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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. at 40 seconds you see pro form / off set I type of play run where the FB is motioned to the TE spot. again at 1:26 and so on.
  2. at 1:06 you see a pro set motion out of the pistol. Kind of a wild cat type option motion play. They use this look a lot.
  3. The 2nd half was a great struggle for our offense. Its the same stuff weve seen all year long. Only the first half was much more productive. But even then we werent aggressive. We had amazing field position in the first half. I think we do need to change some of out play calling and philosophy to get the most out of our offense. I dont think there is any chance we will though. Plop has run the same offense every year here in every role. We brought him in knowing what he ran and let him run that same offense.
  4. None of that is canadian rules though. Those are all american. My point was, running short yardage out of pistol/shotgun is a poor call. Especially in the red zone. Almost all qb keeper short yardage / goal line offense sets are from the I form. So while you havent noticed it, youve seen it in every single game. The ace forms are single tail back I form. The snap and kneel formation teams use is also I form. Teams down south that use H back I form in which a portion of the time they line up with no FB. The I form does not mean it has a FB. It means you dont have any off set backs. Such as pro form. Kelly ran wing T / wildcat stuff that used some I form, some split back, some pro form and so on.
  5. Not a bad choice. In retrospect i might say the crowd should get the HH. or a star. The noise and hype in the first half was a big deal.
  6. Considering they lost yeah. And there isnt really a precedent for a punishment on this. If some one won a very close game I think it should be much harsher.
  7. under 80 ish yards in the 2nd half, 5 first downs 4 2 and outs. Could be as simple as the moves made on the OL. Though I think nichols gave a spark and made the best of a better situation.
  8. that he did. He protected the ball well when he had to. But 2 first downs in the 2nd quarter, 3 in the 3rd. 4 2 and outs in the 2nd half. Roughly 70-80 yards passing in the 2nd half. We benefited hugely from field position and turn overs. edit exact stats were 5/10 51 yards in the 2nd half. the 4 2 and outs in the 2nd half. and a bad time count penalty when we were driving the field.
  9. 3 Justin cole 2 sacks, was all over the back field tnite. Play smart maintaining contain several times but was tearing up the hammy OL. 2 Kevin fogg. Monster night returning. Out performed speedy banks and had us in great field position the entire first half. Should have had his 2nd return td. 1 Ian wild huge pick, 6 tackles with 3 on sts. Played a huge role in our D playing soo well early and in shutting down speedy banks. HH Clarence denmark. Didnt have crazy numbers, but caught every thing near him and played with a good chip on his shoulder. Loffler was close too. A big pick and good coverage. Mayo had a great game too. Nichols played great in the first half and really good in the 2nd. But the offense disappeared in the 2nd half. I hope hardrick is ok. A lot of guys had great games. Medlock too.
  10. A struggling TO with out ray, a struggling montreal, and the riders twice. Things are looking up in swaggerville.
  11. second half of the game says oh sup guys.
  12. 3 times this year twice at home and a few years back against sask come to mine off the bat.
  13. thats good to hear. that artificial turf is supposed to drain well too. lol he's some thing else. especially when he gets excited.
  14. milt, blink, and brett macniel game jerseys. Mike sellers, and a couple none game various different style jerseys of milt and blink. Plus an ancient joe poplawski jersey.(garage sale score) A danny mac and walby jersey both signed. Want to get a matt dunigan, and eventually every different jersey milt ever wore here. Want an elfred peyton at some point. Had a kerwin bell game worn signed but gave it to a friend whose an argo's guy.
  15. No one likes a passive offense. Save for plop and MB.
  16. Remember when they wanted the new stadium to have a retractable roof? Might not have been a bad idea, of course it may have delayed the finish another 7 seasons and it would have probably fallen in as soon as they tried to open/shut it. hind sight is 20/20, and makes my eyes dry. Makes the turf dry too though.
  17. hasnt been a stop to lightning 50km east or south of the stadium in idk how long.
  18. short of playing a mid night game no. had to go through the city and south just got home. Just out side the city and east the lightning has highly frequent. And for about a half hour south. The rain and clouds only gets worse too. Unless they play at midnight.
  19. no kidding lol. Half the players that come out of buffalo NY spend more time in canada.
  20. Spent time in cardston alberta but his HS football was played in utah.
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