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Everything posted by Bomberfan85

  1. Nah, I was there too and I was getting genuine pity. "We know how it feels, man" and such. It was awful.
  2. One guy for each old Madden cover?
  3. I remember feeling that exact way about Glenn after the '08 Bomber season. May it work out just as well for the Riders!
  4. I'd mind based on production. If the Bombers were to let their top receiver go to keep a guy who gets hurt as much as Smith does, I wouldn't be happy.
  5. I was really pulling for a tie. Ah well, they're still just 2-10!
  6. I strongly agree with this. I hate the Riders as much as anyone but I've attended 11 LDC games there and the fans around me have always been great. Some guys sitting in front of us even wanted to get pictures with us after the game this year. Good rapport in the stands. Then I come back on the forums...
  7. Over on Riderfans, some guy wants to start an online petition to "Save the CFL" basically because a close call didn't go their way. The Bombers should start winning Labour Day every year. The aftermath is hilarious!
  8. J. Adams is practising. Pretty sure that's Hardrick out there at RT too.
  9. Oh, totally! I went to my first Labour Day game in '04 with 4 friends and we easily found 5 good seats together. In August! After that Grey Cup there has been a huge change.
  10. Apologies to IC Khari. I said the closed captioning thing. I'm still new at this!
  11. That is some next level closed captioning going on! Maybe the IGF scoreboard isn't so bad...
  12. Actually, if you click the link on the Rider Facebook page you can get them! Thanks a lot for posting the Promo Code!
  13. I couldn't access them. Am I missing something? (I even created a Rider account on Ticketmaster. I feel gross.)
  14. Rod is the absolute worst. What garbage. I love how he's not even just jokingly assuming the Riders will win the Labour Day game. The way he spins some of the things Denmark says to shine a worse light on the Bombers is just pathetic.
  15. To be fair, the only guy he said they're straight up "moving on from" is Pontbriand. He just said Lirim and Demond are going to free agency.
  16. At first I felt the same way about Wheeler not being there but when I looked at the Central division forwards that were picked, I figured it's very hard to argue against any of them. Under the old format, I bet he'd be there.
  17. I dunno... I'm a pretty optimistic fan but when there have been 5 winning records in the last 21 seasons even I don't think of that as simply "not the greatest".
  18. I have a fun one. My first time going to Regina for the game was in 2004. While watching warm-ups before the game, a buddy I was with decided to get Kenton Keith's attention. "Hey Keith! Kenton Keith!!", he yelled. Keith looked over and was greeted with the follow-up "I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!!". Normally, I figure pro athletes hear this kinda thing all the time and just ignore it. However, this time Kenton Keith stared my friend down long enough that I was envisioning the headlines in the paper the next day. Whether or not that encounter had anything to do with it, Kenton Keith actually had a very poor game, as did Henry Burris. Kevin Glenn and the Bombers prevailed that day, 17-4. It wasn't the greatest football game but I'd love to see a repeat. This year will be my 10th Labour Day trip to Regina (I missed a couple years in between). It's easy to forget that I actually saw the Bombers win there once upon a time. This year, they may be the underdogs against a 0-9 team but, as always.... GO BLUE!!
  19. I would love to read your rationale behind this statement to be honest. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, I just want to know why you are saying that before I decide if you're out of your mind or have some validity to it. I was actually thinking about this the other day.... Other then a game against Tor that SK lost by 25 points and a game against Edm they lost by 10 points, 2 of their losses have been by 4 points, 3 losses by 3 points, and 1 loss by 2 points. For a team that lost both their #1 and #2 QBs a couple of games in the season, to be a field goal away from 4 more possible wins / ties isn't bad. The Bombers had Willy for most of the season, and even with Willy, the Bombers losses have been by 26, 1, 29, 30, 7 points. While the Bombers wins have been by 4, 2, and 10 points. I know it is tough to look purely at the score to compare the two because the score dictates so many decisions in the 4th quarter, but a couple of plays going the other way and the Bombers could easily be 0 - 8 right now while SK could have 2 - 3 wins. QBing is now a wash between both teams (unproven rookies with maybe an edge to SK for having a bit more experience). Then consider how many blowouts the Bombers have lost in (with Willy) and how many games in which we were done by half time, and the games coming up against SK aren't guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination. SK has been in most of their games with a chance to win right up to the end of the game. The Bombers have lost 3 blowouts where there was no chance for a comeback in the 4th quarter and some games by the 3rd quarter. I wouldn't at all be surprised if we lose both games against SK. Then again maybe I'm just getting conditioned to the Bombers losing over the past number of seasons. I think that's a huge part of it. I'm going to my 10th LDC this year and I feel like I'd be an idiot if I'd ever be surprised if the Bombers lost that game. I've seen some things there that I can't ever un-see. That being said, it really pisses me off to see how cocky Rider fans are about that game. Their team sucks. If the Bombers can shut Messam down (I know, easier said than done) and hold on to a couple of the picks I'm confident Smith will offer up, they should win that game!
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