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WBBFanWest last won the day on January 9

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About WBBFanWest

  • Birthday January 26

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  1. Being that this could be Zach's last season, if not Strevler, then who on our roster should be the starter?
  2. For those of you who are suggesting that Bombers could have handled things better, remember where your information is coming from. Friesen loves to stir the pot and Bighill is disappointed. So the reality may lie somewhere in the middle.
  3. Being that everyone's a starter, I'm struggling to know why we play people that are clearly not anywhere near 100%
  4. Having owned one before, I can heartily agree with this statement
  5. Bear in mind that it has been shown that 87.063% of statistics are made up
  6. I'm quite sure our head coach has repeatedly said that everyone on our team is a starter. So are you calling O'Shea a liar?
  7. Remind me again, where did our current GM come from?
  8. You have no way of knowing that, none at all. We had every bit as good a chance with our backups vs a starter who clearly could not throw the ball. A good leader sets up his people to succeed. With this boneheaded decision, O'Shea set up Collaros and the rest of the team to fail. One has to ask why he thought a qb with a damaged hand was a better option than a fully functioning backup, who in theory, is there for exactly this sort of situation.
  9. For me, the issue is that he took the bonus, given to him with the expectation he would honour his contract. He decided to back out. It doesn't matter at all why. An honourable person would return the money. He didn't. Tells me everything I need to know about his character. If he wants to spend more time with his family, great, but while being with them it might also be a good idea to teach his kids what it looks like to be someone who keeps their word.
  10. That may be the first time that has ever been said about Regina.
  11. Ya, because I'm not here for your Grandpa Simpson routine, I'm here despite it
  12. you're continuously an ancient ray of sunlight around here. You must have been something before electricity, huh?
  13. Always enjoy people trying to decide who a true Canadian is, or who a true veteran is, or who a true CFL fan is and then declaring that their definition is the "right" one.
  14. I for one, am not surprised that we're moving towards the "Who's a true fan?" conversation again. We didn't have it too often during the good years, so this is yet another signal about how far we've slid. Of course, being 0-4 should have been a good clue, but this simply confirms it.
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