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Everything posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. Alright..... Anyway IMO and it seems others hes a softer type player. I dont really think he fits our style of play. And trading Myers for him is a bad move i think.
  2. Whats this even mean? You can have all 3 yano. lol And its a contract like his that allows you to do it. Its why we wont be trading him.
  3. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/nugent-hopkins-eberle-speak-as-changes-loom/ Its not just me.
  4. Seems to me anyway youd trade Myers for no other reason then you dont like him. Big young strong kid that can skate and move the puck with a great contract... Pretty much what you want. We wont trade that away. And we really wont trade him for a guy like RNH..... Hes a floater and hes soft. He doesent fit our style of play at all.
  5. Hes to soft. No thanks
  6. Worst trade ever.
  7. Chevy never says anything so it aint coming from here. And like i said we wont be dealing Myers. I just dont see that happening at all.
  8. Where did you hear this? I would highly doubt we trade Myers... Just dont see that happening. And why would we want RNH? Hes way to soft a player to play here.
  9. Seems like a horrible plan.
  10. Dan Haggerty: Actor From 'The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams' Dies at 74 of Cancer, Report Says Haggerty died Friday after battling cancer for several months, sources told TMZ. He was known for playing lead Grizzly Adams in the 1977 TV series.
  11. I know these guys are rock stars but Bowie's death hit me hard. Growing up the one thing he brought to our lives is it didnt matter what kinda music you were into he did it all and could bring people together that may have not had things in common. From the Christmas show with Bing Crosby to the wild n crazy Ziggy Stardust to the mainstream Bowie.... It is all freaking awesome. The man that fell to earth has returned to the stars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGQo6zpVzt8
  12. Rest easy Ziggy
  13. Cant really answer that. I dont think it was. The City is also getting bigger. There are also things now like school zones that need to be done first. Like i said every snow fall is different to how its done. It might seem longer but i really doubt it is. It has nothing to do with sub contracting it out.
  14. Alot more goes into cleaning the city of snow then just a bunch of plows running around. Even the day of the week effects how its done. Simple reason as to why they arnt out the second it snows is it takes time for the snow to build up lol what would be the sense of them driving around waiting? Plus they dont go out till atleast 5mm has fallen. Some lanes get done before streets because of garbage routes among other things. Every snow fall needs a different plan as to starting and ending. Its way harder then youd think.
  15. Its not hard to grasp that running a car in a closed area is bad for us to breath. Billions n billions doing this may make it hard for us to breath
  16. Get out of the way when im removing snow. LOL
  17. We won... But we shouldn't have cause we arnt good? We shouldn't win?
  18. Your getting all excited and mad over nothing IMO. Its waaay to early in the season. I dont think trying to rush things and force things is the way to go. We started to get an identity last year and IMO we still are growing into it.
  19. Alot of it has to do with communication... From my understanding both Hutch n Helly talk alot more on the ice then Pav.
  20. Na i have no issues. Its creepy and sick IMO. Think a lil girl punching some dude in the nuts is all good? I dont... I guess i have issues. Yes. I see no issue with it. Ever been punched in the nuts by a little girl? Or boy for that matter? If you have siblings there was probably some nut punching in your life. Jokes aside, she's an "athlete" growing up in this world. If her parents had no problem with it and she had no problem with it, there is no problem. Again, I cant tell you how to feel but I find it very odd that anyone would be creeped out watching that, especially wrestling fans. Id never ever ever allow my daughter to do that... As for the sibling thing? I hardly think its the same. Yes kids boys n girls do it and think its funny. But they are kids. Id not ever allow my daughter to be put on TV and say go punch that guy in the nuts so all these people can be entertained. You know im not a big fan of wrestling but i will click to it once in awhile for shits n giggles but to me thats not funny... Its jus weird n creepy. That's a complete fair point (that you wouldnt allow your kid to do it). Some parents wont allow their kids to take Karate. Some wont allow them to play football. Some wont allow them to do wrestling. Its not a commentary on the quality of parenting when others do allow those things. The girl in the video was better trained than many adult wrestlers I've seen. The Hart kids (along with many wrestling familes, Von Erich's, Samoan's etc) were play wrestling probably before they could walk. And training properly as very young children. Wayne Gretzky learned to skate when he was three years old (if I recall the story). The difference here is that she performed in front of a large crowd rather than an empty training center. And she did well. And it was amusing and impressive. And it generated tons of online interest as well as local media coverage. I think there were two different youtube videos of the match that had over one million views each when the Winnipeg Sun contacted me about doing a story. I think our (PCW's) most watched youtube clip has about 16,000 views and wasnt anything as interesting as this match (it was three valet's playing Bikini Twister in the ring on one our shows). Sorry your missing my point. Id allow my kid do play and do any sports you mentioned. All of it is good for them. But id never allow anyone to say to my kid ... Go punch that dude in the nuts to entertain these people. Im not disagreeing with the kid being in a show like this. I do disagree with a 10 year old girl punching some guy in the nuts to entertain people. Thats just not right in my opinion. Would you or your wife allow that? Would you tell or have someone else tell your daughter to go punch a guy in the nuts so all these people laugh? If the kids trained proper and can handle doing the moves its all fine. Leave the punching to the nuts out of it. Its weird and not necessary IMO. In the correct context I would. If my daughter grew up in the business and understood the context. She wasnt fondling him. I suspect this particular girl has seen her share of nut shots since wrestling is the family business. It also depends on the kid. And their understanding of "acting" and whatnot. I wouldnt let her humiliate herself...which this girl did not do. Fans were very respectful and impressed. There was a lot of controversy over a movie Dakota Fanning did when she was 12 where she was raped. A lot of people said they'd never let their kid do it. Dakota's parents made a different decision. And Dakota seemed to be very intelligent and well adjusted and understood the art of acting. She seemed to get through the tough scene okay (we assume). If the nut shot wasnt in this match, you'd be otherwise fine with it? If so, I think we're pretty much on the same page. Yup id be fine with it. Your points are fair. I guess what im saying is if the idea is to show how good this little girl is and has been trained all her life a shot to the nuts is just not necessary to show her skills. You can show off her skill without that and also entertain the folks watching.
  21. Na i have no issues. Its creepy and sick IMO. Think a lil girl punching some dude in the nuts is all good? I dont... I guess i have issues. Yes. I see no issue with it. Ever been punched in the nuts by a little girl? Or boy for that matter? If you have siblings there was probably some nut punching in your life. Jokes aside, she's an "athlete" growing up in this world. If her parents had no problem with it and she had no problem with it, there is no problem. Again, I cant tell you how to feel but I find it very odd that anyone would be creeped out watching that, especially wrestling fans. Id never ever ever allow my daughter to do that... As for the sibling thing? I hardly think its the same. Yes kids boys n girls do it and think its funny. But they are kids. Id not ever allow my daughter to be put on TV and say go punch that guy in the nuts so all these people can be entertained. You know im not a big fan of wrestling but i will click to it once in awhile for shits n giggles but to me thats not funny... Its jus weird n creepy. That's a complete fair point (that you wouldnt allow your kid to do it). Some parents wont allow their kids to take Karate. Some wont allow them to play football. Some wont allow them to do wrestling. Its not a commentary on the quality of parenting when others do allow those things. The girl in the video was better trained than many adult wrestlers I've seen. The Hart kids (along with many wrestling familes, Von Erich's, Samoan's etc) were play wrestling probably before they could walk. And training properly as very young children. Wayne Gretzky learned to skate when he was three years old (if I recall the story). The difference here is that she performed in front of a large crowd rather than an empty training center. And she did well. And it was amusing and impressive. And it generated tons of online interest as well as local media coverage. I think there were two different youtube videos of the match that had over one million views each when the Winnipeg Sun contacted me about doing a story. I think our (PCW's) most watched youtube clip has about 16,000 views and wasnt anything as interesting as this match (it was three valet's playing Bikini Twister in the ring on one our shows). Sorry your missing my point. Id allow my kid do play and do any sports you mentioned. All of it is good for them. But id never allow anyone to say to my kid ... Go punch that dude in the nuts to entertain these people. Im not disagreeing with the kid being in a show like this. I do disagree with a 10 year old girl punching some guy in the nuts to entertain people. Thats just not right in my opinion. Would you or your wife allow that? Would you tell or have someone else tell your daughter to go punch a guy in the nuts so all these people laugh? If the kids trained proper and can handle doing the moves its all fine. Leave the punching to the nuts out of it. Its weird and not necessary IMO.
  22. Na i have no issues. Its creepy and sick IMO. Think a lil girl punching some dude in the nuts is all good? I dont... I guess i have issues. Yes. I see no issue with it. Ever been punched in the nuts by a little girl? Or boy for that matter? If you have siblings there was probably some nut punching in your life. Jokes aside, she's an "athlete" growing up in this world. If her parents had no problem with it and she had no problem with it, there is no problem. Again, I cant tell you how to feel but I find it very odd that anyone would be creeped out watching that, especially wrestling fans. Id never ever ever allow my daughter to do that... As for the sibling thing? I hardly think its the same. Yes kids boys n girls do it and think its funny. But they are kids. Id not ever allow my daughter to be put on TV and say go punch that guy in the nuts so all these people can be entertained. You know im not a big fan of wrestling but i will click to it once in awhile for shits n giggles but to me thats not funny... Its jus weird n creepy.
  23. Na i have no issues. Its creepy and sick IMO. Think a lil girl punching some dude in the nuts is all good? I dont... I guess i have issues.
  24. That just may be the most creepy thing ive ever seen. Pretty sick IMO.
  25. Get out of the way when im moving snow. After one snow fall its a HUGE problem already.
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