures. Much higher odds of Myers working out and at least one of the prospects turning into a solid player. Stafford and the draft pick is gravy and if they stay it will be a fleecing. I would watch for Kane to have impressive numbers next season. He will play top line minutes and Im betting the team will play to his strengths. They will lose a lot of games 6-5. So bad news for Bogo who will be shell shocked but Kane with one of the big time centers in this years drafts will just play run and gun. Actually Bogo will likely get a lot of assists. This is the type of deal that could be good for both teams. if Kane ends up scoring 40 goals, great. It means it worked out for Buffalo but doesnt mean it was a loser for the Jets. If Lemiuex and Armia become regular NHL'ers, we won too. If they dont, then you can re-evaluate. If the Jets sign one of Stafford or Frolik but not the other, I'd suspect that gives Armia a chance to make the 3RW next season. What wing does Petan play, knowing he's a natural center? I think Ehlers can play both wings..but didnt they have Petan playing center and wing during training camp? Petan can be effective playing either center or wing but my guess is we start him at center un till he finds his game playing against NHL players. My guess is Frolik wont be going anywhere... Maurice likes him and uses him all over the place. Maurice has said a bunch of times he can stick him on any line to jump start players and if i had to guess he will use him alot playing with whatever young guys make it up next year and i also think he will play on a line with the new guys tonight. I agree about Ehlers hes shifty and can prolly play any wing without missing a beat.
  25. Yes, the team does listen to the fans. And yes, we do monitor forums, mostly to make sure we can dispel false information that's being spoken about as fact. However, first off, it's not a decision made by the "Marketing department" to change the uniform colors. Secondly, yes, we are well aware that a segment of fans wants the team to go back to royal blue full time. Thirdly, it's not as easy as just "deciding" to make a change and then doing it. There are far more factors that would go into a move like that than just making a decision a couple of months before the season and swapping jerseys. It would have to be approved at a variety of levels, and then there would be a substantial cost to switching over all of the team gear, down to the most minute pieces of equipment. If a color scheme switch is going to happen, it's a decision that's made thoughtfully and carefully at higher levels than just the "Marketing department", with consideration given to all of those factors and many, many more. Yes, the royal blues are gorgeous and we know a lot of fans love them. But to suggest the team isn't listening to its fans, or that we "know best" as you put it, just because the royal blues haven't been brought back as the primary jersey is a terribly unfair characterization of the situation when there is substantially more to it than that. But thanks for your input! Oh cmon already. How hard is it really? You make it sound like its building rocket ship hard. Hey unie sales suck.... why is that? Fans hate them they are freaking ugly. Really? What sells and what do fans say?....they want the Royals back. Oh ya? Well whomever is in charge of this kinda thing should get on it. But your prolly right... knowing the Bombers.... they will have to hire 750 people and conduct a 6 year study on it.
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