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  1. It's true. Resale prices are getting low. That's why I'll now take $250 each for my section 132, row 19, seats 8 and 9. I am selling them as a pair. It's a great price for these seats! Way below the $408 non-resale Ticketmaster price. And no additional taxes or fees. Please DM me if interested!
  2. Lowering it to $300 per ticket. Section 132, row 19, seats 8 and 9. Over $100 under face value per ticket! I really want Bomber fans filling these seats. Please DM me if interested!
  3. I would have preferred "awesome" but I'll take "solid"...I guess 😜 I want Bomber fans to end up with these tickets so the price is definitely negotiable!
  4. Lol thank you. Very helpful.
  5. I have two tickets available. Face value is $408 each. I'm asking $300 each. No additional fees or taxes. Section 132, row 19, seats 8 and 9. Please message me if you're interested. Go Blue!!
  6. 2004 was my first one. The Bombers won! It was great. I've gone every year since except for '08 and '10 so yeah, I've seen it all at the LDC. Well, except for a 1997-style beatdown of the Riders. I'd really like to witness one of those. What I like is that the Bombers won the first and the last LDCs I attended at Taylor Field. I like to forget about all the ones in between.
  7. Lol Only because he was super clutch for the Bombers!!
  8. Between that and hitting the post in OT on Canada Day 2017, good ol' Crappy was my favourite Rider for a while there! Of course, there was literally no competition for that title.
  9. I sincerely apologize for being "that guy" but I'm pretty sure it was Kendial Lawrence on the punt return. Demski was in 2015. But man, after all those years of LDC losses, being there for this kick was one of the most euphoric moments I've experienced. The playoff wins were better overall, obviously, but this was damn special.
  10. Yes, Speedy B_____ indeed.
  11. Just read the Global article and the reported number is $100k. But hey 10-20k...100k... that's the same, right? Just like 12 and 13? And I'm sure it won't end up more being more expensive than that at all. In summary: **** those *** clowns.
  12. I think it's funny suggesting Zach Collaros hasn't experienced "a little adversity".
  13. When I see that the next post is his I just get depressed in advance.
  14. Thank you! That receiver was NOT open. Would have been picked or knocked down if the post hadn't already knocked it down. But hey, whatever helps Rider fans sleep at night.
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