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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Its not that he doesnt fill that in the box role out very well, he would be fantastic for a MLB role similar to the tampa 2 mlbers in the states. A deep drop guy who can rush etc. But with our loose coverage we gotta have that deep cover help. Even if its rotated. Hes certainly a guy who benefits from playing a mid field type of role, run around and make plays. But to really make the most of that wed have to move him or change a lot.
  2. Our coverage schemes over all are poor imo. Our use of loffler in the box soo much leaving him out of position to cover, or having him man cover a slot from the S spot, The too deep zone/very loose match zone, its all not good. We give up first down yardage on 2nd down, even 2nd and fairly long. Zone it self isnt bad, if you blitz you are pretty much pushed into playing a zone or match scheme, or have no deep help. In general though I dont like our system on O or D. The D drives me nuts though.
  3. The bombers could have won against calgary and had a more then 2td lead against the leos. While playing only a half of football. In sports you have to have the confidence if your self and your team and then you win. So i hope they have all the smugs.
  4. Feel like edm will beat us but the rest we should beat. However, with our tendency to give up as many passing yards as is possible and only playing a half of football per game we probably win 4.
  5. Its a big difference on the Line between running, with run protection, and tossing it to the RB as a release valve out of pass pro. Establishing dominance and maintaining it on the line is a big deal. Now, not a lot of teams run heavy any more in the cfl. So its not as big a factor as it once was. But it is the difference between being able to run the ball well in the 4th and not. And being able to get the hoggies in sync.
  6. Cant ignore that for sure. For a good portion of the game lulay had more yards then our offense combined, and at times a near 2:1 advantage. But its hard to out yard another team when you play half as many quarters, and spot them a huge edge early on in TOP.
  7. Was that on tsn? Off the top of my head, aside from it being a difficult thing to quantify statistically our offense very very low usage of deep passes would skew results a good deal. Ob talked about nichols deep ball completion % being among the lowest in the league. This year and last we saw some lousy drops and bobbles. But we also see nichols miss and over throw open deep targets a good portion of our small sample size. People often see a WR get close to a ball or have it go off the finger tips and think, oh he should have had that. Instead of recognizing an incredible effort and going all out just to make it a close play. In general i dont agree with a lot of people on whats a drop and whats a just miss on a huge effort.
  8. Sort of, possibly, how did that get past the review? Oh well td good guys i didnt see him cross or come close. Hope they fix it soon, but probably not gonna change.
  9. Its more the dark (blue) side of fans that comes out after a loss. You can look back not long ago at all and see some people who sang the praises of players/coaches as elite talent, now ready to jettison them and so on. You can see people saying X position has the worst talent in the league and then loving the same players at said position when the team decides to make an appearance too.
  10. Our whole offense under performs in the 1st n 4th. We see these drastic flashes out of wrs, our OL mashes and keeps the pocket clean, and nichols makes some great reads n passes. Then the rest of the game they look lost. Id say the only 2 players on our O who are on top of their game every snap is harris and dressler. Lots of blame to go around the whole offense, It starts and ends with lapo though imo. Though i have never been a fan of plop offenses. I did think he had potential as a HC though, if he could limit his own impact on the offense. The half of good football thing seems to affect the D too. though its different as well with them as they often get hung out to dry in the first Q. As a CO i feel the same about hall as plop. I think MOS is an issue as well. His over the top player friendly / boys club is what enables players to under perform and hardly show up for a half of football at a time. The fact we are competitive and in the mix with how close the league is this year despite spotting teams a half of football every game is just staggering to me. I cant even fathom how good this team would be if it played a full game at a high level.
  11. I am all in favor of that. The end game clock management had me pulling my hair out too. They acted like we were up by 7.
  12. 1 Harris. was runnin with juice early when our whole offense was in the rutt we call the first quarter. 6-29 rushing 12-85 receiving. 2 Jeffcoat. Had a ton of pressures on lulay tnite. 3 Thorpe. Maybe too high but i really liked what i saw from him as a WR. Can really see what the bombers saw in him in camp. Hope he comes to replace lankford. HH Was gonna go with the hit on ianuzzi. But the normand play where nichols was sacked, fumbled, normand came in scooped it up and ran for a first down was incredible. Over all a tough week to give spots out. A lot of really good half a football games worth of performances. (again)
  13. An OL from our side got into it with rita. I wanna say chris perez. And was then traded to bc. For khari jones.
  14. only way to fix that is to move to QC.
  15. Idc who you are, if the offense you are in seldom throws to the first down marker on 2nd down, and goes halfs of football with out trying a pass deeper then 15 yards you are gonna need an act of god (or milt) to rack up YAC. That said I think you always need more threats at WR. The redblack franchise speed build has proven that. I think its really hard to evaluate guys in our system, and pin point just how good they are. Which makes dressler all the more incredible. Even taking away the previous weeks game by lankford (and liking him more then most my self) that KR type of guy who can make some thing happen with screen passes, stretch the D etc would be a great tool set to pick up. Denny has not picked up where he left off last year. Adams seems the adarius bowman type. Huge burts of production followed by gaps, with gaffs mixed in. Certainly a guy worth having around as a no3 wr. And his effort in blocking only cements that. Dressler is a beast. I cant even imagine what he would do in a more explosive/aggressive offense. Love washingtons raw tools but it hasnt translated yet.
  16. think you have 1 too many 0s. 1000 people including friends, family, cheerleaders, argos employees, people who work at the stadium and a few thousand people who either got lost, or got soo hopeless stuck in TO traffic that they decided to just wander around.
  17. more happy with dresssler, certainly. but hes allways been a guy who flashed a lot of potential.
  18. guy has always been really good when healthy. thats just not often enough.
  19. Iirc it looked like heath was (surprise surprise) breaking on the ball and coombs reached back knocked it to him self and caught it. Such a sick grab. If he doesnt make that crazy play its probably a pick. It sucks that they arent home (yet) but it does my heart good to see coombs and demski off to good starts.
  20. Jackson made our whole team look slow, and walker ran him down like it was nothing. I kinda wanna see him return a kick now lol. https://www.nfldraftdiamonds.com/brian-walker-db-fort-valley-state-university/ Did you play any other positions in football? Kick return and Punt return…and Quarterback.
  21. iirc we had 90 yards on sub 50% in the first half and some thing like 125? offensive yards. Some thing like 2.3 yards per attempt or completion. If that keeps up buck could be the OC by LD.
  22. if we could find the balance of running harris like tnite and still using him in those screens our offense could really take a step forward. But it seems like when ever we run through out the game we forget about the screen and when we screen we get away from the run.
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