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Everything posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. To bad they didnt show that remarkable restraint before they killed Freddie Gray.
  2. At least the black rioters in Baltimore were smart enough not to carry or brandish guns. One shot fired in the direction of the police and the results could have been ugly as many were armed with machine guns. The militarization of police forces in the last 20 years in equipment and training is both astounding and worrisome. Astounding and worrisome? How about the fact gangsters and criminals are now often betterarmed then those militaristic police officers.. Heavy body armor, bullet proof cars, heavy assault weapons with extended clips and armor piercing ammo.. Buy yea, your right.. Let's keep officer barbrady armed with a Smith and Wesson snub nose .38 and if it gets craaaaazy.. That ole pump action mossburg.. Smh. Have a look at what cops in England use
  3. ok but what does rioting, burning cars and buildings, attacking police officers and essentially anarchy do to make things better? Im pretty sure if people stop running from cops, resisting arrest or attempting to disarm a cop then injury and death tend to stop happening... what needs to happen unfortunately is proactive solutions.. vest cameras and recording devices,better training and testing of officers for mental issues and racist views... there is no other quick fix.. no magic trick to undo the Crappy situations American police departments find themselves in.. To answer a few of the questions... Vest Cameras are much more tricky then people realize... first of all it's ridiculously expensive to implement, it's not something easy to tack on to a persons uniform and really if a cop is being malicious the camera could "malfunction" after a scuffle. Mental issues and racist views... I took a course that discussed lots of this... did you know the people who ace these tests are usually psychopaths/serial killers. Also clearly most people would lie... who is going to say "I hate colored people" and think that they will keep their jobs. The solution is very simple... it goes two ways. For Police - Need a larger budget , better training and for certain areas better candidates. For the public - Need to be normal honest hard working citizens... their's a reason why Winnipeg is so much better then say Baltimore. Much less poverty, the canadian culture is more laid back and not purely about "Getting rich or die tryin" like in the States. Long story short.... the police needs only a few things changed.... current society is just plain messed up in the States and if they want incidents like these to stop then the people need to grow up, get a job and stop being idiots. Creating "Robocops" won't stop people from stealing and killing... To me the problem with America is they take everything to the max. Every law and right they have is pushed to the limit. Ive sai before.... Have a look at other free countrys. Most are way more mello the there is lil violence and killing. Most are happy to live in a free county and work for what you want and live life. America is a fast intense country. People are stressed out and on edge.
  4. Thats not true dude, You have just gone on for pages about emotion and not facts. That dude that was unarmed and ran? You went on and on about your personal thing. I tried to say this to you. Your personal view played a huge role in our debate. You added in things. The guy attacked the cop.... thats not any fact. Thats your view of what a witness said was a tussle. We dont see it. Cop never once said he was attacked. That was and is your view and nobody else..... Not even the cop. The guys record? Has nothing to do with the shooting. Cop had no clue the guy had any record. Couldnt have. Cops can not just shoot anyone in this situation. Its a fact. Its murder,
  5. The danger with partial vid is sometimes people try to fill in the blanks with .. Buts.... What ifs.... And im my experience. We actually do know most of what went on because we see it and from witnesses have said.... We have no reason to not believe the witnesses but we do have reason to not believe the cops because we no they filed false reports stating they preformed CPR when we all can clearly see from the vid thats just not true. Buts... What ifs,,, And in my experience can not be use in a court of law. Only facts.
  6. Enstrom long term at $5.75 cap hit? Not great but fills our need.. We can bite it now if need be. Morressey will fill Tobys role. and more. Depends when.
  7. The Byfuglien and Pavelec opinions are mine and mine alone. The buddy thing was one goal and it was my opinion and my buddies agreed.Byfuglien is a sloppy and just terrible player. He's good when he's motivated but that's like 10 games a year if your lucky. I wouldn't go near him as a GM. Your buds know squat. Lets look at some of how our Teams been acting in the last 4 years. Have they made many mistakes? Is there any record of them assessing players wrong? Has their course of draft, develop go off? Do they acknowledge how much leadership is important in the room? We dont really see the room... And Buff from all accounts adds lots to the room and the younger guys. This may fall into the develop category for our team. The over all talk from everyone envolved is the room is good. Long term for Buff is 4 years at 5.5. And i bet he takes it.
  8. Whats long term for Buff anyways?
  9. Give away Byfuglien for nothing and the Jets are a better team. Addition by subtraction. No, you're dead wrong. It doesn't work that way. That's called the Oilers model. I'm not saying Chevy should just give Buff away...his job is to get as many assets as he can for Buff. I'm just saying that if Buff were to just go away and we get nothing in return, the Jets are a better team. I realize what you're saying and I completely disagree. Byfuglien is a liability. It's that simple. Do you know and understand more about hockey then Chevy or Maurice? Id also think about 95% of GMs in the league would take Buff. That's what I'm hoping. Have fun with that
  10. Give away Byfuglien for nothing and the Jets are a better team. Addition by subtraction. No, you're dead wrong. It doesn't work that way. That's called the Oilers model. I'm not saying Chevy should just give Buff away...his job is to get as many assets as he can for Buff. I'm just saying that if Buff were to just go away and we get nothing in return, the Jets are a better team. I realize what you're saying and I completely disagree. Byfuglien is a liability. It's that simple. Do you know and understand more about hockey then Chevy or Maurice? Id also think about 95% of GMs in the league would take Buff.
  11. because it is...the Jets didnt do it. Not with the top guys, but Chiarot, Pardy, and Harrison both played both sides. And just because the Jets didn't do it with their top guys doesn't mean they didn't consider it and can't in the future. I agree. Pretty sure it was Babcock that said all his D need to play both sides. I dont think it matters as much as people think.
  12. Me thinks Toby has a no trade.
  13. Mad Max looks like it might be good
  14. Sry you are correct..... The cop did say the guy tried to grab his tazzer. I left it out because we dont know it as fact. We dont see it and neither witness says it.... Only the cop says it. Yet the cops also say they preformed CPR and tried to save the guy. But we know thats just not true at all. We see its not true. So why should i or anyone believe anything them cops say? Bias to what? Ive said over n over again the guy was dead wrong to run..... still no reason to be shot dead tho. Thats why hes in jail and fired and held without bond.
  15. Good grief man. This is useless already. Try for one sec and just look at FACTS. Leave out the Usually this or that... My experience thing..or the .... Imagine if this or that happened. Just the FACTS Dude ran..... Cop ran after him...... some tussle happened ( no assault because not even the cop says it ) Tazzer shot but didnt hit the guy. ( cop had tazzer ) Guy gets away Cop shoots him dead. Tape comes out and cop is fired and charged with MURDER and held without bond. FACTS.... No ifs , buts or whatever. Now as for this court thing about physically attacking. Why bring this up? Nobodys said that. The only person saying the cop was attacked is you. Not even the cop says he was attacked. He said the guy tried to grab his tazzer and that it.... no fight...no attacking. And if you want lets look at it.... Cops killing people for attacking them..... England and Great Briton .... How many cops per year kill a person? Canada how many? Australia? ​New Zealand? Pick any free country and look at the stats of cops killing people in this way. I would bet its not even close. Id even bet you can add them all together and its still not close. So why is this?
  16. I ignore the wrap sheet because the cop didnt know that at the time of the shooting. It cant play a part in it. Usually gets a assault charge? Its still not a fact to this case. Usually doesnt matter. Only facts matter. Cop cant say usually this happens so i shot him, Thats not the way it works. He was either assaulted or he wasent.... He never mentions it.
  17. I think at some point we will have to loose a player and get nothing. Maybe a few. Chevy cant make rock star trades all the time. I can see us offering deals to players for what we think they are worth... How much is Buff worth to us? How much is he worth to others? I duno. Same with Fro.... Whats he worth to us? Staff to? I think we offer what we think and not the market value. We will loose somebody for nothing.
  18. It dont bother me to use your experience to somewhat for an opinion dude. We all do that. Thats not a problem at all. What i find to be the problem is you seem to want to ignore the facts and ad in stuff that either is simply not true or we just dont know. This is something you continue to say.... " But still, if I ran, assaulted, tried to steal a weapon, I'd expect to be shot. " .....Thats not any fact to anything in this case. The guy ran..... Thats a fact.... We see him run. Assault? Thats not a fact and hasent been mentioned at all. Even the cop never says it. Not one time has it been said there was any assault. Steal a weapon? Only the cop says this. Both witnesses say thats not true. Both witnesses say there was a tussle.... Im not sure what this means... Did the cop grab him and couldnt hold him and the guy ran again? Dont know but that seem to be what the witnesses are saying. If there was an assault wouldnt you think that maybe the cop should mention that part? I was assaulted and the guy tryed to get my weapon? But thats not what he says. At some point during all this the cop never mentions an assault. Even when hes arrested he never says it. Youd think he might say... eh i have a bruise or scratch maybe take a pic of it. But nope. Nadda. Ive said all along that i dont think what the guy did was ok. It was absolutely the wrong thing to do. But its also no reason to be shot 5 times in the back. Its murder.....
  19. Question.... You ever hear of middle ground? Your jump from real bad to real good to real bad again is incredible. You bring your story telling wrestling into everything. Im not saying its a bad thing.... But week to week you are kinda all over the place.
  20. Again Its about you. Should be based off fact and not we assume
  21. Again you add things that we dont know and not true. Do you think its right that cops can just go kill anyone that runs? That should become standard practice. Just shoot them dead. I dont agree with running and fighting ... but i dont think it requires being shot dead.
  22. Who? Dude that was shot in the back had no lengthy criminal record. He had a warrent for unpaid child support. He was like 50 and served the country as some sorta reservist. Now the 73 is found out he hasent even been trained to use a gun. And now this new thing with some guy some how ended up with a 80% severed spinal cord and dead on his way to a hospital. Cops said he was fine on his way into the van ... yet a video comes out the guys screaming and cant walk. Cops said he was arrested cuz he had a knife and the Mayor is on CNN says its not even illegal to have a knife. Im not saying this has anything to do with race..... Its just shitty cops.
  23. I dont think now is the right time to start moving guys around. See what you can do having last change first. Even with Buff and Ladd kinda MIA i dont think we are being out played by a huge margin... I think they will be ready to go tonight in the storm of white..... Try matching lines first then if its still not working maybe try moving a few guys around and see what that does.
  24. You're not getting that call in the last minute of regulation in the playoffs, regardless of who you are. Sure, makes sense.... Wreck a game because you think holding shouldn't be called in the last minute of a playoff game. I guess they dont' call too many men i the last 10 minutes either... Give me a freaking break. If anything you're being hypocritical with the lashings on Ladd then excusing them for not calling those, especially when one of the non-calls was the ONLY reason theys cored the goal. In the end though, they lost because they stink on the power play, it's actually unreal how freaking bad they are on the powerplay. Next year they need to desperately search for a skilled forward that actually knows how to consistently use his stick in close quarters. You'd have to be extremely lucky to win any playoff series without being half way competent on a powerplay. Regarding the too many men call - Yeah it sucks, but it happens. I don't know if you've seen much of the Nashville/Chicago series, but the exact same thing happened, and Patrick Kane scored on the same shift. I'm not being hypocritical whatsoever in relation to the call on Ladd. As I said the refs more often than not put their whistles away in the final few minutes of regulation in the playoffs, ESPECIALLY in tie games. You see the same thing in overtime. Officials only make calls if it's an absolute must. That's how it should be. What happened with Ladd was not in the final few moments. It was an accident on his part, but you need to be more aware with your stick like that. Could the officials have let it go? Sure, but at the same time I certainly don't fault them for making the call as contact was made to the head. I agree the power play has been bad - Our special teams entirely hasn't been good as the PK has looked unorganized and have had trouble clearing the zone as well. You also need your best players to be your best players. When two of your three goals have been scored by a rookie, and a part time defenseman, that's a hell of a problem. So you have no problem with Ladd getting a penalty after they let the hit on Perreault go. I didn't say that, did I? I'm just smart enough to know at this point that in sports sometimes the calls go your way, other times they don't. There's no conspiracy theory needed, it's just how pro sports works whether any of us like it or not. It's not like we're the only team that's ever gotten the short end of the stick on a call. We're not down 2-0 in the series because the refs aren't giving us the calls. We're down 2-0 because for the most part our power play has been awful, the penalty kill hasn't been much better, and our best players (outside of Stafford, and Pavelec) have done nothing to contribute. Yet not quite there yet with understanding that people have real questions about these calls. And their own opinions. Its not stupid IMO to bring these things up.
  25. People that know more then you and i have charged him with murder. Held without bond yet. I havent watched not one cop or anyone for that matter say that. Maybe a jury will say its not murder ,,, but the fact is hes been charged with it and not only that but held with no bond. Police often over-charge. It's a technique. That's why you will read about people being charged with multiple counts relating to the same offense and then end up pleading to one of them or only one or two actually remaining when it goes to trial. Keep in mind as well that this was an extremely fast arrest. Video surfaced and he was immediately charged. Murder would be the reflex charge. manslaughter would be a charge you'd consider after investigating. Again, as I wrote earlier, CNN reported that "Murder" in that location requires pre-meditation (or, if I recall, some other factor which I think they thought of as a race-based killing in this case). No one is arguing the cop planned it and the longer this goes the more it seems it was not racially motivated. I dont believe the officer has had a court date yet. We'll see if the charge sticks. If it does, you watch, the DA will ask the judge to let the jury consider manslaughter as well. But we're talking opinion. We dont have all the facts, only what has been released. Was that murder? No. Was it murder when the 73 year old volunteer accidently shot a suspect? No and no one is suggesting it was. Well i cant agree with any of this. Over charge? Not in this case. And heres why..... Immanent danger. For whatever reason you seem to want to over look this part. The danger to the cop was over and he had no reason to think this guy would run off and kill other people. Its been said on CNN over n over again by all the cops and lawyers. He was unarmed when he ran away. That is simply just fact. Was a guy on CNN who has been training cops for 35 years... He says that cop was absolutely wrong giving chase. He said his job should have been at the point of the guy running was to radio in the description - direction the guy ran and then he should have secured the passenger and car. The reason for this was because he was alone and had no idea whats in the car or what the passenger would or could do. If there were 2 cops then yes 1 gives chase the other secures the car and passenger. Now to be fair the guy did point out that different states have some different training but he made it pretty clear that cop did the wrong thing. He said its not in any cops training to radio in back up and say come secure this car and guy while i go run around after some guy that ran. I just think this cop was a bad cop..... and i dont mean he was crooked i mean he was horrible at his job. I pointed out before that i didnt think he should have ran after the guy with the car there and passenger still in it. Think about it.... the cops there... cars there.... passengers there he should have secured that first. Let backup get the running dude. I dont think race was involved,,,, I think he was horrible at his job.... lost control over the whole situation and it went to hell quick like. And IMO with cameras all over now and more coming we are going to see alot more cops that are bad at their jobs.
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