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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. Crawford has made some unbelievable saves...it could easily be 5-2 Jets.
  2. Big big saves by Helle.
  3. Shouldn't the name of this thread be 26 game not 25?
  4. How much does Little get his next contract and for how long? He'll be 30 when this one is done. Five years might be too long but I doubt he signs for less term. 5.25m x 4? Twenty-one million is pretty good for 4 years. The thing is, I think he is playing the best hockey of his career right now but still don't hink I would sign him for 5 years.
  5. Helle should get the next 7 games or at least 6 of them. Give the backup the Sens game.
  6. Larsson is the D I'd like to get from the Ducks. It looks like, and has for most of the year, that 90 points will get you into the playoffs this year. They need 36 points to hit 90. 18-8? Even though they have one of the best schedules for the last 6 or so weeks of the season, I doubt it. The other teams are going to be playing catch up once the Jets get their 5-6 days off this month. I remember how every game for the last 4-5 weeks of the season seemed like a playoff game in 2015 when they made it to the post season and how the team played. I don't see this team having that in them. More talented but not as "driven" because I can't think of a better word to use there.
  7. I don't think they will either and have been saying it since Nvoember but mathematically, they are still very much in it. edit ... I don't think the Canucks or the Flames will make the playoffs and I think the Preds do and not in a wild card spot either....I think the Preds finish 3rd.
  8. http://www.tsn.ca/tigers-red-wings-owner-ilitch-dead-at-87-1.669160
  9. Exactly. If we are out of the playoffs, trade Staf, Thorbs, Postma, Peluso, even Strait if you can get a 6th round pick for him....doubt it though. Trade them for whatever you can get for them; however, if Thorbs thinks his career is finsished and he is retiring and doesn't wanna go play for someone else, I don't trade him and let him ride the pine.....all those years of service means something and you aren't getting much for him anyway. I think he probably goes to play overseas next year though. What is screwing things up is the fact that the play of the team, no matter the reason, says the team isn't going to make the playoffs but the standing say there is still a chance. How can Chevy not go for it if he has a chance of making the playoffs? If we are in the hunt at the TD, I say go for it and become buyers not sellers. trade a forward or two and/or a draft pick or two for a legit D man. Put him on 1st, 2nd or 3rd pairing but pick up someone responsible in his own zone and preferably has some playoff experience. I doubt we are in a hunt for the post-season by the end of the month but you never know. The way our division is, 7 or 8 wins out of the next 11 or 12 games and we are probably right in the mix. The problem is that we only have 8 games left before the TD... edit ... Regarding Thorburn...I am pretty sure the roster limit is expanded right after the TD. I think there is no limit.
  10. You don't think he will try to "go on a run" for the playoffs?
  11. What should Chevy do or should he stand pat and not do a thing? Is he going to add to try to make the playoffs or is he going to send some expiring/nonexpiring contracts elsewhere? Trade Staf if we are still close to the playoffs and get what you can for him? Get some help on the 3rd D pairing? Trade Thorbs for whatever you can get for him? Get some help for present/future for Helle in the net? Does he try to talk Enstrom and/or Buff out of their NMC to send them to a contending team? Should he move some forwards to do any of the above and which ones? Does he find a buyer for Pavs? Postma/Chiarot/Stu? If he makes a deal, does he use picks, picks/player(s) or just Player(s)? Does he include a Moose player in a deal? I think if we are as close as we are right now, he doesn't deal anyone and might try to add a D man and a goalie for the playoff drive... If we are out of it, Staf will go for whatever he can get but I think he will keep Thorbs unless he expresses a desire to go elsewhere. If someone offers him something fair for Postma/Chiarot/Stu, I think he would trade them. Not sure many teams would be willing to give up much for any of them though.
  12. LeBrun is saying the Stars are having preliminary talks with the Pens about Fleury. I hope they get him so Lawless will shut his mouth about the Jets geting him.
  13. No I did not...and if i did, i meant to say Hutch....I have caught myself mixing up their names on here before....today actually and had to edit the post but to my knowledge, I have never said Pavs would win more games than Helle, only more games than Hutch. That was what the debate was about yesterday....Hutch with a win every 4 games and Pavs with one every two games I'd take Pavs. I would and will cheer for Hutch if he is in net again for the Jets because I am a Jets' fan but I never want to se Hutch in a Jets uni again.
  14. Considering I have never said that and have backed Helle's development and have continually said that he is probably our #1 goalie going forward and I have said that he should get about 18 of the remaining 26 games, I won't get into that argument. Do I get on his ass when he has a bad game? Fak ya...but i do that to any/every player. Ehlers and Laine haven't been playing all that well for the last 3 weeks or so and I have come down on them and this is prior to Maurice disciplining them. So you think Hutch should have been the starter from day one this season?
  15. If Helle kept up his play? No, the Jets wouldn't have won.... Who would you rather see back up Helle for the rest of the season? Not much for a choice but Pavs or Hutch?
  16. Helle was letting in every second shot when Pavs was brought up....don't remember the 3 in 6 and 3 in 7? Why was Pavs brought up in your opinion. Do you think Helle should have been left to try to carry the team and destroy him before we even get to see what we have? I'll ask again, in your opinion, why was Pavs brought up?
  17. Last time I say this...Pavs has the same amount as wins as Hutch inless than half the games. I think Pavs will win more games than Helle would. My opinion. I think Helle should get about 18 or so of the 26 games left but I don't want to see Hutch in net again and Pavs is the other choice so for those 7-8 games, I would rather see Pavs because he gives us a better chance of winning, okay? Capiche? I will say one more time, it would be nice to never see either of them in a Jets uni again but these are the players Chevy has supplied. How many coaches that have been interviewed since the two latest firings have said, show me a good coach and i will show you a goalie playing well....
  18. All 3 goalies struggled this year...not just Hutch. He just struggled the worse.
  19. It's like I told you, I'll take the wins for the rest of the season...26 games? you take the stats....how many ti me would Pavs win in the next 10 games??? He would need 3 points out of 20 to tie the great Hutch....4 points to pass him....I don't wanna see either of them in net but Helle isn't and sholdn't play all of the remaining games...I'd rather see Pavs back him up, you'd rather see Hutch...no biggie....at least I'm not crying and whining every 2nd post about firing someone or changing facts or stats to up hold my argument like your buddy Goalie does...how many times did I catch him lying, changing facts or fabricating stories....the best was when i posted an article and he comes on and says "Maurice said tis and Maurice said that" but i re-read the article 3 times to see if I missed something and he was talkong out of his ass again... as per usual...but hey, all 3 goalies shite the bed this sesaon fire Maurice....the coach that in all likelihood gets extended......and really, if Chevy thinks we should get another coach, go for it...Chevy knows a bit m ore than anyone on here but no need firing someone in season that arguably doesn't deserve it. The goalies suck this year, admit it. As mentioned above, if they didn't, why was Pavs called back?
  20. Lying, mistaken or $%%^&^&**(^....can't tell. I have been saying that I would take wins over stats until the end of the season because neither of them have a future with the team...you don't understand english? Pavs is a better backup than Hutch and if you think otherwise, you are blind or do not understand hockey...or both. Same amount of wins in 10 less games...nuff said. Answer me this? Why would you take stats over wins for the rest of the season? You don't want the Jets to win?
  21. Laine's interview is pretty good. I love the faces this guy makes.
  22. Over budget on the D? What is the budget for the D? Enstrom's 5.75m is off the books after next season and Myers' 5.5m the season after.
  23. All the reporters seem to have loved the interview...making comments about it......
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