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  1. Like
    Ducky reacted to Mr Dee in End of Season Report Card   
    Thanks for posting that TUP.
    To me it just shows what kind of ownership that the Jets are party to, and, IMO, it suits Winnipeg just fine. Manitoba should be proud to have a strong ownership group who don't put frivolous things ahead of integrity. Everything they have tried to do puts the fans and Winnipeg ahead of personal recognition. 
  2. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from SPuDS in Royal Blue uniforms are officially back!!   
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ possibly the funniest thing I have ever read on here...
  3. Like
    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in 2016 Playoffs   
    I hate Washington. 
  4. Like
    Ducky reacted to Rich in End of Season Report Card   
    I disagree on Kovalchuk.  They are celebrating the "Jets" history, not the franchise history.
    People are more excited about the alumni game then the actual NHL outdoor game.  Why?  Because it is a chance to see all the players a lot of us grew up watching, following, and cheering for.
    Who here has even a remote connection to Kovalchuk other then the respect you would give to any NHL superstar.     
  5. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from IC Khari in Royal Blue uniforms are officially back!!   
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ possibly the funniest thing I have ever read on here...
  6. Like
    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in End of Season Report Card   
    Interview with Trouba on H&L. Said he likes winnipeg and wants to sign a long term deal to stay here. Says he's of the same mind as Scheif. 
  7. Like
    Ducky reacted to Bomber_fanaddict in Royal Blue uniforms are officially back!!   
    Next to his book on grammar?
  8. Like
    Ducky reacted to B-F-F-C in Royal Blue uniforms are officially back!!   
  9. Like
    Ducky reacted to sweep the leg in 2016 Draft Standings   
    Why? I recall somebody saying he isn't very good...
  10. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Wpg Sun - You be the boss survey   
    Ladd won't be back. Not sure why people would want him back anyway. He's just taking a young guys spot now. 
    Like the movie frozen says... let it go. 
  11. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in Prospect Report   
    Matthews decision to play there. He played against men in a pro league and I think Marc Crawford was his coach. (Crawford will probably get a job in the NHL next season)
    It is debatable if it was the right move but he'll be drafted #1 regardless. I think it was the right move.....only 36 games and playing against men. He would mean SO much to the Jets if we were lucky enough to get him.
    Ehlers Scheifele Wheeler
    Connor Matthews Little
    Amia Perreault Staf
    Copp Lowry Dano
    Petan Tanev Lemieux Peluso and Hutch all go to the Moose. Burmi is is the 13th forward and Thorbs is traded. If Staf is moved, Burmi or Lemieux move in. I'd put Lemieux as the 13th forward but I would rather see him get ice time.
    Trouba Buff
    Enstrom Hamonic
    Morrissey Chiarot/Postma
    Stu and Postma/Chiarot are the 7th and 8th D men. Melchiori is re-signed for 700k per year for 2 years and assigned to the moose. Obviously, Myers + ? has been moved for Hamonic. I'd throw in a 2nd. If this team is a contender in 4 years, Hammer will be in his prime, Trouba will be near it and Morrissey should have 3-4 years under his belt and getting 1st PP time by then. Buff in 4 years? Who knows but I think he will still be an asset to the team and making this tough for opposition players in front of his goalie.
    Helle 52 games...Pavs 30 games........Hutch called up in an emergency, or Comrie if he is deemed ready.
    This lineup makes the playoffs next year. Why? They will have better goaltending, better PK and probably have a better PP as this year's has been pretty bad.
  12. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Prospect Report   
    Matthews Laine Puljujarvi Dubois in that order 1 to 4. Probably Tkachuk 5th. 
  13. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Around the NHL   
    Points aren't the only way to judge a d man. Trouba put up the same amount of points as Hamonic and everyone wants him here badly. 
  14. Like
    Ducky reacted to Jimmy Pop in Jets Prospects   
    And when someone uses excuses to justify below-grade players playing in elevated roles, I'll point it out too. 
    The point is that Thorburn in that role is a failure of management to provide adequate depth and/or a failure of our coaching staff to trust him in that role over players with more offensive upside, a la Petan, Dano, Armia, Lipon, Komaschuk, 
  15. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in Wpg Sun - You be the boss survey   
    The Jets have about 20m in salary cap space.
    Scheifele, Lowry, Trouba, Armia, Hutch, Tanev, Melchiori and Lipon are RFAs.
    The bolded will probably be on the big team next year and their salaries will count towards the cap.
    Scheif           7 m
    Trouba         3 m
    Lowry           1.5 m
    Armia           1.5 m
    Leaves them 7m under the cap.........seems like it's too high.
  16. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Jimmy Pop in Jets Prospects   
    Thorbs should be the 13 forward at best... I think he would take the role like a true pro and handle it properly.
    It'll be interesting to see who Maurice plays with Connor. I know it would depend a lot on the draft but putting him on a line with Perreault as the center wouldn't hurt. Connor Perreault Armia?
  17. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in End of Season Report Card   
    Sure Let's try this...
    Pav - He gets an F - Sorry but he's getting paid big bucks and putting up numbers similar to guys on league minimum. That matters. He has been one of the biggest issues this year and in the past years for sure. When is enough enough with this guy? 
    Hutch - D. He was pretty bad at times and pretty good at times. His numbers are similar to a guy getting paid 4 or 5 x the amount that he is. He might be as bad as PAvelec but at the same time, he got paid peanuts compared to Pavelec
    Helle - B. What more do you expect from the guy? Played really well, won games we had no business of winning, played at a time that the Jets had a very hard time scoring more than 2 goals a game really. Played quite well. 
    D men
    Buff - A. He signed a new deal, committed to WPG and the Jets. He put up good numbers and was solid defensively. Good Buff for sure. 
    Myers - B. Had a slow start but really picked up his game. Solid Contributor for sure.
    Trouba - C. I guess i'll say the Stuart effect played a role here but... at the same time, he's a young developing D man who showed some pretty good potential, People talk about wanting a defensive D man, Trouba seems to be developing in to that guy. Get him away from Stuart and he plays much better. 
    Enstrom - C . Yeah he's small, yeah he's paid a ton, yeah he struggled but... he's our best LHD man by far
    Stuart - F. Really, why bother with this guy anymore. He's regressed badly
    Chiarot - D. Really struggled for most of the year, only looked semi capable when playing with Buff, not a top 4 d man, but might be ok playing his proper side on the bottom pairing
    Melchiori - B. Guy looked like a tire fire on the Moose, looked calm and strong on the Jets, still a bad skater and pretty slow, call him Stuart JR i guess but... he actually surprised me with how well he played altho he did play some very sheltered minutes
    Ehlers- B. Solid rookie year for The Dashing Dane. Got better as the year went on and got better the second he got away from Thorburn. Worst coaching move of the year is putting a kid with that much skill with a plug like Thorburn. 
    Scheif - A. He turned in to that top line center that they thought he would be, Guy was a force and his line with Ehlers and Wheeler absolutely dominated, A great example of this is against LA, Sutter got the Kopitar line away from ESW cuz ESW owned Kopitar. 
    Wheeler- A. He's our best all around player. Leader. 
    Little - C. Off year for Mr Little for sure, not as good as he was last year or the years before. Perhaps would have reached  20 goals but...he had a down year
    Perreault - C. Again, not as good but consistent, injuries seem to be a concern with Perrault
    Stafford - C. Say what you want but he put up 20 goals yet again, not good in his own zone at all and doesn't really seem to fit in to what the Jets are building but a solid contributor in the O zone who went missing for huge stretches of the season, needs to be more consistent but he is what he is. 
    Burmi - D. Sorry but didn't impress me at all, had a solid maybe 10 games but the other 72 were pretty lacklustre, Might make a good 4th line guy who can PK but with the talent we have, not sure he has a place on the team in the future.
    Lowry - D. Just though he struggled mightily. Has very little O instinct but at the same time is a good D zone player, He'd be a damn fine 4th line Center tho
    Thorburn - D. Theres going to be a theme here among our bottom 6, Really struggles in his own zone badly, not a smart player at all, should be in the press box next season if this team is serious about trying to win games. Would like to see him traded as I feel that he has naked pictures of Maurice or something because, no way should Thorburn be playing 3rd or 2nd line minutes EVER on this team and he did this year, Really guys who play with him, they basically seem to produce nothing
    Copp - C. Had lower expectations for him than i DID lowry so Copp gets a C. Kid has some skill for sure, seems to be strong in his own zone and seemed to have concentrated on that more this year, But showed some pretty good O potential when paired with guys who have some skill. Keep him away from Thorburn and he's a good player. That Petan Copp Armia line was very very good. 
    Peluso - NR. Didn't play enough.
    Dano - NR - Liked what I saw from him, goes to the dirty areas where other Jets players don't, saw him open lots of times in front of the net, good in the D zone and a guy who likes to throw the body around, Not Rated due to just not enough of a sample size really
    Armia - C. The Enigma for sure. Looked amazing at times, not so much at others. Really good bottom 6 player  who has some pretty high end skill and is very good in his own zone, Needs to show more finish tho, But is a perfect 3rd line RW.
    Petan - NR - Again not really enough of a sample size for him but... from the start of the season when he was with the big club to the last 10 or so games he was here was night and day for sure, PAC was our 2nd best line the last several games, high end skill for sure. 
    Maurice - I dunno what to grade him. He's the coach and the team had good individual play but... he made some very interesting head scratching coaching decisions... He said the PP and PK were on him so need to take that in to account also... I'll give him a C - because i think there were coaches in the league who had less talent on their team that got more out of them, Don't like Maurices love affair with guys like Stu and Thorburn, it hurts the team. Don't like his handling of some of the younger guys at times, putting Ehlers with Thorburn was just stupid. C -
    Chevy - B. Jets did what they said they were gonna do, They got younger (that wasn't the issue tho), he signed Buff to a big deal,  traded Ladd for what will be a pick in the 20 to 24 range, got a nice prospect in Dano, Signed Tanev when 4 or 5 other teams were interested also.. plus just signed Kyle Connor so all in all, i think Chevy did a good job and I think some people are actually a little bit 2 hard on the guy. It's hard to give chevy a lower grade when i think the bright spots for the team outside of Wheeler and Buff were all guys Chevy has drafted. 
  18. Like
    Ducky reacted to kelownabomberfan in End of Season Report Card   
    Definitely.  100%.  Of course, I don't know what Copp's Corsi is, but I also don't care.
  19. Like
    Ducky reacted to Rich in Jets Prospects   
    Glad to see him sign.   No burning of the 1st year of his ELC.  
    Also delaying on when he would have to be protected for any possible expansion draft.
    Will be exciting to watch him play next year.
  20. Like
    Ducky reacted to kelownabomberfan in Around the NHL   
    and stayed off the ice...
  21. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Goalie in Around the NHL   
    He has 6 more years at 7m per year. The Sens can keep him.
  22. Like
    Ducky reacted to kelownabomberfan in End of Season Report Card   
    the team could live on frozen Buff burgers for quite awhile.
  23. Like
    Ducky reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in End of Season Report Card   
    Not enuf love I can hand out for this posting.
  24. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from FrostyWinnipeg in End of Season Report Card   
    Melchiori deserves at least a C+. Called up with no experience to talk about and has played well. Was cutting down on D zone mistakes the more he played...unlike another D man I won't mention....seems to play with a bit of an edge too....
    I would much rather see Melchiori as a 3rd pairing D man than Stuart but I think our 3rd pairing D man should be Chiarot and I think Chiarot > Melchiori > Stuart..... Chiarot would be adequate as a 3rd D man if he played like he did the last 15 or so games. Give TO our pick if it is 8th or 9th and Myers for Reilly. Even if we have to sweeten the deal it would be a huge improvement for our back end and he was drafted same year as Trouba and is debatably about as good.....(is debatably a word?).... Buff, Trouba, Enstrom, Reilly, Morrissey and Postma/Chiarot would make up a really nice D corps.
    Frosty gets promoted to a newly created position in the organization that only answers to Chipman....he oversees everything..........Chipman calls him The director and has a camera crew follow him around as Frosty steers Chevy and his staff in the right direction for their first Stanley Cup in 2018-2019. Nobody can keep up with the team and they are mentioned in the same breath as the 80s Oilers and 50s and 70s Habs.... The team goes on to win its 6th cup in a row breaking records along the way....Captain Scheifele (Art Ross Winner for the 4th straight year) says the team has the Allstar goaltending duo of Helle/Comrie plus the twin 50 goal scorers of Ehlers and Connor as well as MVP Matthews and 6 time Norris winner Trouba to thank for their dynasty.......Everyone calls Winnipeg Winnerpeg without even realizing it.....a movie comes out about Frosty called "Shenkarow couldn't Run a team if His Life Depended On It" and it goes on to set records at the Oscars. Frosty wins for Best Producer and Best Director........tragedy befalls the team as of this writing as the team was taken to South America by Chipman and Thomson as a reward for winning the cup and their plane goes missing over the Andes.........everyone still has hope that they are still "Alive".
  25. Like
    Ducky reacted to brett_c_b in 2016 Draft Standings   
    I just think it's so much easier when you have a right and lefty on every pair. All you got to do is look at L.A." -- Mike Babcock
    Not sure whose opinion carries more weight.......
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