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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. i expect some thing really good next week. All the fan service has been cool but I want some hard hitting story. I did like it though. I mean ofc its GOT lol. Bout to watch defenders hyped for this one.
  2. wbbfan


    Bamgbose is lightning in a bottle. Looking forward to the one. Im sick of seeing way way waaaaay past done fighters like lil nog run out there. Id rather one less fight then see him run out. That list also includes vitor (with out the juice) silva, rashad, and any heavy weight who held the belt before cain.
  3. the deliciousness of fried spam is nearly lost to the world. (out side of hawaii and the orient.)
  4. Some truth to that, you expect any WR or RB not to be a complete durp with returning. Though we have seen some pretty awful returners over the years. cactus is before my time, i only remember bob doing pbp. Any one that remembers whipping out a lesson for us younger bomber fans would be great. In general, im long winded enough. Not just him, but sooo much negativity and doubt about the talent level of our WR core. Now we cant even pick who should sit for dressler when he comes back.
  5. 2nd returner on kick offs is more of an up back position. seldom returns unless the ball is squibed and bounces funny, or goes close to out of bounds on his side but not all the way.
  6. Flanders returned because he had to. JFG was down and lankford was at the trainers table too.
  7. Yeah. Its hard to get every one involved though. 7 guys caught passes. 5 guys had a carry, with 23 carries combined. All the guys who caught passes looked good too. It was brought up in the chat, gotta be denmark or lankford out for dressler when hes healthy. Personally id like to see thorpe get a chance to return and dressler come in for lankford. Money might become a factor too though.
  8. Yeah quickly becoming a favorite. Love watching the guy run with the ball. Soo much of this. Top to bottom the wr core, sans dressler, has been fantastic.
  9. Idk about HH, but id give plop the dunce cap of the night for that trick play in the red zone.
  10. 1 Nichols. Drove the field the whole game. Team has to figure out the red zone, but if they do look out. 32/40 390 yards 1 td. 2 Harris 11 carries, 105 yards. 8 catches 120 yards. Still didnt get 20 touches, but put up 225 yards. 3 Flanders. Bunch of other guys could have gotten this, but the 2 header monster of harris and flanders really crushed the esks. 6-45 and 2-26. The 2 headed monster combined for 27 touches, 296 yards. Crazy. hh Darvin adams with on the TD catch, Another week another great td catch and performance by adams.
  11. When a guy is as you described, a great prospect at wr and catches what 1 pass in his career? Yeah thats a bust. He will be one of the most dedicated grinders in the league? How does one do that after retiring exactly? SOME injuries are certainly beyond control. Some, are not. But none of us can tell what type of upper/lower body injuries he had. Also, with a pro sports team the fans of said team who support it have the right to criticize the players and coaches. With a publicly owned team, where we as tax payers pay for the stadium and as fans pay for every thing, even more so.
  12. That was the case with most the whole 01 team as well. No joke, he would have been bo jackson - techmo bowl in real life. His quickness and cutting was ridiculous as is. Not to mention his toughness and running power. So many times he got hit in the back field by a big DL and pushed forward for a couple yards. If he would have tucked his jersey into his pants he would have had another 100-200 yards a season too. Only way to arm tackle blink was to get that jersey and ride him down from behind.
  13. yep. Maybe our best 4 quarters of offense under this regime. Not for tds, but if you can limit 2 and outs, and keep driving the field eating up TOP and field position you will win a whole lot of football games. Very good over all performance by the offense.
  14. I remember seeing him in there real late one night right before an early game too. Some guys are like that though. That game, i wanna say sask after LDC he tore up the field. If he had tuned him self as an athlete at an early age, late HS even we never would have gotten him here. 5'7 171 (listed) 4.6 40 all time best, and a lil belly on you doesnt get you to the nfl. If he had leaned down and added a bit of muscle he would have been a KR down south for sure.
  15. Went so far as to say some thing like, its slowly becoming a mos D and not a hall D. This is a good a thing. A very good thing.
  16. no... you cant make me.... + dave ritchie when he had that awful first half of a season in montreal as well.
  17. Yeah no kidding. A side from khari*, he had an above average qb in kg and a bunch of junk. Breaks my heart that we didnt win one for him. Blink, khari, and brown too.
  18. He played well enough to win. Not well enough to carry us to the win. Just, just shy of doing that. He floated 2 deep balls to wide open guys who got tackled having to wait for the ball to get there. We scored a td on one of those drives, fg on the other. Also when the game was on the line and we had to score to win, we went to fg. He could have orchestrated a drive to score instead of a crazy long FG. That would have been, put the team on the back and win it my self stuff. Highly elite stuff. The floater not soo much. Easily his best game last season though. He 100% played well enough for us to win. Every guy who played that game has to look at the plays they didnt make that could have won the game. We had an awful lot of em.
  19. wasnt gonna go there but yeah. maas looks like hes related to randy couture.
  20. Ac got into a heavy spread system, and calmed his feet down. He matured with that and turned into the great we knew and feared. Ricky ray has touch to every part of the field. And he is a master of momentum passing, throwing short-medium passes on 2nd down that get you first down yardage. Also his teams have used crossing routes to bust seams, and rub routes to open guys up. Maas like nichols had that game attitude once he got in. Leadership, and confidence. That said I dont think nichols would sit on the bench for years just to be around the same team. I think hes the kind of guy who wants to play, as it should be.
  21. The deep pass is easily his weakness. He misses a lot of deep attempts. He puts deep balls in safe spots to prevent turn overs. The stat from I think last week had us with one of the highest number of deep passes and among the fewest completions. He doesnt have the touch on deep balls.
  22. Yeah. Gotta let football players be football players. Unless they are at the buck pierce level of injury concerns. Which nichols isnt. When they watch game tape the room is gonna explode for his block.
  23. When wally is sniffing around your PR trying to nab people, you have done well.
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