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Everything posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. Not sticking up for Banks here but its a good idea to look at it from both ways.... Sure Leggett and Anderson re-upped and may have no prob with Etch. Maybe they had no questions and just followed along. But Banks as a leader and vet may have felt he had questions about things that maybe rookies might of asked him and he wanted to have answers and help.
  2. I agree.... More playing time in bigger games is huge for his development.
  3. IMO this will all be and depend on who they put him in with. At 185 put him in with Anderson Silva... That will last about 15 seconds before Silva kicks his face in. At 170..... Either of the top 2 guys will absolutely destroy him in minutes. Or maybe if GSP comes back throw him in with GSP.... And GSP will smash him to the ground straight away and knee and elbow him into oblivion.
  4. I can agree with this somewhat... But i wonder what would happen if you moved some teams to better markets. I wonder if the owners in Florida or some other places really care if they have sub par teams compared to if these teams had to move to places that fans demanded better. There is the KHL and i think there are enough players around the world to fill all the teams with high skill if you have the owners in the market places that really want to fill it. Oh and i think Vegas is a stupid place to start a hockey team.
  5. Im not there but i dont think Kane poisons the locker room at all.... I dont think Maurice would have any of it if he did. Also dont think the players really give a crap.... Its pretty fair to say IMO that even if he aint scoring he goes out and gives 100% uses his body and speed... sticks up for his teammates and contributes in other ways Other then this 2 game thing he got i really dont remember him doing stupid things on the ice to much. IMO hes more just making himself look silly and not really effecting the team or his play and my guess is thats also the way the team and Maurice loooks at it..
  6. Doubt Buff stays on D.
  7. Good game ... they held their own against a top team.
  8. What i like about Kanes game is even if hes not scoring hes not totally useless. People can ***** n moan about him all they want but you have to respect his game and his understanding that he can do other things to help the team. As i jam my foot in my mouth. Grrrr
  9. What i like about Kanes game is even if hes not scoring hes not totally useless. People can ***** n moan about him all they want but you have to respect his game and his understanding that he can do other things to help the team.
  10. What value exactly does he bring back? Maybe its just me but for someone that seems to have a really strong opinion of trading someone you dont seem to have any plan or idea what you want or expect to get in return. Value in 3-4 years? Well thats whats drafting and developing is for.
  11. So now are you saying trade a top 6 guy for 4th liners? Up there^^^ You said your not suggesting that.... but this seem to say otherwise. Maybe im reading it wrong. Yes you are reading it wrong. Ok sorry. It seems you said your not suggesting trading top 6 for 4th liners... yet i bolded out a part where you say we can get 2 bodies for him. Where do you suggest we put them? On the 4th line? This is what i was pointing to about building from your bottom lines out. Its what your saying to do from the sounds of it. Moving top guys for depth or lower lines to build them. That to me and its just my opinion is a really bad idea. Before you know it... you will end up with a bunch of crap and no way to get out of it.
  12. So now are you saying trade a top 6 guy for 4th liners? Up there^^^ You said your not suggesting that.... but this seem to say otherwise. Maybe im reading it wrong.
  13. Given the fact that 29 other front offices agreed with the Jets, I'm going to say you're the one in the wrong here. If Brunner can't crack your top 6, he can't crack your lineup. Period. Seems about right. Its odd to me someone would want to build from a 4th line out.... Trade a top 6 to get a 4th? Weird. Signing Brunner does natta and makes no difference. also weird. This makes no sense. What are you talking about? Trade a top six for a fourth? Who suggested that? Well then explain what do you think your going to get for him? Think a team is going to give up a star player? Or are you going to get another top 6? If thats the case then your trading for nothing other then the sake of trading. Explain what do you think your going to get.
  14. I don't understand this. Why do you continue to push your agenda re: Byfuglien being traded when you've made it clear that it's not up for discussion? You're not going to change your mind. We get it. You want to see Byfuglien get traded. No matter what. It makes like zero sense. Jets 2.0 started as a 1 line team.... Did what they said theyd do and got a second line.... continued on their path and got a 3rd line. Keep doing what their doing, If and its a huge giant if....something comes across for Buff or Kane that actually gets us a top ill say a top 4 because lines change... then no you dont make that trade.... you continue on the path you set out for. Trading for the sake of trading is a giant bad idea in todays NHL.
  15. Given the fact that 29 other front offices agreed with the Jets, I'm going to say you're the one in the wrong here. If Brunner can't crack your top 6, he can't crack your lineup. Period. Seems about right. Its odd to me someone would want to build from a 4th line out.... Trade a top 6 to get a 4th? Weird. Signing Brunner does natta and makes no difference. also weird.
  16. Big huge dude with a nasty streak that can play both forward or D without missing a beat.... Ya we should trade that guy. Weird but ok.
  17. Lets trade a few guys for some 4th liners? Good game IMO. Impressed that with guys being out the team came out and killed it. Not world beaters but a great effort.
  18. TRADE EVERYONE Ha... Kiddin
  19. If what I've heard is true, you might get your wish this year. I've heard a lot of rumblings about the fans speaking with their wallets as it pertains to our current road jersey. Nobody likes the gold primary color. The club didn't want a white road uniform, but the fans might be giving them no choice. I hope your right. Royal Blue jerseys with gold pants at home White jerseys with gold pants away. I just hope we never ever wear white pants again... that looks stupid.
  20. Thats freaking awesome!
  21. I think the way i got it we can roll 3 lines without missing a beat... Throw the 4th out every 2 shifts or so. I dont see why you think Thorburn needs to move up to the second line tho? Oh believe me, I dont think Thorbs needs to move up. But they seem to move him up whenever there is a need. LOL True
  22. I could see something like this happening.
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