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Everything posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. I sorta remember this also. Or something about it anyway.
  2. No its not. Watch the cops and lawyers on CNN. Hes not allowed to discharge his weapon unless either himself or another person is in imminent danger. Neither him nor anyone else was in any imminent danger...... the guy was running away. Like i said above..... Ever watch the show cops? A ton of people run from cops.... they arnt all being shot. Even if they had some kinda tussle the danger of it was over when the dude ran. You cannot get up and shoot the guy. Thats crazy. Did the cop even know the guy had a warrant at the time he shot him? Dont think he could have. Oh and ill take you up on that bet.
  3. hmmm guy with outstanding warrants, driving an unregistered car, running from police, maybe even getting into a physical altercation with them.... yeah it's over board for him to be shot and killed and the loss of life is tragic but your wording of "some poor dude" is just so wrong. You do understand a cop shot him 5 times in the back right? over board doesent even begin to describe it. He had a warrant for unpaid child support. Nobody was in any danger and that includes the stupid cop that shot him. 5 times yet. So anybody that runs from a cop should just be shot? Ever watch the TV show cops? Good grief if they just start shooting people for running that shows going to be some real fun **** to watch. So yes..... that poor dude should never have been shot. The cop had the guys ID and there was a passenger in the car.
  4. I get what your saying but the guy was running away.... that defence aint going to work. Nothing in the entire situation gives that cop any right to shoot the guy...... nothing. He wasent at any point putting anyone in danger. Plus the cop had the dudes ID and there was also a passenger in the car. IMO that cop is and was crap at his job. And some poor dude had to pay with his life because of it. I say give him a rope in his cell and be done with it. But that stupid **** wouldnt have the balls.
  5. Maurice has pointed out that the players own this. Hes also pointed out how easy it is to coach this team because of it. The overall leadership on this team seems to run deep.
  6. To be fair and lets not forget their is another team on the ice that has an offence that sometimes will take our defenders out of position and that sometimes will make our tender maybe move himself out of position to cut down an angle. Few brain farts... for sure but over all it was a good game and we got what we needed.
  7. Hard to win these games. Got 2 clean points.
  8. It would not surprise me for the Jets to lose every remaining game. Or lose the next three, get eliminated and then win against Calgary. Just wouldnt surprise me at all. Then trade everyone in the offseason? Nah. They are close enough that, with injuries a consideration, the management will consider the team moving in the right direction. Im sure they will tender offers to Stafford, Frolik, Stemp. Their major decision making is Ladd and Buff and Im not sure if anything short of spectacular Playoff performances change the direction they already have set out. I would be surprised if they lost these remaining games. After all the crap this year and it comes to these last games and loose them all? Id be a bit shocked if we dont see them fight n claw for everything. If at the end they miss out... well they miss out. Yes they have tuff games but i see no reason they cant win. IMO i havent seen them have any quit in them.
  9. It would not surprise me for the Jets to lose every remaining game. Or lose the next three, get eliminated and then win against Calgary. Just wouldnt surprise me at all. Then trade everyone in the offseason?
  10. Everything we are going thu as bad as it seems is also something the kids like Schief, Trouba, Lowry, Myers and others are going to learn from. Even guys like Little and Wheels are going to learn from this pressure of how every game means. Sure Ladd n Buff have been thru this but they cant drag a whole team and teach them. Ill be disappointed if we dont get in but ill be ok with the young guys that stepped up and will learn. Our future is going to depend on these younger players and them going thru these things now is huge for the development of the team. As we bring guys up... We will have more players that have gone thru things for them to lean on and learn from.
  11. I go back and forth with it. I dont think i could actually really know my decision untill god forbid something like this every happened in my family. This whole thing is just really sad.
  12. On CNN they were saying he didnt have vision issues. It was all in his head. Thats what I mean. I take the reports to mean he DID have vision issues but there was no physical cause. It was mental. But to him, they were real and he was having trouble seeing. very interesting about the cell phone video. I always wondered why that doesnt happen more often. When I fly, i routinely take video and pics. If I was going down, especially in a pretty controlled way, I'd be taking video. And I'd be identifying who I am and what is happening. And I'd try to send texts and emails and hope that even if they wont send due to where I am, maybe they will when the phone hits a cell tower. I guess panic, fear and adrenalin might make me act differently ofcourse. Some lady investigator says it happens all the time its just never leaked. They give the families the option of getting whatever they can off the phones but just about all never want to see it. I dont think i would have any interest in seeing or hearing or even reading anything like that from a loved one. If it can help investigators then thats all good but i just cant see myself wanting anything to do with it.
  13. On CNN they were saying he didnt have vision issues. It was all in his head.
  14. Now there is video leaked. Hope the families dont see it.
  15. Talking bad wrestling... like i said im kinda trying to start watching it again and i watched some of raw last night and there was some 8 man tag team ... Sorry i dont know their names.... but man that was really really bad. Ive been kinda watching now for a few weeks and maybe its just me but it all seems really forced. There seems to be little flow to it.
  16. Ya im not to sure. I cant find anything about him buying into it it sounds like he wanted to promote it . And nothing about UFC it was about Pride. Either way ive been trying to get back into the WWE LOL... I watched it all my life from the AWA days but got away from it when i found the UFC. Maybe you can hook me up to one of your shows... a few buddys of mine would like to check it out.
  17. Good idea to start pav im thinking.
  18. Are you sure thats real and not just a story? From shanes wiki page there is nothing about any of that. In 06 DSE was looking at doing some business with Pride but then they sold to UFC and thats it. And if anything it wasent about buying anything it was to promote it. LOL who knows
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