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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Its also hard to know what weight he would come in at. He could be 255, he could have bulked up like ron warner, and soo many others trying to stick down there. His best fit size wise if hes up or at 255 is de, skill and experience wise his best fit is lber. But we may never see him. Hes got to have made like 3+ million down south allready. I wish the league could get all the games played fri-sun. (save for stuff like LD) I dont like no football sats but i hate when the games are on in the middle of the week. Hes an LT style pass rusher, not an edge rusher. Westerman was projected to the nfl as a tweener, but played on the end with his hand down. Or its the fact hes played lber and not DE. Dont think any one has ever confused coachy as a LBer.... Jackson Jeffcoat. If he bolts next off season though, with our NI depth at DT if we had mulumba perhaps we could go 2 des, or ever 3 NI along the DL if poop makes the jump to the nfl. Thats an awful long ways off though. Walters went into it a bit and said that none of these guys are imminent to sign here or near it. High on the guys we have on the PR and doesnt see both a fit and instant improvement.
  2. Hes been a LBer for 4 years, and rushed with his hands up, and played off the line as much as he did any thing at EM. Too big to play LBer here? May well be. That would just put him further behind the curve then corney is. Who exactly is that from? Is it based on bond leaving? cus hes 26 and our best OL....
  3. I dont think gray would be ready to step in this year. Mulumba would also be pretty far off, but idk if he could be worse then hurl. But idk if he plays MLB or DE either. As for gray, whose spot would he take? Talk about a tough choice.
  4. Significant? Idk about that. But as we draw towards the tread deadline, what other under 30 NI ol can come in and start for a team with his experience? He might be the best of a bad situation for a lot of teams.
  5. wbbfan


    Thats allways been mayweathers MO in starting fights. He feels his opponent out, gauges distance, speed, reaction etc. Floyds style and slow start made mcg look sharper then he was. Flattered his boxing skill level for certain. Mma striking, and kick boxing is a very different set of skills.
  6. If it isnt then too ***** bad. Evil nick name for him would be soo good.
  7. We are 3rd, but with games in hand it could be true. The difference between 3rd most and 3rd fewest is slim. Also nichols doesnt take risks throwing the ball away. He is not afraid to take a sack. But our OL sans wiley hasnt been as good as last year. Its had spurts of that same production, but also spurts where they struggle to pick up the blitz. Especially seems to be an issue in the red zone. Other teams seem to send pressure when we get to the red zone and leave us kicking a FG.
  8. I think stinks is too strong. That said, between dressler, lankford, denny and flanders its a no doubter. Id really like to see thrope get the return reps. Willy/nichols isnt the best comparison imo. But not playing hardick/bond + every one over kuale, hurl, plus roc over frederick as well as the ones you listed are pretty staggering. It takes a LOT for a vet with experience in the system to be replaced by an upstart player. At the same time, ritchie and the don were the same way with vets/team guys. I wonder if neufeld will be dealt/cut around the vet contract day/PR expansion point. Maybe cut and he joins the coaching staff.
  9. World of ice and fire audio book during my commute, ghost bc kinda stuck in my head atm. Strange and interesting band. Very polarizing it seems.
  10. They picked 3 regular LBers, didnt list mo's position at all. A freaking crime.
  11. When is the last time the league stepped in and prevented a hiring? I cant recall it ever happening. I would expect its a rubber stamp type thing and they didnt really look at it much. My self not following the news didnt know any thing about this case till i saw it reported. Also, he would have had to have a meeting with the BOG and agree on a plan of action. For all we know the wheels on this started turning as soon as the tigersnots decided to make this move. In the end, the league did the right thing and this creep wasnt in the league. A wins a win.
  12. Randy! Randy! Randy for Commissioner! A firestorm of anxiety and never ending finger pointing has been averted. Earlier today a cross country shytestorm wind blew through all the provinces like the unpredictable winds at Tim Horton's field on this hiring controversy, but to the delight of all, the CFL, although wind blown, comes out on the right end of this decision. Nevermind Diversity is Strength, how about the strength shown in leadership today? Well done! Most outstanding commissioner.
  13. Id like to see the league step in and stop this. They shouldnt even let this guy in the country.
  14. wbbfan


    Ya as long as their is such crazy money in it it will allways happen again. At this point idk who that would be from the boxing world. loma in a few years?
  15. I dont think our execution is where it needs to be nor our ability to keep the pedal to the metal. To sweep this series either one team needs to be worst in the league, or the other needs to be the best. A split, especially if the lose is a little bitter could be great for pushing our team to the next level. The riders have scored 50+ and 40+ in their last two games. Its very, very uncommon to string such high scoring games back to back. While we have cruised along mostly at 30 ish points per game all season. Missing once, in our loss to calgary. That for the riders was with a lot of turn overs from the other teams. And i dont think their is much of a chance we repeat that pattern for them. I think we win big in regina the lose a close shoot out the following week. Course i hope we win and stomp the riders in both games.
  16. The only way I can see the bjb and ldc going is a split. We should sweep, but its LD.
  17. wbbfan


    The UFC is gonna have to give mcg an ownership stake. And the biggest contract in mma history. I was disappointing mcg didnt do more roberto duran style clinch fighting. But not surprised. Im glad its all over and will slowly die down. No one will come close to giving mcg a similar pay day in a 2nd boxing match, I dont think their is any chance it happens. Same as floyd in mma. I hope things can calm down now with the circus and we can get mcg vs aldo 2, mcg vs diaz 3, mcg vs khabib or any legit contender to his belt.
  18. wbbfan


    Scored it the same and ya some of the cards are head shakers. Maybe if you give floyd a 2 point round late. But with out the knock downs thats hard. I dont like floyd, i rather hate him. But i dont need to see any pro fighter get thrashed like that. Especially one in their 40s. The davis fight, and the depth on the card really reminds me why boxing is soo far behind mma. Despite some amazing talent. Davis was such a lil B*&^%, and after missing weight. And then to end the fight on 2 horrible illegal shots.
  19. wbbfan


    The life of a pro fighter. 6 of those guys still living off ramen noodles sleeping in the back room of their gym.
  20. wbbfan


    Idk if its been every fight but its been many fights and attempted fights in a row. Yeah reverse onus in jones case. Hes gotta go way above and beyond and some how prove hes 100% innocent, and even then itll be tough.
  21. wasnt sure if jeffcoat was eligible or not too bad i could see him having a massive 2nd half of the season. Randle is long over due for some consideration for modp as well.
  22. ah yes i knew we lost the last game wasnt sure if it was the last 2. Sat a lot of vets.
  23. Ya even back in 01 iirc it was a 2-2 start, and maybe a 3rd loss before the mega win streak?
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