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Colin Unger

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Everything posted by Colin Unger

  1. I would imagine that we didn't have the opportunity or finances for him that the Riders were able to provide.
  2. I'd be interested in Chambers. I'm tired of Kohlert's drops considering the only thing he was bringing to the table was supposed to be sure hands. Chamber's has the ability to be more dynamic if you take advantage of him like I know Paul LaPolice would be capable of. I'm also interest in Gale to add a little bit more experience behind Nichols and somebody to push Dom Davis for the backup job.
  3. True.. But keep in mind. I'm fully confident that Nichols will be our starting QB.
  4. Any word on the length of the deals?
  5. The key is making wise safe selections. I see nothing wrong with the picks we've made so far. You need to have a high volume of picks in the top three rounds and and do your due diligence. We've added a lot of talent through the draft and wouldn't call it a crapshoot. Chung, Goosen, Loffler, Corney, Waggoner, Couture, ect have been valuable additions to our ball club. The key is to have a good organization where players want to play so you don't end up losing these guys later on. Don't take players in the first 3 rounds who are heading directly to the NFL unless you have great Canadian depth and may not have room for new players without having to let go of a quality Canadian on your roster already. We are not at that point yet but may be there in a couple of years. I would not trade a first round pick for Franklin. We need to be able to develop quaterbacks on our own and get to the point where other teams are willing to trade high picks for your extra quarterbacks.
  6. I feel like he was brought in as an insurance policy in case Nichols faltered last season. They clearly believe that with a camp getting #2 reps and another year under his belt Dom Davis is ready to be a reliable #2 guy. And cheaper then Glenn.
  7. In my best Rider fan voice possible......Durant is the best QB in the CFL bar none. He is a winner that the Riders absolutely must keep and is worth every penny. Greatest Rider QB ever. Believe it or not....these statements are all pretty much copy and pasted out of the pages of Riderfans. For some unknown reason they refuse to acknowledge that Durant has been hot and cold from year to year in his career. That 2013 season made him a god to Rider fans, and as we all know, part of Teflon Taman's long term survival plans are to appease the fans. The same culture we had when Taman was our GM is slowly seeping into Ridverville. Taman is just not confident in his ability to find a quarterback and will overpay for a proven commodity. The justification is how poorly their young qb's played last year when Durant went down. This leads to bold statements like it's money well spent. Unforetunetly what it actually proves is that the money they are paying to Mr. Taman isn't well spent.
  8. I can't get over how much Saskatchewan is having to pay Durant to stay in Sask. Did he want out so bad that they had to over pay for him by 100,000 or so?
  9. Wasn't he the guy who bashed the orginazation after he was released from Winnipeg on twitter?
  10. I kind of got used to it over the coarse of time where I didn't need a shot of JD before going on lol But there were other factors as well. I started working a job as a social outreach worker and it made it more difficult to line up times. When CBC would call me it would usually be at 7am to have me on that afternoon at a specific time. And I really couldn't predict where I would be and who i would be with at the time which just made something which was already stressfull for me even more stressfull.
  11. I think that it needs to be noted that people evolve. To suggest that I have a big ego or that I think that I'm the greatest bomber fan of all time comes from what knowledge? Reading the posts of an 18, 19, 20 year old who was mostly made fun of for being over weight as a child? I'm 33 now and I'm not the overcompensating adolescent I once was. I still love the Bombers and the Jets for that matter and I'm still very proud of what everyone accomplished back in the heyday of Ourbombers.com. To suggest I got off on being on the radio is rediculous. I never enjoyed it. It was never my thing to be in front of a microphone or worse yet a television camera which I turned down several times. I stopped being on the radio when I started not returning their requests or simply turning them down when they got a hold of me. I'm more of a hide behind the computer introverted person. I read this site often and enjoy the insights provided by many posters.
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