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Everything posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. I remember reading somewhere that Burmis contract in the KHL allows him to come here if he decides to sign with the Jets or gets traded.
  2. That was a good game
  3. Call me what you will.... But IMO we should offer Lapo some big coin to be our OC and id also be on the phone with Kavis Reed.
  4. This seems about right. Now you just need an OC n DC that can put them and help them in their roles to be a success. Im not convinced we have that.
  5. Most Jets fans liked Noel. His biggest mistake was that he decided to treat the professional players like professionals. And after 2 years of expecting the players to demand excellence of themselves, he realized this group did not have a strong enough internal leadership. But you can't sell whip-cracking after 2 years of not being a hardass. The players don't believe it. Maurice comes in and plays hardass from day 1. There were a few other nuts and bolts problems, and Perry Pearn didn't do jack squat to help this team, but the players' lack of buy-in was the biggest issue Noel faced. Nail Yakupov has played 13 months of NHL hockey. He scored 11 goals in the month of April 2013. He has scored 21 goals in the other 12 months of his NHL career. An average of less than 2 per month. If you plot them out on a chart, picking out which month is the outlier would be pretty easy to do. Is John Druce the greatest playoff performer in NHL history? You have to be careful about forming opinions on small sample sizes when there a larger sample sizes that suggest otherwise. I'm guessing if I was a teenager playing hockey in Russia it would be a pretty difficult transition. Yakupov may have better days in front of him, but his progress so far makes it seem like his ceiling as a player might be where we thought his floor was. And Eakins absolutely did not help his progress along. Your definition of progress is looser than ours. If they are landing the number 1 overall pick year after year after year, well it doesn't scream progress. Eakins hadn't done anything to deserve to keep that job. Number 1 problem? Well he had nothing to do with the near decade-long shitshow that preceded his hiring. Why was he hired in the first place? The players reportedly loved Krueger and the team showed progress under him. But McTavish decided Eakins was the greatest thing since sliced bread. A stupid failure from upper management. Eakins was nothing more than the latest example of what a colossal failure Oilers' management is. Pretending he is the number 1 problem is the mentality that allows for Lowe and crew to get another 5 years to continue to mismanage the franchise. And I have no problems with that. Screw the Oilers. I liked Noel.... But his biggest problem was hes more of a teaching coach. More of an X an O type coach and that never was going to really work with this team or many NHL teams. It usually never does. There is a fine line between teaching at the NHL level and also letting players use their skills and in stink. Noel was to much a teacher and less of a guy letting players play. It may have looked like our guys tried harder for Maurice but IMO it was because he let them play. Take care of the puck on D and then let their skill take over and let them go. Players wont buy into a D type system if they arnt allowed to use their own skills on O and have to play a position type game. Just look at ED... They keep hiring teachers for the young guys and not allowing them to just break out and go. ( they have way more problems but IMO the players are frustrated because of this... much like ours were.)
  6. Postma is not playing tonight? Weird.... Maurice just said hes going to get the Min to prove himself. Whys he not playing now?
  7. Probably not. Could always call up Ellerby too. One of Bogosian or Enstrom will eventually be healthy again, and the Jets don't have that many games between now and January. Tough games tho. The game tonight just got a whole bunch more important.
  8. I thought they could not bring him up until his team is out of playoffs? Will Chevy make panic trade or grab the next dman put on waivers. Listening to the coach he did not sound set on February which is more scary. I dont see a panic move or trade.
  9. I hear they have cooties
  10. LOL Why do you always want to trade guys? This a sports forum. It's why fans do. I don't want to trade guys. I just have fun speculating. You know most teams in the NHL occasionally make trades right? Ok was just asking. LOL...bet Kane would be seriously pissed if we traded him to the Oilers.
  11. LOL Why do you always want to trade guys?
  12. Im putting all the blame on this one on Pav.
  13. They should hire Paul MacLean.
  14. Thank you for being honest Muddy buddy. I just call it like i see it... right or wrong. LOL And im not afraid to admit when im wrong. I gave my opinion on the play and ill stand by it. Couldnt help but wonder tho if Hutch was in net if he plays it the same. Pavs is notorious for giving up rebounds so i watched the play a few times and the shot was placed in a position that he pretty much had to kick it out. So i figured that Hutch would have prolly done the same. Ladd definitely didnt help the whole situation by falling behind thats for sure. The thing i started thinking about Hutch being in the net tho that i thought of after is hes a lefty that shot wouldnt have gone to his stick side and hand cuffed him like it did Pav. It would have gone to his glove side and he wouldnt of had to kick it out... he may have caught it. Neither here nor there really... Jus an observation.
  15. You don't think it would have hit the news if those guys had been fired? Not talking about that so much. Talking about not announcing anything. Surely by now MOS & Walters know if they'll (3 Coordinators) are staying or going. im guessing they stay.
  16. I blamed Pav. Still do. Ladds no better on that play tho. Ladd fell behind and he played the player weak but that could be he was trying to avoid a penalty.
  17. Never heard of that either. Sounds odd... Like he cant be traded. LOL
  18. Correct me if Im wrong but this shows us something. Maurice said you couldnt judge Pavs until the team as a whole played better D. Pavs' lower Goals Against but exact same Save Percentage tells me the team is playing better D, thus less goals/shot. But Pavs is still letting in the same ratio of goals to shots. This tells us that his skill lvel is what it is regardless of the team in front of him, does it not? LOL What it tells me is we need to keep giving Hutch games. I hope they just keep doing what their doing.... Giving Hutch more and more games. My guess is he gets the start Saturday.
  19. Congrats Kick its ass! All the best dude.
  20. Im a Pavs fan... But i like Hutch better. His game is more sound. He doesent seem to have as many weaknesses as Pav. Up 3-2 with 10 left... You cant have your goalie giving up rebounds like that. Games and points are way to important for that kinda crap. Its not even like he had a busy night. 23 shots against the Avs is not a busy night IMO.
  21. Nice to see Redmond playing a big part for the Avs. Always liked that guy.
  22. Think Pav just played himself out of a starters job.
  23. Should be good
  24. Let's take the DC out of the equation. If a veteran player is asked to play more of a "mentor-back up role" by any coach, on any team, and he feels he can still play the game, why would he not accept that role…and play his way back onto a roster? There have been many instances where a player is asked to do just that…and he does it, all for the good of the team - you know, the reason why he's still employed and given another chance. That's a leader…and I would venture to say, a reason why he was brought here in the first place. True.
  25. Not sticking up for Banks here but its a good idea to look at it from both ways.... Sure Leggett and Anderson re-upped and may have no prob with Etch. Maybe they had no questions and just followed along. But Banks as a leader and vet may have felt he had questions about things that maybe rookies might of asked him and he wanted to have answers and help. I'm under the impression Korey Banks was brought here…for that exact reason..for the experience and passing on veteran knowledge. Seems like a no-brainer. But somewhere, somehow, things went astray, and we only have KB's version of his "asked-a-question-things-went-sideways-they-don't-respect-me-things-went-to-hell" story. I'd back Banks up on his account, if I could believe his version of on-line moans and his line of credibility, but it seems it's not the first time he has "trashed" a former employer. He is right about one thing though…he's done with football. True enough. Im just trying to look at things from both sides i guess. Etch was put out of the CFL for some reason tho. Its not like he was this highly touted DC with huge respect around the league.
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