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  1. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from BomberFan in Jets Prospects   
    24G 27A for 51 points in 28 games...
    Hello Winnipeg fall of this year.
  2. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from FrostyWinnipeg in Jets Prospects   
    24G 27A for 51 points in 28 games...
    Hello Winnipeg fall of this year.
  3. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Andrew Ladd   
    I don't see why trading depth pieces who aren't going to get better or who aren't really doing anything right now hurts us.
    If teams want Thor stafford Burmi... why not trade them. They aren't part of the future really. 
    9 or 10 guys still on this team from the 2011 roster. Change needs to happen.
    You can't just come back every season with the same exact roster and get better. 
    We are bottom 4 in the league. The team isn't good enough. That's the bottom line 
  4. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in Jets Prospects   
    24G 27A for 51 points in 28 games...
    Hello Winnipeg fall of this year.
  5. Like
    Ducky reacted to IC Khari in We be tankin' it (official tanking thread) ...   
    Stemp is making a Henoc Muamba type tour, just with longer stops in between ...
  6. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Goalie in Andrew Ladd   
    Depending on what was coming back, I wouldn't think twice of including him in a trade.
  7. Like
    Ducky reacted to Brandon in Game 57 : Airport 75 @ Lightning   
    Let the tank continue!!
  8. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Goalie in Game 57 : Airport 75 @ Lightning   
    A better showing by Pavs and this is a win. No OT needed.
    Ladd and Armia and Buff and Trouba had strong games.
    You can finish 3rd last and still not pick until 6th but I'd love to see a 30th place finish and Matthews in a Jets uni next season.
    Perreault takes a beating doesn't he?
  9. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from FrostyWinnipeg in Game 57 : Airport 75 @ Lightning   
    A better showing by Pavs and this is a win. No OT needed.
    Ladd and Armia and Buff and Trouba had strong games.
    You can finish 3rd last and still not pick until 6th but I'd love to see a 30th place finish and Matthews in a Jets uni next season.
    Perreault takes a beating doesn't he?
  10. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from FrostyWinnipeg in We be tankin' it (official tanking thread) ...   
    Scheif has zero goals in his last 10 games.
    Nobody ever criticizes him on here though.
  11. Like
    Ducky reacted to Jimmy Pop in 2014 - 2015 Winnipeg Jets   
    I was expecting a 14/15 depth chart preview from Ducky, circa 2011.
    Color me disappointed. 

  12. Like
    Ducky reacted to IC Khari in We be tankin' it (official tanking thread) ...   
    Where we are is perfect, I don't miss any of em' ... in a few weeks after this upcoming killer sked, we could be in an even more perfect situation ...  
  13. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Mr. Perfect in How Long???   
    Take a look at our prospects and tell me that again?
  14. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from New_Earth_Mud in How Long???   
    Take a look at our prospects and tell me that again?
  15. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from IC Khari in We be tankin' it (official tanking thread) ...   
    Just ran it 50 times...........Jets had 10 1sts, 7 2nds and 10 3rds.
  16. Like
    Ducky reacted to bustamente in Around the NHL   
    Bettman upholds suspension for Wideman  
  17. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Goalie in Jets Prospects   
    Exactly, Connor isn't signing to play for the Moose....no way, no how.
  18. Like
    Ducky reacted to IC Khari in Stuuuuuuuuu   
    It's like settling for J-lo's skinnier sister
  19. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from IC Khari in Stuuuuuuuuu   
    Sorry, huge drop from McDavid to Eichel. at least there is now.
    Matthews would have been 2nd if he was in last year's draft.
  20. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Goalie in Jets Prospects   
    If Lemieux is ready, he should start on the Jets, if not, the Moose. Same as Connor or anyone for that matter. It isn't rocket science.
  21. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from Mark F in Andrew Ladd   
    Myers has hit a plateau and will not get much better. Buff is playing at his peak. Trouba can still improve lots as can Chiarot. Enstrom is on a decline and Stuart has hit a plateau.....his plateau is at the basement floor.
    Myers played 18:06 and Enstrom played 25:49. Trouba played 20:43 and Buff 26:35. Chiarto played 13:46 and Pardy 13:08 (10:00 too much). When will Maurice see it isn't rust on Pardy and play Postma? I say Pardy sits by the Pens game.
    Ladd went back on the Little Wheeler line last night and I liked his game. His banging led to the goal if I remember correctly.  Actually, he has played better the last handful of games. Armia was really good and I wonder if Maurice will keep him with Ehlers and Scheif? Pavs is showing well for prospective buyers. Hutch will play soon so Chevy can let others see how he is playing.
    I really like Staf's game this year but should we trade him at the TD? Wil there be room for him next year in the top 6? Is Chevy going to pay 4.35m for a 3rd liner? Should he? Scheif, Connor, Little, Wheeler, Armia and Ehlers look good as our top 6 next year with MP and Lowry on the 3rd line.  Do we have room if any of Petan/Lemieux/Lipon etc... make the team?
    What would Staf bring back? A 1st for sure. A 1st (or prospect) for Staf and a 1st (or prospect) and a prospect for Ladd. A pick for one of our goalies. Chevy has some assets he needs to think about quickly.
  22. Like
    Ducky got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in Around the NHL   
    Pavs for Wotherspoon or Kylington.
  23. Like
    Ducky reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in We be tankin' it (official tanking thread) ...   
  24. Like
    Ducky reacted to Goalie in Game 57 : Airport 75 @ Lightning   
    I'll bet Hutch starts. Maurice said both would play on this road trip 
  25. Like
    Ducky reacted to The Unknown Poster in Game 56 : Jets @ Hurricane Carter   
    Gooood. Goooooooooood.  Now if only those idiots in Columbus would go on a run. 
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