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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Arent really any, aside from depth back ups. League wide every one has a guy who can scramble if needed, but runs to throw. No nealon greens, or kerry josephs. I love that kind of qb as a back up, but you dont find those guys that make all the throws reliably.
  2. wasnt his status some thing like his mother spent a few years in HS north of the border or some thing?
  3. yep. thats part of why its interesting. Like i said you dont see him dig through other teams qbs very often.
  4. Cant say how RR is with the young qbs. More then likely thats some thing we will hear about one way or another after his career. Ac was notoriously cold toward young qbs behind him, danny mac to a lesser extent too. I cant blame a guy like ac who struggled and stayed in the league by the skin of his teeth for several years for not wanting to train his successor. Especially in a situation like his in mtl. Certainly dont think you can give any credit for maas to RR. They fought for a job for a long time. Allways interesting to see new qbs who show potential. Mtl has a couple guys waiting in the wings I think could be good after glenn is gone. Keith price in bc too. Wally knows how to scout qbs. You dont see him dig through other teams QB pile too often. And price was a machine in college.
  5. was that him? Huh must have been some one else from that secondary we brought over.
  6. thx, is the roster due to cfl noon of game day now not day before?
  7. Maybe, if we move willy for sure. I imagine denmark is making 100k range. If we move willy then we will have some nice money though im not sure there is a big asset to pick up short of hank or some thing.
  8. logan plays mlb here. I think henoc will be on his last shot. Just about any guy whose in a camp can make the team if they put there mind to it on teams 100%. I hope henoc does that. Im tired of all the will he wont he play stuff. I think clime flew under because it was such a gap between his last year and his most productive era. Really shocked though. QFT
  9. Half the teams in the league at minimum could use him. Maybe a DT to platoon here would be good for us. Martin will prolly be out of our price range.
  10. Idk our dt play hasnt been good this year. we have talent but it hasnt lived up to their previous play.
  11. I think we just need to stay healthy at wr, and get more aggressive on offense. That said dangerous wrs are allways a premium. A big body to do some fade routes would be great too. I dont think we need any lber's half the team seems to be a LBer and our 3 are a great strength. Id like to see us bring in more rush ends if what we have doesnt step up. A high up side young qb would be nice. Some one with a full passing tool set ideally. Ol, even though they played well its still a position you can never have enough bodies at.
  12. Is hammy gonna bring in that db milt burned for a similar stat line? Idr his name off the top of my head despite him playing here.
  13. Corrected he didnt i thought he was in TO when they did. Looking at his stats I couldnt believe he was a 3 time cfl all star. And 3 good years no less. This NFL cut down could be interesting. Lots of guys lingering down there. though at this point I hope henoc makes it and sticks on teams / pr.
  14. I *definitely think he has gas left in the tank. I like the guy and we shouldnt have need for a DT. On paper atleast.
  15. Shayon Green sold his soul to the devil for skill in football and martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finished Green roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who enjoys irony couldnt stay mad at green and knew he should have seen it coming. Now they play poker together every 2nd friday of the month.
  16. Can never really tell if a vet qb like ray takes any part of stuff like this from the fans position. One wonder when you see edm, bc, calgary in the past with qb puppy mills. But there are several qbs in various levels that refuse to train underlings or do much of any thing with them. Famously rich gannon with the raiders refused to do any thing with the stringers below him even being coached by their HC directly and not the oc/qb coach. Similar with brett favre. *The biggest cfl version that was some what public was AC. A star qb is allways worth a look as a qb coach imop especially if you run a system similar to what they did at their best.
  17. Those arent my opinions. Those are all other people. Ranging from fans of other teams, this team, to NFL Scouts.
  18. No, i didnt. young qbs starting isnt a bad thing at all. We have a ton of young qbs now where as a few years ago when half the teams in the league lacked good qbs we had tons of old qbs. Your still missing the point. Thats those guys were close to two years younger and further ahead. Thats massive. They are guys with developed passing game. Davis bounced due to school issues to a small school where he played 2 years. And 1 year, his last was bad. Much worse then the first year he was an actual starter. Im not saying hes useless or worthless. Im saying he isnt the qb of the future and has little hope to be. 27 2 years of starting since he HS. 1 bad. Masoli was a three year starter and is a cfl starter NOW. He's 27 trevor harris was a 4 year starter and is starting NOW. He's 30, but by far the most established of all these guys. When he was davis age he came in showed brilliant and the next year picked up the same level of play replacing ray. Davis is 27 has only played preseason garbage where he was average-good nothing special. Hasnt had a sniff since college. And only had 1 good year at college. Hes too raw for his age. willy is a year and a half older but 3 years ago he went 5-1 to start as our starter. Davis cant crack 2nd string on a bad team where as the other guys were no2 well before this point for davis. His raw skill set and lack of experience and polish would be fine if he was 22-24. Even if he was 25-26, for his level of experience and polish he'd be behind the curve. Bennett has the youth but has flaws that probably cant be fixed. Davis is the best of the 2 but neither guy is the future of the team at qb. Davis would be good to have come off the bench for either willy or nichols if one plays really poorly in game. As he'd atleast be a change of pace and could spark some thing with his legs.
  19. "People forgot a key ingredient to develop a QB... you have to have a bonafide starting QB FIRST." What i responded to. The nfl is harder on qbs and rookies start if they are high up side, and if they sit more then a year its a rarity. Sitting on the bench for 2-3 years does nothing to help the development of a football player. Like i said, and people around the cfl saw, these guys showed the flashes as soon as they got a chance, and played at a high level as soon as they got starts. Even before becoming the no1 starter. Those guys, were also young. Davis, has been a pr/ fa bouncer most of his time as a pro. If im wrong and your right, he still hasnt had what those guys have. Still 0 starts and in that same age range as the rest of those guys and our no1 no2 who both have several starts. Davis last start was in 2011. Since then hes had garbage time in 2 pre season games. Do you see the difference? Hes not where the "developed" qbs in the cfl were when they took starts, and is far older. in 2011 we finished first in the east, lulay, glenn, ac, and buck pierce, were running amok at qb back then.
  20. BLM came in and won games in his 2nd year and looked great. Reily was stuck but as soon as he got a start after 2 years he showed great. The same stuff he showed in pre season. Similar to harris. But harris even more so. Didnt say any of them are elite yet, but you look top to bottom in this league, you dont see qbs who take a ton of years to show promise. These guys could have been playing earlier very easily. These guys didnt come as bumpkins and over that time become some thing special. When your in your late 20s with little to no flashes no starts your chances of going any where are awful. If these guys were slowly developed youd see high starts low production years and a taper up. Not guys coming in off the bench being highly productive in their first starts.
  21. BLM Showed flashes as a rookie in his limited action. In his 2nd year He got starts and was very productive. Its not like he was sitting and getting thrown in for garbage time and looked mediocre. Masoli had a big game in his 2nd year being pushed into action. Trevor harris had to wait a long while to get a shot, but had a ton of promise and hype from his high level play in pre season. If you watched them play before they got a start and in the pre season they were ready. And mostly werent guys sitting under amazing qbs developing from them. Thats why those guys, and guys like willy had a lot of expectations around them. As opposed to our two young guys currently. Getting stuck behind a better player doesnt mean you arent good. Ask geroy simon about that.
  22. No it isnt. BLM, masoli, mike reilly, trevor harris, all stepped in. Its about the guys you bring up. Any american qb will need some time to learn the canadian game but sitting on the bench not playing for 3 years doesnt make you a better player. If you cant pick up the game from watching film, coaching and practice in the first year you arent quick enough mentally to cut it in this game. Khari was a back up for 2 years, he wasnt an after thought. He was the core of the trade as taman was in BC and the guy that recruited him to the cfl. The trade of an allstar OL was not based around a depth pick in the draft back then. The draft pick was an after thought. Sitting under damon allen who was a run first qb and a mediocre passer at that point didnt do him any great service. Maas spent a year as a back up, showing well in limited action as a rookie, with no vet teaching him in front of him.
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