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About BRT

  • Birthday 1949-07-12

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    Calgary Alberta
  • Interests
    The Bombers of Course

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  1. me too - thanks for the memories. Rich and I would always spar on the old Total-CFL site too.
  2. pretty much my thoughts have been expressed by most of the above. Nice discussion about nice guys - but nothing counts other than the win-loss record IMHO. Everything else is just Jibber Jabber.
  3. I agree with this. Winning changes everything and until MOS starts winning and making the playoffs the impression IMHO is that he is either covering up incompetence etc. And unfortunately that is the way it will be until the Bombers turn the ship around and start winning. And whether that will be with or without MOS is the burning question IMHO.
  4. Well if they finish 8-10 or 10-8 or 9-9 still probably 3-4 more wins the Kumbaya sing along MOSS group in the Peg. But the group hugs will be better in the Peg!
  5. very well Stroked!! Consistency is great if it translates into winning football. All I am seeing from the current management team is consistently losing football!
  6. Is the Game Televised? If so why?
  7. Well given the current cast of cast-offs and want to be's; not surprising. Rookies from the President on down! An OC that no one wants, poor to no existing recruiting to speak of and a Board made up of "good ol boys" how can you expect anything otherwise? Now let's see how they can con the season ticket holders into renewing for 2016 - that should be interesting.
  8. I agree with your thoughts. I think this is doable! However while we are attempting to set the record got to wonder how many folks will be showing up at the games? Maybe we can get lucky and play all of our home games away like the Argo's had to do this year. Heck given the problems with the new stadium it might be in the public's best interest - safety wise, to not play in the stadium until they get it fixed (which from what I can see will take sums of money not yet even thought of). But of course in order to achieve this record we need to give Miller, MOS and MB life time contracts. Going to be a long winter in the Peg!
  9. "Nah, its 99.99999999999999999 percent MB - Corrected it for you!
  10. Answer to "Am I Crazy for being so optimistic" - YES! Nothing has happen against Calgary and Edmonton that changes my mind. Given the same management team in place for 2016 by this time in 2016 you will be able to say the same thing about 2017 - see the trend here?
  11. Yup. Calgary is not the juggernaut they were the last couple of years and very beatable. The difference is the coaching and the number of brain cramps, but we ought to be able to tell pretty soon in the game if the Bombers' hearts are in it. so you are saying the Bombers should lose easily tonight given our coaching and number of brain cramps? Calgary does not have to be a juggernaut - they just have to show up IMHO. The Stamps may be beatable but not by this dysfunctional group!
  12. It was a good article to some extent. The question is as it is in any business how long do you go with a deficit (in this case wins vs. losses) before you make the decision that change is needed? 2-3-5 years? What will really determine how long Wade Miller is given is the season ticket count in 2016. And it is the "guy in the luxury suite with purple teeth after a few too many glasses of pinot noir " that has forked over the dough to keep Miller and company in business. Only time will tell. But if at the end of the year the Big Blue Experiment ends with a 3-15 or 4-14 record with no foreseeable uptick in fortunes the "guy in the luxury suite with purple teeth after a few too many glasses of pinot noir" will not be an issue - he will just not be there!
  13. Then we get a week of "I told ya so" and "We need to keep this group together" and "We're on the right track" and "O'Shea's a great HC" and so on before we fall back to earth the week after. Honestly, we should win this week. Regina's only won a single game all year, it's very hard to win back to back and we're at home. That is pretty much what will happen if we luck out and win. Therefore I am hoping that we do not in fact "Luck out". If we pull off a win it will just tend to camouflage our true weakness and give MOS and MB an out! Let's admit our mistakes and move on. Don't see anything happening at the top until end of season however if the Bombers even hope to attract 25K in season tickets for 2016 they will need to send a clear message to the fans and keeping MOS and MB around is not that message.
  14. Dont worry.. The team will forgive you when you decide to remember you are supposed to support your team thru thick and thin.. And dont think im happy with whats happened this season.. At all. Doesnt mean i stop watching and pulling for em. How old are you Spuds? Just wondering if you've hit the same weariness as the rest of us Im old enough to remember the good days. Im old enough to have watched this team struggle for 20 years.. Doesnt change the fact inlove my bombers and will ALWAYS support them, watch them and cheer for them.. Hell, im even gonna rewatch this game tonight to evaluate why and what went wrong.. Good for your Spuds - if you enjoy horror shows I think re-watching what happened in Regina is right up your alley. As Einstein has been quoted as saying "Insanity - doing the same thing over again and again and expecting different results! I gottcha beat on watching the Insanity - I started watching them in 1981 and then moved to Calgary about 20 years ago.. And when does the thick happen? Seems to me for a long number of years it has been "thin and thinner"
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