Oday has, let the 2nd best qb walk in free agency and given away the best qb in his tenure for peanuts. Then brought in the turd harris.
He had completely failed to build any kind of ol, despite consistently over paying top fee agents.
Speaking of free agents he has repeatedly given out top dollar deals to guys who didn’t live up to a portion of those deals.
He’s run through a bunch of coaches and maintained a low level of play and discipline. The least disciplined team and most fined/suspend in the league over his time.
He hasn’t found or had a star developed.
they mostly coast on other teams old guys and seldom do their players demand interest around the league.
Their best player this year is a sam who makes a lot of tackles lol. He’s good, don’t get me wrong, but he’s not great. He’s a slightly better version of Kevin fogg with out the tds.
The fact this guy still has a job makes me think he might keep it longer than Ill live.