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Everything posted by Geebrr

  1. Jets vs Oilers tonight for me
  2. Definitely resting key guys. But even if they all played it would be 2 1/2 weeks between games. MBT and others will be over 3 weeks between games!
  3. So the Argos are basically going 3 weeks between games
  4. Fair enough. Vuvuzelas are beyond terrible.
  5. Ideally Collaros gets in and out for a half this week, looks good, and hands it over to McGuire for the rest. I am hoping we see Harris get back in as well for some reps but won't lose sleep if he doesn't.
  6. I don't need the noise maker. We will be standing and yelling in our section all game. We have a great group around us. I know you all love them but I hate the cowbells TBH
  7. Thundersticks suck. Give me the towel
  8. I think everyone who lives there is Saskatchewhite.
  9. Big Mo!
  10. If we are using momentum as interchangeable with confidence then I guess I agree it would carry over. Momentum has always seemed fleeting to me.
  11. By that logic losses carry over game to game and I don't think that happens either. I don't think Saskatchewan has momentum because they have won a few in a row while playing like ****.
  12. When Richmond was in we were rolling.
  13. No ******* kidding. Frauds
  14. It is like taking the worst posts on RF and making an article out of them.
  15. It was a learning experience, he will/can be better. Everyone wants growth to be a straight line but it doesn't always happen like that and I could find 100 examples both ways. I still like McGuire. On to Calgary. Momentum dies at the end of the game 100%
  16. Still sucks. Particularly for the guys on the team that did what they could to avoid it. But, yes, the team as a whole made their bed. 3 games in 7 days and traveling across country is unheard of. They are going to be in a lot of pain.
  17. Still better than sask's OLine
  18. Edmonton got jobbed. And now they get to play 2 more games this week that mean nothing and have to travel from Vancouver to Toronto to do it.
  19. Start with not turning the ball over 5 times. Then pick the ball up when it is kicked at you. Clean that up and we are looking much better already.
  20. Hahaha! Also: "There were probably hundreds (thousands?) of F-bombs shouted during Saturday’s game, but his was the only one amplified to the 26,056 fans in attendance" 26,056 fans in attendance? GTFOH
  21. They got literally everything they wanted this weekend.
  22. Refs got the #FuckThem memo
  23. There are 12 green and white idiots on the field...possibly 13
  24. That is PI?😄
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