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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. wbbfan


    pretty much not a great card over all but a couple good tilts.
  2. Thats not really true. It takes the right coaching staff and pieces. But mostly the right qb. Ricky ray and jason maas didnt have that. Khari jones didnt have that. The current crop of good young qbs in the cfl have been thrown to the wolfs and become king of the jungle. This time next year he will be 28 and on his way to being 29. With 0 starts as a pro. Chances he takes any major steps are beyond slim.
  3. All 4 of our qbs have very similar skill sets. Above average athletes to good athlete. Good short to mid accuracy, lacks accuracy on deep balls, average arm strength scramble to throw types. All that nfl size and build. Davis is faster and the better passer between him and bennett. Davis at 27 isnt much younger then willy and nichols. But much less polished then either. He has the best up side of any of our passers, partially skewed by his being the fastest and best runner. He has to make some thing happen quickly though. Very few qbs in the 28-29 range that have such little pro experience ever get any where. Might be too old to improve and make big strides. A lesser bryan ahyat. Bennett is young, but his fundamental poor throwing mechanics and lack of accuracy is probably not some thing fixable. Nfl considers passing mechanics and mentality to be mostly un coachable at that range. The guy has allready been a 4 year hs starter which is a very high level compared to most sports pre college levels. And then again in college. Think tim tebow. I dont think either guy is what we need. Neither has the skill set or tools to evolve into an elite passer. Both have the ability to be play makers in limited action.
  4. yeah pretty much. His pass port has made the club from the tub for 2 years.
  5. I hope your right. I think he's 1 meh TC away from being out of football.
  6. oh wow we have an addison richards sighting!
  7. interesting. If he hits the veteran point where he gets cfl pension i doubt he ever gets to the cfl.
  8. could be. Though hammer is supposed to contend this year and we are not and we were winless no one wants to be the team that gives up the first win to another team. see ott in the past.
  9. no, thats who he is lol. Look at the mile long post of quotes.
  10. You can check the stats, he got one. And 19 on a kick off isnt even good. And there is no chance he returns over fogg who was dynamite in the regular season in the one game he had. Flanders is a good football player. No amazing strengths, but no real weakness either. But harris is a monster and one of the most durable players in the league. Not to mention plop isnt gonna run a 2 back offense. As much as id like to see that wrinkle with flanders wont happen. That and we havent seen if he can actually pass block, which harris is really good at.
  11. consistency is a huge part of winning. And winning is whats important. That said, I dont love our chances this week. Short week against a hammer team thats gotta be sore about us beating them earlier this year. If we do pull it out and nicholls plays a similar or better level as last week I dont think we can make any changes easily. I would really like to see a better long term qb we could develop though.
  12. must be true every time i google shayon green cutting diamonds with his face chuck norris memes come up.
  13. some better quality there. OFC its no1. *spoiler*
  14. yeah the vomit comet. Every defensive player dreams of hits like that. Hardest hit ive ever seen in the cfl. Because of his play on teams when macho is healthy im sure he will get up on the roster but another game or two like last week and loffler will be locked in imop.
  15. yeah scouts to coaches to fellow players the biggest attribute people look for in a pro athlete is desire. To play, and to win. You cant teach it, fix it, remove it or replace it. Its the big reason i was never really keen on jason maas.
  16. kilgore i imagine the other slightly less impressive logan.
  17. so your still claiming he has more then 1 return as a pro + college?
  18. plop is still better then bellifool any day of the week. I hope denmark comes in hungry and with a healthy chip on his shoulder.
  19. Hes just postponing the inevitable. I could see some serious slash and burn + air lifts once nfl cuts start.
  20. http://www.dallascowboys.com/team/players/roster/henoc-muamba you are correct.
  21. very interesting. Id bring him in for a look, if for no other reason then he's a high up side guy with a different tool set then we have. All our qbs are clones skill set wise. Same height weight range, above average athlete, accurate short to medium passer struggle with the deep ball, average ish arm strength etc. Another player who doesn't want to play in Saskatchewan. Love it. Dang thats cold as ice. Idk poaching PR players has allways been taboo, but its also been some thing that happens every now and then. I remember dave ritche grabbing PR guys before big games to try n get insider info out of em. Tbh id rather see PR players be protected but have the option to leave to another cfl team. When it happens it just tends to foster ill will in the small league. Personally id take the chance to start and play over riding the pine on the PR any day.
  22. lol we allways have to have one on the roster dont we? To be fair he did it once though.
  23. He has some good games. He is a terrible tackler and sometimes gives up some big gains because of it. Macho Harris yuck. Really like the Shayon Green signing, though Agree Ripper. But I'm not too excited about Macho Harris I don't remember Harris being very good last year. His attempted decapitation of Cotton is the play that sticks out in my mind. Missed a kill shot and gave up an extra 20 or so yards. One thing about Macho is from time to time he does lay out some big hits Macho must be a Richie Hall addition, god knows the scouts couldn't find him. Harris is Kuale II. Gives up coverage and the tackle trying to blow someone one up. Too much risk for reward. Yikes. Macho Harris is quite bad. If Macho Harris is on this team come the start of the regular season, that's a massive fail by our scouts. Thats funny when I first saw thread title I thought macho hIArris yuck, was even going to simply put YUCK. As my whole post. But I sees u beat me to It I sincerely, with every fibre of my bean, hope this Macho Harris signing is just a case of a it happens to be recognizable TCF Likes to go for the intimidating hit and will occasionally fail to wrap up properly when dropping his shoulder into the ballcarrier. ... Plays a flashy, emotional game and can get carried away on the field, drawing penalties. From the day we signed him thread, and his nfl scout report. Go back to the riders forum and look up the posts about him. Or re watch games of his and actually watch him not the ball. A guy like him has a role on the team imop. And can have a positive impact. But in limited action and specific packages / back up on defense. He is who he is. A younger more athletic terry ray with out the savoy decision making and discipline.
  24. no... thats who he is. He has had flashes in general a few times. Mostly on teams. But his coverage is beyond poor and has been all year.
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