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Everything posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. In an unofficial sort of way?
  2. Its too bad he is so small. It will not be an easy road for him. I hope it works out though. Thing is he understands how to use the ice and bigger players on his lines to his advantage.. same for Ehlers and Morrissey.
  3. To bad they didnt wait till they were at 30k feet to remove him.
  4. Merry Christmas everyone... Have a safe and wonderful day Peace
  5. Well to be fair when Pavs wins or plays great it's been the exception to the rule. Hutch has been far more consistent. And the goalie issue is one of the hot issues of the team. I think it's perfectly fine to discuss. Its actually nice to be able to discuss a good problem we have.
  6. IMO its hard to say right now. I think we will stay with the rotation so this may hurt his chances. But i do think if he keeps playing the way he is and we get into the playoffs then for sure hes in the convo. I think we have the real deal here in Hutch. Pretty impressed in how this guy plays.
  7. Not a fan of the Yanks. Cant take care of their own yard yet they seem to think they can tell others how to run theirs. Super glad and proud to be Canadian.
  8. Maybe im reading this wrong and not understanding... But are you saying someone accidentally hitting you in the WWE is the same thing as someone trying to actually knock you the F out in the UFC? WWE is a show and im positive they are not trying to hurt each other. They get hurt and no doubt hit to a point. But the idea of it is not the same. The guy across the ring in the UFC is actually wanting to hurt you and beat you up. WWE guy across the ring is only trying to put on a good show.
  9. Sony is going to loose millions anyway... they should just put it out all over the world and net for free at one time. Dont bend and break to these people.... Id just blast it out there and let anyone have it. Flip it on them..... they want nobody to see it? Ya well screw you and just let er rip.
  10. Well, it's relevant to the conversation here about Lesnar. He got his ass kicked. That's why he left for the easy $$ of the WWE where he can be the World Champ & never wrestle. Just look mean & intimidating. Yes he was run off from UFC. Pffffft Who said that?
  11. You failed to mention he got his ass beat bad. Im not arguing for the sake of it. Sure the guy did some pretty good things... but tell the whole story... not just the part where he wins. Cain kicked his ass and then Overeem destroyed him. Why not mention that? Yes you are. What he did is amazing and it's impossible to intelligently argue against that. Of course he lost a few fights. Almost nobody goes through an mma career without it happening at least once or twice. Silva, GSP, Hughes, Fedor, JDS, & even Cain have all either been knocked out or had their asses kicked at one point. They're all still great fighters. In a sport with guys that big and gloves that small it's almost impossible for it not to happen. Add in the life threatening illness he was suffering from and it really doesn't damage his legacy that much. Eh i like Brock and i said he did good things. But ur saying im arguing for nothing... then tell the whole story not just a part to make him look good. Say what it is. Hes a freak of nature and won the UFC title ... Them he got destroyed.
  12. You failed to mention he got his ass beat bad. Im not arguing for the sake of it. Sure the guy did some pretty good things... but tell the whole story... not just the part where he wins. Cain kicked his ass and then Overeem destroyed him. Why not mention that?
  13. Really? LOL Good grief Gracie maybe? Lets be real here. Say what you want about him, but Lesnar was a legit star for them. He already had name brand recognition and he fought some of the best in the world with next to no experience. He fought current or former world champions in 4 of his 8 pro fights (while winning the belt for himself & defending it twice). He was a huge ratings draw for them (he headlined or co-headlined 3 of the top 5 selling PPV's the UFC ever had). Gracie was never a huge selling point for the UFC (comparatively speaking). Other than the fight against Hughes, his days as the main star were so long ago (and way before they started doing huge ppv numbers), he is pretty irrelevant to the current product. Dude.... Its not a story. Its not about creating a fake story line to get ratings. Gracie wasent a huge selling point because thats not what its about. Your all about ratings ..... These guys in the UFC are about fighting. Let the UFC promote the fights.. its their job. The fighters should fight. Where did I say anything about a fake story line? Gracie wasn't a draw because there was no audience, not because of his ability. It's also a business and that often takes priority over the sports side of things. The UFC is all about the ratings (if they weren't, we wouldn't be having this discussion and CM Punk would not have a UFC contract). They promote the fights and fighters that will make them the most money, not necessarily the best fights possible. The fighter should (and do) fight but they also need to sell the fight if they want to be a star and make money. Some fighters (Chael Sonnen, for example) truly understand that & can make it happen, while other guys (like the Diaz brothers) don't, but get pissed off when the UFC gives them **** for not doing enough. You keep talking about the draw and fame of it as a WWE fan should. Thats kool Im talking guys that could care less and just want to kick ass. True fighters? Brock aint even freaking close to the best. He aint even in the convo.
  14. Sure you dont want to trade him? Ha.... Kiddin I agree. Sign him up.
  15. Really? LOL Good grief Gracie maybe? Lets be real here. Say what you want about him, but Lesnar was a legit star for them. He already had name brand recognition and he fought some of the best in the world with next to no experience. He fought current or former world champions in 4 of his 8 pro fights (while winning the belt for himself & defending it twice). He was a huge ratings draw for them (he headlined or co-headlined 3 of the top 5 selling PPV's the UFC ever had). Gracie was never a huge selling point for the UFC (comparatively speaking). Other than the fight against Hughes, his days as the main star were so long ago (and way before they started doing huge ppv numbers), he is pretty irrelevant to the current product. Brock was not only a huge star as a money draw (he was) but also a legit excellent fighter with tremendous credentials. Two time NCAA champion. Yes he was a pro wrestler but that doesn't deminish his fighting athletic ability whatsoever. Furthermore he struggled with diverticulitis his entire UFC career and couldn't train properly. Then he shouldnt have done it. Brock was used. Then got his ass handed to him.
  16. Really? LOL Good grief Gracie maybe? Lets be real here. Say what you want about him, but Lesnar was a legit star for them. He already had name brand recognition and he fought some of the best in the world with next to no experience. He fought current or former world champions in 4 of his 8 pro fights (while winning the belt for himself & defending it twice). He was a huge ratings draw for them (he headlined or co-headlined 3 of the top 5 selling PPV's the UFC ever had). Gracie was never a huge selling point for the UFC (comparatively speaking). Other than the fight against Hughes, his days as the main star were so long ago (and way before they started doing huge ppv numbers), he is pretty irrelevant to the current product. Dude.... Its not a story. Its not about creating a fake story line to get ratings. Gracie wasent a huge selling point because thats not what its about. Your all about ratings ..... These guys in the UFC are about fighting. Let the UFC promote the fights.. its their job. The fighters should fight.
  17. Wally sure did. He takes no excuses...... Wants better. Wallys not great but hes a winner.
  18. Maurice has this team under control. They go play. Pav up next
  19. And thats exactly the point Landsberg was making. Has Punk ever have some dude really come at him to punch him to hurt him. ... Not hit to have a show.... But actually have a guy come to hurt him. Beat his ass in real life not a story line.
  20. Really? LOL Good grief Gracie maybe? Lets be real here.
  21. Well i dont know. UFC dont need Punk im guessing. Its done well on its own without him and its not going to change with him. I figure he gets a beating.
  22. This is my opinion on Punk and what i think Landsberg was getting at. And ill add i think hes a goof myself ( Landsberg ) but it dont change my view. He has a good idea of what Punk is and wanted to do so he flipped it on him.
  23. Thanks .... Im in for sure.
  24. Your analogy is terrible. They would only be similar if the actor playing a cop had now become a real cop and came on the show to talk about his career change. Not even, unless while he portrayed the cop on the TV show, the fights were actually physical or the shoot outs used real bullets. Has Punk ever had a real fight other then WWE? Has he ever been in a MMA fight? Not that i know of. So why should he think hes going to be interviewed about it? Its silly. A person that plays a cop on TV is not qualified to give an interview about what real cops do. I'm sure OTR wasn't booking Punk to discuss the comic he's writing. He's doing a ton of media right now about ufc. TSN draws ratings for wrestling. That's why doofus wanted to talk about wwe but he was condescending immediately. There were plenty of ufc questions he could have asked but I get the impression he isn't a ufc fan. And this is where we disagree. Punk is not in the UFC and is not a UFC fighter. Maybe hes going to be..... But at the point of this interview as far as i know hes not signed to fight or had a fight in the UFC so how can he comment or talk about it? What he can talk about and comment on is... the WWE because hes done it.
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