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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. Play them both....if we trade one you want to call Hellebuyck as backup I assume....Time to trade a goalie is off season for this team not during the season....what would you get for Pavs? Maybe the Sabres would take him but I would hold on to both of them as far as I see it.
  2. What was I wrong about? You kept mentioning Myers cap hit but as pointed out to you he he a unique contract with a very helpful diminishing cash value. You didn't know that. I wasn't the only one to point that out to you. And you don't seem to put value on it. Then again you don't seem to put value on talent either so it's a rather moot point. Tyler Myers is the type of player with the type of contract you don't look to trade. You're fully entitled to a different opinion but you'd be soundly in the minority. you were wrong in assuming his cap hit wasn't 5.5m per year and assuming I didn't know what his salary/cap hit is/was. Why can't you admit when you are wrong? His game was average today but what the hell is wrong with Trouba? Buff was the best RHD today. edit: The caphit stays the same in 99% of contracts even though the yearly salary can change... his yearly salary is good but his cap hit isn't.
  3. Hutch with a record of 4-0 and a sv% of .949....HOOWAH!
  4. Does anyone know if Clitsome's salary goes against the salary cap?
  5. I want to keep all 3 RHD but like I've said, if you care to read, is that if we have to trade one and Buff is signed, I would trade Myers. TUP, Better research? I was right the first time but I "researched" it this time to give you exact numbers to show you that you were wrong...again.
  6. yup, he needs to see more than 8-9 minutes a game.
  7. Good game by Hutch. Bring on the Blue Jackets.
  8. The Jets really outplayed the Hawks the last 7 or so minutes of the first period. Hutch has been good.
  9. 90 seconds and and we are down 1-0 on a PP goal....ouch.
  10. Probably what you would have said had I suggested the players in the Kane trade... Don't forget, Babcock LOVES Toby.
  11. Kinda classless if it turns out he is innocent, no? We have to keep the shots against down and not take any dumb penalties. Overall, the D has to be stronger too.
  12. Well, sign Buff and send Myers to Chiarelli... Cap hit Myers 5.5m Toby 5.75m Gardiner 4.05 Reilly 875k then RFA Actual salary hit Toby 5.75 5.75 5.75 Myers 5 4 3.5 3 Gardiner 4.05 4.05 4.05 3.45 Reilly 875k then RFA TUP, is that enough research for you? Sending out 11.25m and taking back 5.375m in cap hit.... makes enough room to re-sign Buff and Ladd. Actual salary ... sending out 32.75 for Toby's 3 years and Myers' 4..... taking back 15.6 for Gardiners 4 years and 875k for Reilly's last year of his ELC. Let's say Reilly re-signs 3 years for 11m and that would bring it up to 27.475 for Gardiner's 4 years and Reilly's 4 years... TUP, now, is that enough research for you? A savings of well over 5m while getting younger and better. Skillset of Myers over Reilly when this team is a contender would be pretty equal...I woul d rather have Gardiner than Enstrom and we would also get picks/prospects.
  13. Id rather have Reilly and Gardiner and picks/prospects than Myers/Enstrom. Myers=5.5m for this year and next 3....then UFA. Enstrom=5.75m for this year and the next to and then an UFA. Reilly=ELC this year and an RFA next year. Gardiner=4.5m for this year and next 3 then an UFA. Whose contract is cap friendly???????????
  14. One of the reasons we should trade him if Buff is signed and we end up trading one. He didn't play well against LA but he didn't play well with Enstrom either. He's a good D man just the one I would trade is all. I've always liked Gardiner and have no idea how he has played this year but he would fit in nicely in the 2LHD spot. Babcock loves Toby so maybe we could send Toby and Myers there for Gardiner, Reilly and some picks or prospects?
  15. He wasn't that good at all......hasn't been most games this year........wasn't playing well with Enstrom either. Trouba, Buff and Myers is how I would rank our RHD.
  16. Penton: Wade Miller already recruiting assistant coaches for next year about time somebody did something
  17. haha too funny...who is this joker? http://www.battleofcali.com/2015/10/27/9620676/los-angeles-kings-gameday-whinypeg-winnipeg-jets-evander-kane?utm_campaign=battleofcali&utm_content=article%3Atop&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook
  18. Why would you say Myers is untouchable....have you been watcing him play this year?
  19. I think if we trade a RHD, it should be Myers.......if we've got Buff signed. He'd get us a lot back, maybe more than Buff...Trouba would get more time because he needs more than 17 minutes a game. If we can get a really good LHD or LHD prospect plus picks, we would be further ahead. Jake Gardiner and a 1st?
  20. "It doesn't surprise me. It's not bad or good. He had some bottled-up emotions, apparently, it seems like. So maybe just getting them off his chest might be healthy for him. At the same time, we're not going to be concerning ourselves about that, really. We're concentrating on what we have in this dressing room and going forward that's our focus." Okay, maybe I oversold Thorburns comments, my bad. Okay, I think they pulled that from this site... Oct. 27/15 PRE-GAME. Somewhere around the one minute mark. http://video.jets.nhl.com/videocenter/
  21. Can you post them on here???
  22. Wheeler and Myers could have played it better for the 2nd goal against but it is what it is.....a loss with no points. I think they deserved better but these things usually even out over the course of a year. Trouba saw less than 17 minutes and Myers saw way over 20....Myers didn't play a stellar game to say the least.
  23. Kane would likely kick either one of their asses, so I hope they don't try. Kane would never fight Peluso. The dream matchup is Buff. Ladd can hold his own....I'd like to see them go at it but much rather see Buff pulverize him. This tells me that Ladd and Wheeler really didn't want the Kane distraction and might've been more vocal about it than Buff.
  24. I'm not writing anyone off yet....not even Komaschuk. I think it is good for Morrissey to play for the moose for a year or two..... Same goes for most rookies. Lemieux would be there if not for his age in my opinion. Chiarot played on the farm for well over 2 seasons. I would hope to see the 4th line starting to get more time on ice.
  25. Max Domi was taken with the pick immediately prior to the Jets taking Morrissey. I wonder if they would have taken Domi if he were still available.
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