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    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in Helle Sent Down   
    I wonder if it means no Hamonic.  If they value their youth so much is an indication of signing Trouba long term, it would be hard to fit Hamonic in. 
    There was also some discussion about the Captaincy.  They said it will probably not be decided until next season, which I think makes sense.  And that they dont want to change Captains every couple of years so the choices will come down to guys that will be long term fixtures.  Ownership, management and players will have a say. 
    So let's assume the obvious pick, Blake Wheeler.  But if they wanted to go with a longer-term guy...I suppose that only leaves Scheif and Trouba.  And I dont see that at this point.
  2. Like
    Ducky reacted to mbrg in Around the NHL   
    I'm still not sure what you're arguing.  Stempniak is better than a bunch of players currently on our roster.  That isn't some revelation.  Does that mean they should have signed Stempniak?  Why?  To what end purpose?
    Stempniak is a perfectly good 3rd line player, 2nd line on a weaker team.  So we sign him and then what?  We don't play Ehlers?  Lowry doesn't get a second year of pro experience under his belt?  Armia doesn't get called up?  Copp doesn't get experience?  Every other year Chevy has taken a flyer on a low-cost player or two because our young guys weren't ready to play in the NHL yet and we had roster spots to fill.  And that's why they were always signed to one or two year deals - so they were not obstructing a roster spot for one of the young guys when they became ready.
    What offseason signings did the Jets make this year where the Jets could have accomplished the same thing with Stempniak and instead chose to go with a different player?  Re-signing Peluso?  So Stempniak is a guy we bring in to be an enforcer, sit in the press box for 40 games and play 5 minutes a night the other 40?  Signing Fraser?  So Stempniak is a guy who is going to take a cheap contract, play on the Moose most of the year and be ready to fill in for injuries, and get moved back down without getting claimed by another team?  These are the actual roles for these players, not just a reflection of our surprise that they aren't Stamkos in disguise.  Stempniak is too good a player for those roles.
    This season was a big part of development for the young players.  Draft and development.  It's a process.  Look at what happened with Lowry this year.  Growth is not a straight line trending up, and the time it takes for each player will be different.
    Stempniak is a decent enough player and I would have been fine with re-signing him.  The young guys were finally considered ready enough to bring on-stream in 2.0.  Any playing time given to Stempniak would come at their expense.  The absence of his 20 goals is a short term pain for long term gain.
  3. Like
    Ducky reacted to bustamente in Around the NHL   
    You should be optimistic this team's prospect will only get better and we will add to that in this years draft, Probably won't make the playoffs next year either as more prospects are looked at, but the following year will be the start of making the playoffs for years to come, here's hoping anyway.
  4. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from bustamente in Around the NHL   
    I didn't think we would be 3rd last at the TD.
    Still, I'm optimistic of the team's future with the quality youngsters in the organization.
  5. Like
    Ducky reacted to bustamente in 2016 Draft Standings   
    Lots of moving parts until draft day the only thing that is certain is that Mathews goes no.1. Anybody drafting top 5 will get a really good player for the future.
  6. Like
    Ducky reacted to sweep the leg in Around the NHL   
    Getting a 2nd rounder for Roman Polak might be the best return for anybody. Flames got pretty close to the same return for Russell as they did for Iginla.
  7. Like
    Ducky reacted to Mike in Around the NHL   
    lol what the heck Pirri for a 6th? So much for that market.
  8. Like
    Ducky reacted to Noeller in Around the NHL   
    Oilers would deal the 1st for a stud D, I think.....but I'm not sure that deal is out there, even in June/July. And any deal for RNH/Hall/Ebs, happens in the summer...not today.
  9. Like
    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in Around the NHL   
    So a different coal worker on the titanic. Wouldn't make a different. 
  10. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Brandon Blue&Gold in Around the NHL   
    Ryan Pulock is playing his first game tonight for the Isles.
    Showcasing him for a trade or just an authentic call up?
    He's going to be a good D man, maybe Snow is looking at him because he is moving Hamonic or another one of his D men?
  11. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Game 62 : Panthers @ Turbulence   
    Chevy staying in Pittsburgh for deadline day they said today on sportsnet
    That's interesting. I think we might see some more deals. 
    Stafford, Pardy, Burmi, Postma, Chiarot maybe thorburn and even Enstrom are all probably available. Wouldn't surprise me to see some of them moved Monday or Tomorrow 
  12. Like
    Ducky reacted to Rich in Andrew Ladd   
    I wonder if Florida was a team on Ladd's list.
  13. Like
    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in Andrew Ladd   
    I think i might prefer that deal with Florida. 
  14. Like
    Ducky reacted to Mr Dee in Jets Prospects   
    This situation didn't start this year and won't be resolved this year. The makeup of the jets had to be addressed for the long term when they arrived here from Atlanta. Does anybody not think the Jets "organization", in its totality, is better off now than when they were a franchise in Atlanta? Did fans really believe because the Jets made the playoffs last year that 'powerhouse team' was just around the corner?  From where we were, to where the Jets are headed, I believe this team is way ahead. Now, what has to be addressed is the right mixture of heady vets and ready rooks. There's talent there, we just have to have it complemented.
  15. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Game 61 : Jets @ Penguins of Madagascar   
    Dano is more comfortable playing RW so you'd want him to be as comfortable as possible wouldn't you? He's at his best on the right side. 
    Enstrom won't be around for another year, never mind more after his current deal expires. He's going to be traded. If he is on this team next year, I'd be surprised. 
    Heres the deal, Why keep stafford around? he's not part of the future, when he's not scoring, he's doing nothing, he brings his entire line down.
    You look at the Jets LW and RW depth now... where does stafford fit? Like it or not, the Jets are going with the youth, but they do have some vets in there, they gave this veteran group of players 5 almost 6 years to see what they can do and what they got was eliminated in 4 playoff games then regressed huge time this season. Not all of that is on the veterans obviously since Buff and Wheeler are having a great year individually. 
    You can pretty much pencil Connor in next year
    LW Ehlers, Connor,Perreault <-- no particular order
    RW Wheeler,Armia,Dano <-- no particular order again
    Where does Stafford fit? He doesn't. If somebody has interest in him, get what you can for him and move on. 
  16. Like
    Ducky reacted to mbrg in Andrew Ladd   
    His version is much better though - the media has been lying to us.
    Just imagine the scene in early 2015 - Chevy and Ladd's agent are together in Chevy's office, watching Weekend at Bernie's...
    Chevy: "We plan on making no attempt to re-sign Ladd.  We do not want him.  I repeat, we do not want him."
    Agent: "That's fine.  He does not want to be here.  So how should we proceed?"
    Chevy: "Every once in a while I'll leak out a lie.  Something about us talking."
    Agent: "Alright.  And I'll leak out a random dollar amount or term to one of those douchenozzles at TSN."
    Chevy: "Why do they only hire ex-Leafs for their panels?"
    Agent: "I have no idea.  Ready for Weekend at Bernie's 2?  I have to do something for all this billable hours I'm going to pretend to use on this."
    Chevy: "You know I'm always game for some more Bernie."
    Agent: "But what should we do if someone gets wise to us?  You know, doesn't take what the media says at face value?"
    Chevy: "I don't know.  A man that wise and perceptive?  I don't think one exists."
    Agent: "Alright.  A year and a half of fake negotiations, here we come.  Pass the popcorn."
  17. Like
    Ducky reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in Around the NHL   
    RIP Andy Bathgate.
  18. Like
    Ducky reacted to Floyd in Around the NHL   
    LA trading Ehrhoff to Chicago.... ??????
  19. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from New_Earth_Mud in Andrew Ladd   
    I sure am glad Chevy decided to deal with Buff and eventually sign him and we are not talking about how much we gave Ladd and had to let Buff go and what we got back for Buff. Chevy signed the right guy and then got a fair deal for Ladd.
  20. Like
    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in Andrew Ladd   
    So, they couldnt sign a deal when they had exclusive negotiating rights.  But they will when there are 29 other teams who can negotiate, offer incentive packages and get into a bidding war with one another?  Highly unlikely.
    The only he comes back here is if the free agent market collapses and no one offers him anything more than the Jets are willing to spend and he decides all things being equal that he might as not sell his house or make his wife leave her job.  But guess what...the MILLIONS more he'll be offered over what the Jets have offered will make the selling your house and moving your wife not feel like such a hardship.
  21. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Mark F in Game 60 : Alive @ Stars   
    Here's what Jetsnation has to say about Dano...
    Dano was ultimately drafted 27th overall in the 2013 draft by the Columbus Blue Jackets. This means the Jets add another to an already very large draft class of 2013 that includes Josh Morrissey, Nic Petan, Eric Comrie, Jimmy Lodge, JC Lipon (although was 2011 eligible), Andrew Copp (although was 2012 eligibile), Jan Kostalek, Tucker Poolman (although was 2011 eligible), Brenden Kichton (re-drafted), and Marcus Karlstrom (plus Axel Blomqvist who was signed to an ELC out of training camp).
    Dano was drafted out of the KHL, where he has a career 12 points over 78 games over two seasons at 18 and 19-years-of-age. He shifted over to North America late in 2014 where he has scored 48 points over 83 regular season games. He also has NHL experience with 21 points over 35 games for the Columbus Blue Jackets, and then 2 points over 13 games for the Chicago Blackhawks after being traded as part of the Brandon Saad deal.
    While Dano's NHL sample is small, he has performed extremely well under limited and sheltered minutes. Dano has paced 2.32 points per sixty minutes of 5v5 ice time. For contextual perspective, only Wheeler has paced over 2 points per sixty this season for the Jets. We would not expect that type of pace to persist, especially given his AHL pace, but it is still promising to see.
    The young forward's deployment has leaned towards offensive opportunities, but still Dano's teams have controlled 54.33 per cent of shots with Dano on the ice, while only controlling 49.08 per cent with him on the bench.
    A good comparison for Dano's performance this season in the AHL may be the Jets' own Nic Petan. Dano is slightly older but similar age. This season Petan has paced 0.56 primary points per game, while Dano has paced 0.41 points per game. Dano though tends to shoot the puck more with his 2.2 shots per game versus Petan's 1.9.
    Most of Dano's AHL contributions this year though has come from the power play, with Petan pacing 0.44 primary even strength points per game, while Dano sits at 0.235.
    Dano has experience playing centre, although he most plays on the wing. He is a left-handed shot, although tends to prefer to play on his "off-wing" much like Nikolaj Ehlers.
    Overall, Dano fits a style the style for the team Kevin Cheveldayoff seems to be trying to build with additions like Nikolaj Ehlers and Kyle Connor. Dano is both fast and quick, as he has a okay top-gear (not nearly Connor or Ehlers speed though) but can accelerate quickly. His strength with his speed is more the pace he can keep up and his ability to make plays at his top-speed. He excels at breaking into the zone with the puck and, despite being under 6-feet-tall, he isn't afraid to drive into the tough areas.
    We discussed earlier that the Jets wishing to compete over the next few years will likely need to additions, upgrading two top-nine wingers and adding to Blake Wheeler, Nikolaj Ehlers, Mathieu Perreault, and Drew Stafford.
    Unless something dramatic changes or players struggle to reach their potential, these two needed additions may be adequately filled by Marko Dano and Kyle Connor.
  22. Like
    Ducky reacted to Floyd in Game 61 : Jets @ Penguins of Madagascar   
    Pretty sure left is his off wing.
    Dano Lowry Armia could be a nice line - two bigs guys and a smaller playmaker
    Would be great to see Stafford moved... maybe Florida wants him, lower price
  23. Like
    Ducky reacted to Floyd in Andrew Ladd   
    Scheif 6'3, Lowry 6'5,  Armia 6'3... bunch of guys around 6'0-6'1
    Trouba, Buff, Myers, Chiarot...  smallest will be Morrissey and he's almost 200lbs now, solid
    The core of this team is pretty big with a  few smaller scorers... Chevy just following Chicago model
    Top six picks this year are all big guys...  Neimelainen and Tufte are huge talented late rounds picks.... we'll see.
  24. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in Game 60 : Alive @ Stars   
    Here's what Jetsnation has to say about Dano...
    Dano was ultimately drafted 27th overall in the 2013 draft by the Columbus Blue Jackets. This means the Jets add another to an already very large draft class of 2013 that includes Josh Morrissey, Nic Petan, Eric Comrie, Jimmy Lodge, JC Lipon (although was 2011 eligible), Andrew Copp (although was 2012 eligibile), Jan Kostalek, Tucker Poolman (although was 2011 eligible), Brenden Kichton (re-drafted), and Marcus Karlstrom (plus Axel Blomqvist who was signed to an ELC out of training camp).
    Dano was drafted out of the KHL, where he has a career 12 points over 78 games over two seasons at 18 and 19-years-of-age. He shifted over to North America late in 2014 where he has scored 48 points over 83 regular season games. He also has NHL experience with 21 points over 35 games for the Columbus Blue Jackets, and then 2 points over 13 games for the Chicago Blackhawks after being traded as part of the Brandon Saad deal.
    While Dano's NHL sample is small, he has performed extremely well under limited and sheltered minutes. Dano has paced 2.32 points per sixty minutes of 5v5 ice time. For contextual perspective, only Wheeler has paced over 2 points per sixty this season for the Jets. We would not expect that type of pace to persist, especially given his AHL pace, but it is still promising to see.
    The young forward's deployment has leaned towards offensive opportunities, but still Dano's teams have controlled 54.33 per cent of shots with Dano on the ice, while only controlling 49.08 per cent with him on the bench.
    A good comparison for Dano's performance this season in the AHL may be the Jets' own Nic Petan. Dano is slightly older but similar age. This season Petan has paced 0.56 primary points per game, while Dano has paced 0.41 points per game. Dano though tends to shoot the puck more with his 2.2 shots per game versus Petan's 1.9.
    Most of Dano's AHL contributions this year though has come from the power play, with Petan pacing 0.44 primary even strength points per game, while Dano sits at 0.235.
    Dano has experience playing centre, although he most plays on the wing. He is a left-handed shot, although tends to prefer to play on his "off-wing" much like Nikolaj Ehlers.
    Overall, Dano fits a style the style for the team Kevin Cheveldayoff seems to be trying to build with additions like Nikolaj Ehlers and Kyle Connor. Dano is both fast and quick, as he has a okay top-gear (not nearly Connor or Ehlers speed though) but can accelerate quickly. His strength with his speed is more the pace he can keep up and his ability to make plays at his top-speed. He excels at breaking into the zone with the puck and, despite being under 6-feet-tall, he isn't afraid to drive into the tough areas.
    We discussed earlier that the Jets wishing to compete over the next few years will likely need to additions, upgrading two top-nine wingers and adding to Blake Wheeler, Nikolaj Ehlers, Mathieu Perreault, and Drew Stafford.
    Unless something dramatic changes or players struggle to reach their potential, these two needed additions may be adequately filled by Marko Dano and Kyle Connor.
  25. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Andrew Ladd   
    Am I the only person who hopes that Chicago is eliminated in tge first round so our pick is better. 
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