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Everything posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. Fair enough Be happy to come see one of your shows. Time, Date n place and ill come check it out.
  2. LOL Ya thats what i said to. Kinda shows what good coaching and a team that buys in can do sometimes.
  3. Harrison was the #7 dman on one of the worst teams in the league. Wheres this love coming from? He's the gum plugging up a hole in a dam. The gum did ok tonight id think
  4. Awesome win.
  5. Your analogy is terrible. They would only be similar if the actor playing a cop had now become a real cop and came on the show to talk about his career change. Not even, unless while he portrayed the cop on the TV show, the fights were actually physical or the shoot outs used real bullets. Has Punk ever had a real fight other then WWE? Has he ever been in a MMA fight? Not that i know of. So why should he think hes going to be interviewed about it? Its silly. A person that plays a cop on TV is not qualified to give an interview about what real cops do.
  6. Don't confuse UFC fighters (who fight maybe 2-4 times a year) with a regular mma fighter. There are guys who fight much more often than that (for an extreme example ook-up Travis Fulton - 300 fights since 1996 for an average of nearly 17 fights a year.). Most UFC fighters want to fight more (that's the only time they make money for the most part), but they have no control over that. Also don't forget to account for the travel schedule of a WWE wrestler. Although it's not as bad as it was in the past, there's still not a lot of time for them to recouperate before they're hopping on another plane or jumping in a car to head to their next show. UFC fighters have nothing that would compare to that. Im not confusing anything... I understand lots of UFC fighters fight lots and want to. But the rules to how much they can fight are different. Mainly because one is real and the other is fake. Which part of wrestling is "fake"? The word gets thrown around a lot by people who either have never done it or dont get it. Lots of real contact and real injuries in a fake sport. The story is fake. I never said they dont hit. But the hitting is for a whole other reason. If you cant tell the diff... well i duno what to tell you. IMO....Its like a soap for guys. Enjoy it.
  7. I wouldnt say that at all. Part of being a professional wrestler is marketing. Many of them are very good public speakers and understand the important of a good interview. CM Punk knows how to market himself but I thought the only thing worse than his behaviour was Landsberg's. It might annoy Punk to do interviews, but then he should decline to do them. He was certainly not in the mood to banter or give answers beyond one or two word replies. He was clearly annoyed with discussing wrestling, though if he knew Landsberg at all, he'd know hes a big mark so it was to be expected. On the other hand Landsberg was delivering his questions to get a pre-desired response and Punk was having none of it. It was clear he was hoping for dirt on WWE. The gag video they played was absolutely insulting to Punk and you could tell he was ready to leave right there. And Landsberg had the "you used to be a wrestler so you cant take yourself too seriously" line in his pocket ready to use because he knew they were pushing Punk's buttons with the stupid video. But ultimately, Landsberg looked like an unprofessional jackass I have to disagree. Punk wanted to talk about being a UFC fighter. The problem with that is hes not a UFC fighter. What kind of idiot goes on a talk show expecting to talk about something hes not? IMO Landsberg was right on when asking him about being punched in the face.... Does punk think taking a punch in the face in the WWE is the same as when a guy like Nate Diaz wants to punch you in the face in the UFC? It sounds like it. This dudes going to get his face kicked in im thinking. Oh and when hes talking about the refs, LOL thats to funny.... yano why the ref dont stop anything in the WWE? BECAUSE ITS FAKE! That wasn't Punk's point at all. Guys get punched in the face in WWE all the time. I think Punk took it as a pain question and he was right (as was Lansberg) in saying WWE is far more dangerous and is much tougher on your body over time then MMA fighting. I thought Landsberg came across disrespectful in the question and he knows better as a mark but thats sort of his problem. He loves having workers on and loves to buddy up to them but he doesnt seem to actually like or respect wrestling. Definitely Punk could have been far more cooperative but the second the interview began with that video, I knew it wasnt going to go well. he also sandbagged him a bit with the "your buddy Chael" talk. Punk was unprofessional in not giving proper answers but he felt disrespected as soon as the interview began. Im not defending him. But Michael was far more of a jackass in how he basically threw a tantrum at the end. I guess i can agree to a point Landsberg played him but.... Getting punched in the face in the WWE is not even close to the same as the UFC pain wise or anything eles. Not even close. He dont like or respect wrestling because its FAKE.... Punk wanted to talk about UFC fighting... well thats like Landsberg asking a guy that plays a cop on a tv show what its like to be a real cop. It makes no sense to talk to him about it. I agree that the WWE is tougher on your body over time to a point.... mainly because they do it more.... UFC fighters dont fight every week. Ill ask you this..... Do you think that if a UFC fighter had to fight every week do you think it would be harder on his body then a WWE wrestler? ..... I would think so I guess you've never been a professional wrestler. Let me just say, you're wrong. There are far less injuries in UFC then WWE. Your example of comparing an actor on TV to a wrestler is not even remotely close to reality. It's sort of ignorant actually (no offense intended, just meaning you clearly have no clue what you're talking about). So i wonder why you need to call me names dude... its my opinion if you dont like it fine.. say so and run along. Did i call you ignorant for liking something as stupid as wrestling? Have i ever called you ignorant about any of your opinions? Nope I can appreciate a good discussion about anything and if and when im wrong im more then big enough to admit it.
  8. Don't confuse UFC fighters (who fight maybe 2-4 times a year) with a regular mma fighter. There are guys who fight much more often than that (for an extreme example ook-up Travis Fulton - 300 fights since 1996 for an average of nearly 17 fights a year.). Most UFC fighters want to fight more (that's the only time they make money for the most part), but they have no control over that. Also don't forget to account for the travel schedule of a WWE wrestler. Although it's not as bad as it was in the past, there's still not a lot of time for them to recouperate before they're hopping on another plane or jumping in a car to head to their next show. UFC fighters have nothing that would compare to that. Im not confusing anything... I understand lots of UFC fighters fight lots and want to. But the rules to how much they can fight are different. Mainly because one is real and the other is fake.
  9. Your analogy is terrible. They would only be similar if the actor playing a cop had now become a real cop and came on the show to talk about his career change. Ok When did Punk fight in the UFC? He hasent signed on to fight anyone has he? Has he even been in a real MMA fight? From my understanding hes been only training.
  10. Like TUP said, wrestlers get punched in the face a lot. It won't be new for him. Also, How'd you decide on Nate Diaz for your example? edit: I just watched the clip and saw the Diaz mention. I wondered at first why you mentioned Diaz b/c he's certainly doesn't have the heaviest hands in mma. Nate was mentioned on the show. Well actually i cant remember if it was Nate or Nick. One was tho. Ya that was the only reason i mentioned him.
  11. I wouldnt say that at all. Part of being a professional wrestler is marketing. Many of them are very good public speakers and understand the important of a good interview. CM Punk knows how to market himself but I thought the only thing worse than his behaviour was Landsberg's. It might annoy Punk to do interviews, but then he should decline to do them. He was certainly not in the mood to banter or give answers beyond one or two word replies. He was clearly annoyed with discussing wrestling, though if he knew Landsberg at all, he'd know hes a big mark so it was to be expected. On the other hand Landsberg was delivering his questions to get a pre-desired response and Punk was having none of it. It was clear he was hoping for dirt on WWE. The gag video they played was absolutely insulting to Punk and you could tell he was ready to leave right there. And Landsberg had the "you used to be a wrestler so you cant take yourself too seriously" line in his pocket ready to use because he knew they were pushing Punk's buttons with the stupid video. But ultimately, Landsberg looked like an unprofessional jackass I have to disagree. Punk wanted to talk about being a UFC fighter. The problem with that is hes not a UFC fighter. What kind of idiot goes on a talk show expecting to talk about something hes not? IMO Landsberg was right on when asking him about being punched in the face.... Does punk think taking a punch in the face in the WWE is the same as when a guy like Nate Diaz wants to punch you in the face in the UFC? It sounds like it. This dudes going to get his face kicked in im thinking. Oh and when hes talking about the refs, LOL thats to funny.... yano why the ref dont stop anything in the WWE? BECAUSE ITS FAKE! That wasn't Punk's point at all. Guys get punched in the face in WWE all the time. I think Punk took it as a pain question and he was right (as was Lansberg) in saying WWE is far more dangerous and is much tougher on your body over time then MMA fighting. I thought Landsberg came across disrespectful in the question and he knows better as a mark but thats sort of his problem. He loves having workers on and loves to buddy up to them but he doesnt seem to actually like or respect wrestling. Definitely Punk could have been far more cooperative but the second the interview began with that video, I knew it wasnt going to go well. he also sandbagged him a bit with the "your buddy Chael" talk. Punk was unprofessional in not giving proper answers but he felt disrespected as soon as the interview began. Im not defending him. But Michael was far more of a jackass in how he basically threw a tantrum at the end. I guess i can agree to a point Landsberg played him but.... Getting punched in the face in the WWE is not even close to the same as the UFC pain wise or anything eles. Not even close. He dont like or respect wrestling because its FAKE.... Punk wanted to talk about UFC fighting... well thats like Landsberg asking a guy that plays a cop on a tv show what its like to be a real cop. It makes no sense to talk to him about it. I agree that the WWE is tougher on your body over time to a point.... mainly because they do it more.... UFC fighters dont fight every week. Ill ask you this..... Do you think that if a UFC fighter had to fight every week do you think it would be harder on his body then a WWE wrestler? ..... I would think so
  12. When was that said? O'Shea said the new DC will not pick any player personal going forward.
  13. I was thinking this to, but because hes been around Maurice with a few teams now im wondering if he sticks around. Good article someone posted on the other site about him, dudes super smart and a real good locker room guy. We may end up keeping him.
  14. I wouldnt say that at all. Part of being a professional wrestler is marketing. Many of them are very good public speakers and understand the important of a good interview. CM Punk knows how to market himself but I thought the only thing worse than his behaviour was Landsberg's. It might annoy Punk to do interviews, but then he should decline to do them. He was certainly not in the mood to banter or give answers beyond one or two word replies. He was clearly annoyed with discussing wrestling, though if he knew Landsberg at all, he'd know hes a big mark so it was to be expected. On the other hand Landsberg was delivering his questions to get a pre-desired response and Punk was having none of it. It was clear he was hoping for dirt on WWE. The gag video they played was absolutely insulting to Punk and you could tell he was ready to leave right there. And Landsberg had the "you used to be a wrestler so you cant take yourself too seriously" line in his pocket ready to use because he knew they were pushing Punk's buttons with the stupid video. But ultimately, Landsberg looked like an unprofessional jackass I have to disagree. Punk wanted to talk about being a UFC fighter. The problem with that is hes not a UFC fighter. What kind of idiot goes on a talk show expecting to talk about something hes not? IMO Landsberg was right on when asking him about being punched in the face.... Does punk think taking a punch in the face in the WWE is the same as when a guy like Nate Diaz wants to punch you in the face in the UFC? It sounds like it. This dudes going to get his face kicked in im thinking. Oh and when hes talking about the refs, LOL thats to funny.... yano why the ref dont stop anything in the WWE? BECAUSE ITS FAKE!
  15. I think the question should be would help in his development? ... and the answer would be no. I was thinking the same thing and im not sure if it would hurt him but i dont think it would help either him or us right now so id say leave him doing what hes doing.
  16. Anyone see him on off the record? Bit of a freaking goof this Punk guy is. Im not a fan nor do i watch the WWE but i kinda new who this guy was and i figured he get a beating in the UFC. I think as suggested on the show and from what Dana has said hes going to put him up against a nobody to see how he does because if he puts him up against anyone with experience in the UFC hes going to get killed fast. Either way i think hes going to get his face beat in.
  17. People always question if Chevy knows what hes doing.... This shows he does. IMO anyway... lol
  18. Has anyone heard about Brohms thumb? OK, I get it Brohm's thumb…moving on... but I don't get that just because Portis signed first. I think there is still somewhere in the lineup for Brohm, for the time being, and maybe try to get a draft pick back for him if anybody is interested. There is a need for back ups, and Brohm could fill that void. LOL Im more thinking his thumb isnt healing right and the Bombers wanted to make sure they had 3 guys under contract.
  19. Has anyone heard about Brohms thumb?
  20. Both Etch and MB have been HCs Dont really see the difference on why it would matter to him now. Because both of them have proven that neither would come close to taking away anyone's job. So are you saying O'Shea brought in coaches that are kinda good but not that good? Cuz thats a pretty stupid way of going about hiring coaches that are supposed to help you win... No? No, I'm saying he was limited with his options. Not to mention I don't think many people wanted to come here. Well ya i think we all know and understand that... but your answer was they have proven they cant or wouldnt take anyones jobs as to why it wouldnt make any difference if guys have been HCs before. I agree and think your answer now is more true then what you said before. He didnt hire them because they had proven they cant take anyones jobs.... they were hired more likely because he was limited and like you said and i agree that others just didnt want to come here.
  21. Both Etch and MB have been HCs Dont really see the difference on why it would matter to him now. Because both of them have proven that neither would come close to taking away anyone's job. So are you saying O'Shea brought in coaches that are kinda good but not that good? Cuz thats a pretty stupid way of going about hiring coaches that are supposed to help you win... No?
  22. Both Etch and MB have been HCs Dont really see the difference on why it would matter to him now.
  23. Oilers practiced today...... they lost
  24. LMAO. Buddy and his wife drive a semi back n forth to Texas... A guy serving them diner at a truck stop asked where they are from... They said Canada... Hes then asks if they have to sleep in the cab of their truck on the boat ride over.
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