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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. Yup, must be putting a damper on some of Deadmonton's plans. Quite a bit of talent they have in sick bay. Re-sign Buff and trade Myers, Petan, Stuart and 2016 1st rounder for Vlasic. Ladd Little Ehlers Perreault Scheif Wheeler Lowry Stafford Armia Vlasic Buff Enstrom Trouba Chiarot Postma Helle Pavs
  2. It totally depends on Kyle Connor. Dylan Larkin is only 6 months older and he is doing very well in the league...ya, I know he is much bigger than Connor. If Connor starts on the Moose and earns a full time gig with the Jets to start the 2017-2018 season, I can't see anyone complaining with his progress at all. I'm not sure he needs to stay another year at Michigan. I hope to see him on the Moose at least next September/October.
  3. You're right, it just might be. I think Montreal would give up a bunch to get him but I would sooner take a prospect that was drafted a year ago than a 1st round pick. So for Ladd you would expect a 1st rounder and an A or B prospect. I'd be happy with a bona fide blue chip prospect ready to start on the NHL and a 2nd rounder. You take that and add someone like Boedker and you are much better off in the long run. Connor is playing lights out this season...........he might be ready before most people thin k.
  4. I know there's another thread for this but what would you honestly offer Ladd???....After this year's play (if he isn't hurt) I wouldn't go more than 29m over 5 years. If not, trade him at the deadline for the best deal you can. A team like Montreal would love Ladd. We'd get a pretty good return on Ladd and look what the Jets would have (5.8m-6.2m) to spend on another player. Mikkel Boedker would be a nice on-ice replacement for Ladd but less the nastiness. A really good two way player that will get you about 55 points a year. He is making 3.75m in the last year of his contract. Give him a 5 year deal for 25m or 29m over 6 years. He is only 26 years old.
  5. I hope something does........
  6. He'll be ready for the Moose at least next year. He is putting up better numbers than Dylan Larkin did last year.
  7. I think you need control of it unless they have changed the rule. Pretty good game by the Jets tonight but came out of it with no points...I think the garbage, dirty goals are missing and nobody is really standing in front. I'd put Buff out there on the PP and replace him on the point with Myers or Trouba until Scheif gets back. I thought they dominated 3/4 of the 1st period and almost all of the 3rd period. Wheeler had one of his better games of the year. The APE line looked really good and it was nice to see Armia get a goal as I thought he deserved it. Armia is going to be fun to watch when he puts it all together in a couple of years...dangerous with the puck tonight. I thought their goalie played well, as did the D corps as a unit. Special teams is what everyone will say kept this team out of the playoffs this year.
  8. or RNH.
  9. Lipon going to drop them with someone?
  10. sorry it was Hamonic not Myers...
  11. Rumor is RNH +? for Myers +?.
  12. I'm envious, enjoy the sun. First time since 2007 that I'm not going south at all.
  13. I don't think there are any direct flights to NY but there are daily flights to Deadmonton. Regardless, the names being bantered about are big names. Chiarelli has been trying to get him for awhile and he just missed out on Seth Jones if you believe certain people so it makes sense. He'd do well there. Buff would excel.
  14. Why not call up De Leo and let him see how the bigs are? He has earned it.
  15. Good. Easier to fly from Deadmonton than NY, TUP.
  16. Okay, do you think Copp would have been drafted if Trouba wasn't a Jet?
  17. Do you think he would have been drafted if he they weren't friends?
  18. Let me ask you something honestly. Do you think Copp was drafted by the Jets because he was a friend of Trouba's? yes or no?
  19. I'm guessing he gets 5m the first year with a 9m signing bonus and then the year CBA expires is probably the other one as, if I'm not mistaken, signing bonuses are still paid out regardless of CBA agreement or not. So, if they go on strike, he will still get 9m that year. I could be wrong though. 80 million guaranteed should set himself up nicely!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. He's a keeper if we don't have Buff and no way in hell is he better than Buff in his zone. Plus, he is the softest D man we have. How many ti mes does he skate beside a player that has the puck and doesn't even lay a hand on him to try to push him off the puck never mind hammer him into the boards. Myers compared to Hamonic is hard to compare because Hamonic doesn't care about points and rarely rushes the puck. Hamonic cares about being scored against and plays against the opposition's best players every game. Myers is progressing? From what? The beginning of the year? ok I agree... Since he came here....very debatable as he played pretty much lights out last season with us....over his career??? ... not a chance. He put up 48 points his first year and 37 the second....he hasn't scored over 30 since....where's the progression??? Again, I don't dislike the guy and I think he is a good offensive minded 2RHD...If Trouba stays on the left side of Buff, I would sooner have Hamonic as the other RHD every day of the week....especially with offensive minded Morrissey coming up the ranks. If Buff were on the block last year do you think Myers would still be considered the "prize pig"?
  21. For sure it's more than Buff. Look at the size of some of these guys. Guys like Stuart, Ladd, Lowry and even Chiarot will lay you out if given the chance and finish their checks. Ladd, especially, is one tough hombre. Even Perreault plays like he is 6' 3"... Stu and Ladd have that nastiness to them, Buff too. and who can forget this?
  22. Send OEL and put him on forward! You right a wrong and probably get a better forward...
  23. Don't get me wrong, I like Myers. I just don't hold him up on a pedestal like some and he is a good 2RHD. It's just that we have two RHD better than him.
  24. Why isn't he progressing? Myers has it his ceiling...if he was steadily progressing I would agree, but he's not.
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