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  1. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in End of Season Report Card   
    I posted the following as a mid-season report card…. I have adjusted the grades, if needed, and extra comments in bold. The grades are on the whole season.
    Here is my half season report card on the Jets. If a 4th liner plays better than expected, he might get a better grade than a 1st liner not doing as well as expected but may be still being better than the 4th liner.  
    Chevy        C
    Gets marks for not making any rash decisions while the Jets aren’t doing well and for stocking the cupboard with great picks at the draft. Loses marks for letting the Buff/Ladd situation drag past Christmas and not doing anything about the LHD depth.
    Chevy stuck to his guns and didn’t buckle to Ladd’s demands and overpay him and got a very good return on Ladd. Also, by giving Buff 7.6m per year, he is showing everyone around the league that the Jets will pay if you are worth it. He realized they weren’t making the postseason and acted accordingly. It’ll be interesting to see what he does in the off-season.
    Maurice     C
    Started Petan when he should have been sent down. Not very good special teams. Playing Stu/Peluso too much. Marks for switching around lines looking for good combos and for not letting the team get down and to continue trying to play the right way.
    Maurice’s grade stays the same for much the same reasons as above. He plays Stu too much and doesn’t play players like Petan and Armia with offensive minded players enough. Also, he didn’t play Postma until he was more or less forced to. Still playing Stu on the PK even though he is the worst PKer in the league statistically.
    Dano      C
    Dano has played relatively well and isn’t afraid to go to the tough spots and spaces.
    Ladd          C- Very inconsistent play at the beginning of the season. Starting to play better in the last 7-8 games has saved him from a D grade. The nastiness in his game is starting to co me out again.
    Ladd’s grade goes up because his play improved before the trade and how he handled everything surrounding a possible trade with the utmost class.
    Little          B
    Has played fairly consistent and probably through some injuries. Second leading scorer that kills penalties and plays the PP.
    Little’s grade doesn’t change mainly because he got hurt and was on pace for a 60 point season.
    Wheeler      A+
    Has played well all season and is in the top 10 in scoring in the league and is a team leader for the Jets. He also kills penalties and plays the PP. Best player on the team all year.
    Grade stays the same as he was the team’s MVP this year.
    Perreault     B
    Started slowly and that cost him a B+ grade. Excellent on the PP and on pace for a 53 point season. Gives it his all every shift same as Wheeler. Finishes checks and is good with the puck. If Myers played with his moxie, he'd be a Norris contender.
    Grade stays the same. He can really create offense when playing with the right players but hasn’t played a full season.
    Scheif         B
    Scheif went MIA for a sting earlier or I would have gave him a B+ or an A. Developing very nicely and is on pace for 47 points. Probably be the captain of the team one day.
    A-     Grade goes up because he upped his game when called upon to take on the 1C role. Future captain of the team.
    Ehlers         C
    Started nicely but has slowed considerably. The fast start saved him from a D grade. Needs to be better in his own end without the puck and has to put some points on the board and become more consistent offensively.
    B  Ehler’s mark moves up a full grade because his game really picked up in the 2nd half especially when teamed with Scheif and Wheeler. His D game has improved but he still needs some work in his D zone. A star in the making.
    Staf            B +         
    One of the most consistent Jets. Plays PP, PK, does everything that is asked of him and scores big goals.
    B-  His grade goes down. Staf seems to go away for a long periods of time and he is almost invisible ……. this was really noticeable in the 2nd half. Still scored over 20 goals and that is no small feat in this league.
    Lowry        D 
    A horrible start to the season saw him shipped to the Moose until Scheif was hurt. Playing better since the recall.
    C-  His grade goes up marginally because his game improved marginally. As of the last 6 or 7 games, he has played really well but the grade is on the season.
    Burmi         C+
    His game has come around nicely in the last 10 games and especially on the line with Lowry and Ladd. Good defensively. Needs to shoot more.
    Burmi’s grade stays the same. He over handles the puck too much and gives it up in the O zone way too much.
    Thorbs        B-
    Another player that does everything that is asked of him.
    C +   His played dropped off in the 2nd half and he should be in the press box most of next season.
    Copp          B-
    Copp hasn’t looked out of place and is very good defensively. He is having a very steady year.
    Grade stays the same. Copp plays well defensively and hopefully will one day crack the 3rd line.
    Armia         C+
    Not many games but certainly hasn’t looked out of place. Good positioning in the D zone, he has soft hands and is a good passer.
    Armia’s injury came at a most inopportune time. He could have got a lot of 2nd line minutes if not hurt. He was really coming on before the injury. Grade stays the same.
    Peluso        C
    Peluso played well when he was called on.
    He does what is expected of him but takes too many penalties. Should be playing on the Moose next year.
    Petan          C-
    Nic was a bit of a disappointment and was sent down to continue his development and is doing well on the Moose.
    C    I moved his grade up because he has played well and has showed improvement since his first tour earlier this season.
    Halischuk   B-
    Again, not many games but played the PK and brought a lot of energy to the 4th line.
    He does what is asked of him and never complains about anything. A good emergency call up this year. Grade stays the same.
    Buff           B
    Has been the best D man this year. He hasn’t taken too many games off and a LOT of the Jets’ Offense starts with him. Better defensively than most people give him credit for and breaks up a lot of p lays because he has such great anticipation and sees plays developing.
    Buff’s grade goes up as he has played a good, sound D game while adding offense and didn’t give up even when eliminated from the postseason. Shows the youngsters what it takes to be a pro.
    Trouba        C-
    His play the last 10-12 games has brought him up from a D grade. Started badly  and was downright horrible some games earlier this season.
    I wanted to move him up to a C but every 4th game or so he sucks big time…..needs to be more consistent. Grade stays the same.
    Myers          C+
    He has played well after an early start but takes off a bit too much still and gets caught up ice too often. His hockey IQ doesn’t match his skill. Has played well on the PP as of late.
    Grade stays the same and I can’t really expand too much on his mid-season report. A lot of it remains the same. I did expect more O from him this year.
    Enstrom       B-
    Toby has been our best defensive defenseman this year. Great first passes out of the D zone. Too small to win many battles against the boards brings his grade down fro m a B+.
    Grade stays the same. A calming influence on the blueline and players play much better when paired with him.
    Chiarot        D
    Has played well below expectations and was sat for a spell in November. Inconsistent play this year.
    I’d like to up his grade but like Trouba, every 4th or so game sucks very badly. Grade stays the same.
    Stuart          D-
    A train wreck and a defenseman that makes poor decisions with the puck. The worst grade possible.  
    If there was a lower mark (pun intended), he would get it.
    Pardy          C-
    He got in for a few games but didn’t leave a great impression. Slow skater.
    Grade stays the same mainly because of so few games played before being traded.
    Postma        C-
    Not many games at all but not the best defence-oriented defenceman on the team.
    Grade stays the same although I almost gave him a C. Seems to be getting better the more games he played.
    Hutch          D
    Started well but hasn’t won a game he has started since the end of October. Nuff said.
    Grade stays the same. His ceiling is probably a journeyman backup.
    Helle           A-
    I really wanted to give him an A but getting pulled after a poor showing the other week brings it down….if he had more games under his belt, it might not have. It’s still very early in his career but he looks to be the future goaltender for the Jets for years to come.
    B+   His grade goes down a bit because his play dropped off before being sent back down.
    Pavs            C-
    Didn’t play well or consistent before getting hurt and needs to play better when he returns as either he or Hutch will be moved….farm or trade.
    I almost gave him a D but he has been better than Hutch so………..grade stays the same.
    Average team mark is a low C.
    Overall team mark is an average C.
    Average management mark is a C.  
    B-        Chevy’s handling of Buff and Ladd and picking up Tanev brings the management’s mark up.
    Did I forget anyone?
  2. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Mr Dee in End of Season Report Card   
    I posted the following as a mid-season report card…. I have adjusted the grades, if needed, and extra comments in bold. The grades are on the whole season.
    Here is my half season report card on the Jets. If a 4th liner plays better than expected, he might get a better grade than a 1st liner not doing as well as expected but may be still being better than the 4th liner.  
    Chevy        C
    Gets marks for not making any rash decisions while the Jets aren’t doing well and for stocking the cupboard with great picks at the draft. Loses marks for letting the Buff/Ladd situation drag past Christmas and not doing anything about the LHD depth.
    Chevy stuck to his guns and didn’t buckle to Ladd’s demands and overpay him and got a very good return on Ladd. Also, by giving Buff 7.6m per year, he is showing everyone around the league that the Jets will pay if you are worth it. He realized they weren’t making the postseason and acted accordingly. It’ll be interesting to see what he does in the off-season.
    Maurice     C
    Started Petan when he should have been sent down. Not very good special teams. Playing Stu/Peluso too much. Marks for switching around lines looking for good combos and for not letting the team get down and to continue trying to play the right way.
    Maurice’s grade stays the same for much the same reasons as above. He plays Stu too much and doesn’t play players like Petan and Armia with offensive minded players enough. Also, he didn’t play Postma until he was more or less forced to. Still playing Stu on the PK even though he is the worst PKer in the league statistically.
    Dano      C
    Dano has played relatively well and isn’t afraid to go to the tough spots and spaces.
    Ladd          C- Very inconsistent play at the beginning of the season. Starting to play better in the last 7-8 games has saved him from a D grade. The nastiness in his game is starting to co me out again.
    Ladd’s grade goes up because his play improved before the trade and how he handled everything surrounding a possible trade with the utmost class.
    Little          B
    Has played fairly consistent and probably through some injuries. Second leading scorer that kills penalties and plays the PP.
    Little’s grade doesn’t change mainly because he got hurt and was on pace for a 60 point season.
    Wheeler      A+
    Has played well all season and is in the top 10 in scoring in the league and is a team leader for the Jets. He also kills penalties and plays the PP. Best player on the team all year.
    Grade stays the same as he was the team’s MVP this year.
    Perreault     B
    Started slowly and that cost him a B+ grade. Excellent on the PP and on pace for a 53 point season. Gives it his all every shift same as Wheeler. Finishes checks and is good with the puck. If Myers played with his moxie, he'd be a Norris contender.
    Grade stays the same. He can really create offense when playing with the right players but hasn’t played a full season.
    Scheif         B
    Scheif went MIA for a sting earlier or I would have gave him a B+ or an A. Developing very nicely and is on pace for 47 points. Probably be the captain of the team one day.
    A-     Grade goes up because he upped his game when called upon to take on the 1C role. Future captain of the team.
    Ehlers         C
    Started nicely but has slowed considerably. The fast start saved him from a D grade. Needs to be better in his own end without the puck and has to put some points on the board and become more consistent offensively.
    B  Ehler’s mark moves up a full grade because his game really picked up in the 2nd half especially when teamed with Scheif and Wheeler. His D game has improved but he still needs some work in his D zone. A star in the making.
    Staf            B +         
    One of the most consistent Jets. Plays PP, PK, does everything that is asked of him and scores big goals.
    B-  His grade goes down. Staf seems to go away for a long periods of time and he is almost invisible ……. this was really noticeable in the 2nd half. Still scored over 20 goals and that is no small feat in this league.
    Lowry        D 
    A horrible start to the season saw him shipped to the Moose until Scheif was hurt. Playing better since the recall.
    C-  His grade goes up marginally because his game improved marginally. As of the last 6 or 7 games, he has played really well but the grade is on the season.
    Burmi         C+
    His game has come around nicely in the last 10 games and especially on the line with Lowry and Ladd. Good defensively. Needs to shoot more.
    Burmi’s grade stays the same. He over handles the puck too much and gives it up in the O zone way too much.
    Thorbs        B-
    Another player that does everything that is asked of him.
    C +   His played dropped off in the 2nd half and he should be in the press box most of next season.
    Copp          B-
    Copp hasn’t looked out of place and is very good defensively. He is having a very steady year.
    Grade stays the same. Copp plays well defensively and hopefully will one day crack the 3rd line.
    Armia         C+
    Not many games but certainly hasn’t looked out of place. Good positioning in the D zone, he has soft hands and is a good passer.
    Armia’s injury came at a most inopportune time. He could have got a lot of 2nd line minutes if not hurt. He was really coming on before the injury. Grade stays the same.
    Peluso        C
    Peluso played well when he was called on.
    He does what is expected of him but takes too many penalties. Should be playing on the Moose next year.
    Petan          C-
    Nic was a bit of a disappointment and was sent down to continue his development and is doing well on the Moose.
    C    I moved his grade up because he has played well and has showed improvement since his first tour earlier this season.
    Halischuk   B-
    Again, not many games but played the PK and brought a lot of energy to the 4th line.
    He does what is asked of him and never complains about anything. A good emergency call up this year. Grade stays the same.
    Buff           B
    Has been the best D man this year. He hasn’t taken too many games off and a LOT of the Jets’ Offense starts with him. Better defensively than most people give him credit for and breaks up a lot of p lays because he has such great anticipation and sees plays developing.
    Buff’s grade goes up as he has played a good, sound D game while adding offense and didn’t give up even when eliminated from the postseason. Shows the youngsters what it takes to be a pro.
    Trouba        C-
    His play the last 10-12 games has brought him up from a D grade. Started badly  and was downright horrible some games earlier this season.
    I wanted to move him up to a C but every 4th game or so he sucks big time…..needs to be more consistent. Grade stays the same.
    Myers          C+
    He has played well after an early start but takes off a bit too much still and gets caught up ice too often. His hockey IQ doesn’t match his skill. Has played well on the PP as of late.
    Grade stays the same and I can’t really expand too much on his mid-season report. A lot of it remains the same. I did expect more O from him this year.
    Enstrom       B-
    Toby has been our best defensive defenseman this year. Great first passes out of the D zone. Too small to win many battles against the boards brings his grade down fro m a B+.
    Grade stays the same. A calming influence on the blueline and players play much better when paired with him.
    Chiarot        D
    Has played well below expectations and was sat for a spell in November. Inconsistent play this year.
    I’d like to up his grade but like Trouba, every 4th or so game sucks very badly. Grade stays the same.
    Stuart          D-
    A train wreck and a defenseman that makes poor decisions with the puck. The worst grade possible.  
    If there was a lower mark (pun intended), he would get it.
    Pardy          C-
    He got in for a few games but didn’t leave a great impression. Slow skater.
    Grade stays the same mainly because of so few games played before being traded.
    Postma        C-
    Not many games at all but not the best defence-oriented defenceman on the team.
    Grade stays the same although I almost gave him a C. Seems to be getting better the more games he played.
    Hutch          D
    Started well but hasn’t won a game he has started since the end of October. Nuff said.
    Grade stays the same. His ceiling is probably a journeyman backup.
    Helle           A-
    I really wanted to give him an A but getting pulled after a poor showing the other week brings it down….if he had more games under his belt, it might not have. It’s still very early in his career but he looks to be the future goaltender for the Jets for years to come.
    B+   His grade goes down a bit because his play dropped off before being sent back down.
    Pavs            C-
    Didn’t play well or consistent before getting hurt and needs to play better when he returns as either he or Hutch will be moved….farm or trade.
    I almost gave him a D but he has been better than Hutch so………..grade stays the same.
    Average team mark is a low C.
    Overall team mark is an average C.
    Average management mark is a C.  
    B-        Chevy’s handling of Buff and Ladd and picking up Tanev brings the management’s mark up.
    Did I forget anyone?
  3. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Around the NHL   
    Helle is 10 x the goalie pav is. It's not even close. Pav is a fish out of water flopping around all the time. Helle is positionally strong. Tracks the puck well. Pav sometimes reacts well after the puck is in the net. Timeto move on from pav. 5 6 years of way below average nhl goaltending is enough. Fun fact.... Hutch started off strong yup and regressed to Pavelec like career numbers. Pav puts up a 906 save percentage he's our starter. Hutch does and he's regressed?  Seriously lol. 
    Why do some people not get that pavelec is the worst goalie we have. Him and Hutch have similar numbers. Pav gets paid 4.75 million. Hutch might get 1 million. Hutch is good value. Pav you couldn't trade to a beer league team. 
  4. Like
    Ducky reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in 2016 Draft Standings   
    Near-Final Standings - Apr 9 - 2111
    TOR - 69 - 30th
    EDM - 69 - 29th
    VAN - 73 - 28th
    CBJ - 76 - 27th
    WPG - 76 - TBD
    CAL - 77 - TBD
    Tonight's Winners - TOR - Worst team in NHL this season
    Tonight's Losers - CAL +2 , WPG ???
  5. Like
    Ducky reacted to kelownabomberfan in Prospect Report   
  6. Like
    Ducky reacted to kelownabomberfan in Jets Prospects   
    man first he gets screwed by USA Hockey when they don't select him for the World Juniors and now this horse crap garbage. He's going to fit right in in Winnipeg now as he's already arriving with a big "We always get screwed by the man" chip on his shoulder...
  7. Like
    Ducky reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in Jets Prospects   
    Lose out on a million dollars?
  8. Like
    Ducky reacted to kelownabomberfan in 2016 Draft Standings   
    At this point I would be ecstatic if Winnipeg got Matthews but if we can't have him, I'd like to see him go anywhere but Edmonton.  Those guys have gotten enough first-round picks.
  9. Like
    Ducky reacted to bustamente in Game 81 : Jets @ Sharks - West Coast Story   
    No doubt Pavelec is gone after next season maybe before if they can give him away for a pick, Stafford will probably be a deadline trade. Maybe a cap casualty would improve our 4th line or maybe help 3rd pairing d. Currently at 43 contracts so we have some wiggle room.
  10. Like
    Ducky reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in Prospect Report   
  11. Like
    Ducky reacted to Mr Dee in Game 82 : Non-Stop @ Three Kings   
    ..........Go Jets Go - in your last game this year...
  12. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Prospect Report   
    Jets have several guys who could turn out to be high end top tier superstars
    Scheif, He's that legit number 1 center that they hope he would be when drafted and his line is the most dangerous line on the ice
    Wheeler - How can anyone say he's not when he's top 5 in RW scoring the last 5 years
    Ehlers- The kid is young but has a ton of high end skill... The ESW line is as legit as any first line in the league
    Connor - Kid has potential to be very good, people should lower their expectations a bit for a couple years first tho cuz it takes some time
    Even Nic Petan has high end top tier superstar potential, you can actually see the game slowing down for him. He would probably be more of a set up guy tho but still... The talent is there for sure. 
    Jets are a very good young team with the potential to be very very good for a very long time. 
    Legit franchise players like Crosby, OVI, McDavid don't come around very often. Patrick Kane also, I know people consider Toews to be a franchise player but... Kane is the guy that makes the Hawks go for sure and it's not even close. 
  13. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Prospect Report   
    Jamie Benn is another example of a guy picked late, or not at all even and now him and seguin are lighting it up for Dallas. 
    Franchise players are nice to have and it would be nice to have a guy like OVI or Crosby or maybe Matthews ( no guarantee Matthews is as good tho) (he's just a prospect right now) but... as much as i'd love to have that guy that scores 40 or 50 goals and is the face of the franchise, I'm more than fine with having 4 or 5 or 6 guys who are able to pop 20 25 or more goals each...Scheif,Wheeler,Buff,Little if he was healthy, Ehlers if he didn't play with Thorbs for half a season,Connor, these are guys that can do that.. Perreault maybe even but he's more of an Assist guy. But that's just as good as having that franchise player. 
  14. Like
    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in Game 81 : Jets @ Sharks - West Coast Story   
    Maurice has thrown some cold water on the Jets play.  He said he doesnt put much stock in these games because the other teams dont have a ton to play for.  He said seeing players fighting and playing hard is great and its more about evaluating individuals to caring about the wins and losses.
    With Scheif nearing 30 goals at no better time for him going into a contract year, what are we looking at for him now?  Have to assume Jets would love to lock him up for 7 or 8 years...
    Another interesting discussion on the Big Show this morning.  I think it was the Sherrif that was asked who would be the 3rd line centre (At least I think that was the question) between Lowry and Copp.  There was a long pause and he replied that he thinks they would compete for the 4C spot.  And that Scheif playing the way he has sort of makes him the defacto 1C with Wheelers and Ehlers.  Little plays 2C and he said "they need to find wingers" for him.  and potentially makes Perreault the 3C.  Good problem to have. 
    I would think though its Perreault - Little - Stafford to start.  Connor - Lowry - ??? (Dano/Armia).
  15. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in We be tankin' it (official tanking thread) ...   
    A coach and players will always try to win............a GM tanks.
  16. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Prospect Report   
    Interesting news out of Michigan, the M on the CCM line, Tyler Motte will be leaving Michigan to join Chicago. Gotta think Compher is next and then Connor also. 
  17. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Blueballz in Prospect Report   
    Not to mention Copp and De Leo in the 4th round. Roslovic will probably make the NHL too.
    Players Chevy drafted in the 2013 draft with the round drafted...
    Morrisseiy 1
    Comrie 2
    Lodge 3
    Lipon 3
    Copp 4
    Kostalek 4
    Poolman 5
    Kichton 7
    Karlstrom 7
    Five of these (bolded) have a really good chance of making the big league and that is almost unheard of. Poolman and Kostalek have a fairly good chance of making it. Lodge, Kichton and Karlstrom not so much
  18. Like
    Ducky reacted to kelownabomberfan in Around the NHL   
    one day I can see Buff's daughter playing in the NHL.
  19. Like
    Ducky reacted to mbrg in Prospect Report   
    Every season that Scheiffle spent in junior while Couturier played in the NHL, people complained, and for a good part of his first season with the Jets as well.
    Chevldayoff has been one of the most astute drafters in the NHL, and just the other day people here were commenting that he could stand to learn a thing or two from John Ferguson.  Really?  Chevy's had 5 drafts with the Jets and I'd grade every one of them as one of the top 5 team draft classes of that year.  What's his biggest miss so far?  Using a 2nd rounder on Lucas Sutter?  Give me a break.
  20. Like
    Ducky reacted to BomberBall in Game 80 : Jets @ Duck, You Sucker!   
    Good.  Absolutely no need to put him out there.
  21. Like
    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in 2016 Draft Standings   
    I think they might consider packaging their 2nd and Chicago's 1st to move up if there is someone they really like.  But between their top three picks (2 first and their second) they should land three good players.
  22. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Goalie in 2016 Draft Standings   
    We'd still get a pretty good player at 7th.
  23. Like
    Ducky reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in Prospect Report   
    That depends. Have you seen Stuart play?
  24. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from FrostyWinnipeg in Game 79 : Wild @ Lost   
    I'd rather see Connor and/or Armia in the top 6 before Stafford..........Perreault too for that matter.
    top six.......ESW, Little, Perreault and that is 5. Who should the 6th be?
    I'd say Connor before Armia before Stafford.
    If we draft one of the Finns, that pick would be top 6.
  25. Like
    Ducky reacted to IC Khari in Game 79 : Wild @ Lost   
    Copp's got some skills! Good future ahead for this franchise with all of these good young players, we need the patience to let their experience catch up to their talent!
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