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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. pretty much. goosen has been solid in blocking on his own, but has struggled switching, picking up and calling out the blitz. Will have to see i guess.
  2. they actually played pretty good in hammer on the re watch. Decent pressure, Strong gap and contain discipline. Liked what hubbard brought.
  3. wbbfan


    If brock wants to have more in the tank after this the smart fight for him wouldnt be to charge in and try to go straight to the ground. Brock has great stamina and incredible quickness. Hunt does not. The smartest fight would be to stay just out side of range. Wait for hunt to throw a lunging bomb, change angle and explode in for a counter strike. Then back out. Brock doesnt have the technical skill to throw elaborate combos. So just singles and wait for hunt to slow down. Once he's a beat roughed up and slowed down (maybe as soon as late first) push him against the fence grind on him, then take him down. Does that happen? Idk hes such a huge question mark. Has he been training a bunch since he left with this in mind? Is he here because he wants to be a champion now or step in and win now. Or trying to recapture past glory. Will have to wait and see i guess. the JJ vs claudia fight was pretty bloody good last night. And great scoring.
  4. thats a ridiculous thing to say. The reffing was better in previous years and we have many of the same refs. the rest of the tripe isnt worth the breath.
  5. One of plops better called games. Really adjusted very well. Being up in the booth seems to help a lot. Usually when an offense struggles the HC will pull the OC out of the booth. Think he needs to use the SB sweep to smith more selectively. I think we run it too much so far. Jace davis, has he been good or what? Id say our best wr in all three games so far.
  6. wbbfan


    massive massive up set last night with RDA losing the belt. Feel bad for the guy being like a dumb show before ufc 200. Black beast had a modestly controversial decision win over big soup can roy nelson. And for the first time maybe EVER no Brazilian champions in the ufc! wow
  7. penalty entire bluebombers roster. And a couple guys on the PR. Off sides if day score we tak it on to the kick off. If they dont, another bomber penalty. Refs this season have been really awful. But its early and what not ill give em some time. What i really dont like is the ticky tacky PI calls. They reviewed it both ways. But for my money you gotta let defenders defend. You cant PI every hand fight. It never gets called on O either.
  8. Hes been quietly really good to date on teams. Today, though not so quietly. If he continues it, it shows the game is coming to him and hes figuring out how to be a pro.
  9. He looked kinda wet behind the ears at times. But i mean hes a young qb. You gotta take the good with the bad and let him grow and learn. hes shown some great flashes and has legit skill. Maybe the fastest release of any starter in the cfl today.
  10. feels good man. Team could have finished a lot of little things better. If they had it would have been a 50+ whooping. I was stuck driving the whole game didnt get to watch any plays yet but listening to bob is great any way. The guy he was working with? not so much. cjob needs to start springing to send doug brown on the road >.>
  11. you know the toxicity is real when people are complaining about a win.
  12. wbbfan


    Idk im afraid of full rounds of these two leaning on each other against the fence huffing and puffing while throwing reverse heels into the other guys calfs. I hope im wrong.
  13. this stuff reminds me of my grandpa telling me stories about the osborne stadium. Idk if its true or not but he once told me they had to kick XPTs from the endzone into the field so they didnt lose balls cus the venue was soo small.
  14. wbbfan


    He has draw based on being a mountain of muscle and still an athletic freak. I bet he is getting paid among the best on the card. Def done it for the sake of the event. Allegedly they only have fight with him, the wwe doesnt want to lose him for long and hunt doesnt really put him in legit contention. Though crazier match ups happen regularly. Maybe in a year they could be trying to push brock vs reem 2 for the belt. But i doubt it.
  15. wbbfan


    Brock of old? Maybe. Great for a temp boost, especially with him repping canada. But if GSP comes back hes more marketable. McG is bigger now and will be short of a huge belt run for brock that wont happen. And RR is more marketable if shed get off her sad sack and fight.
  16. wbbfan


    Would be a good main card with a great under card. I dont think brock is gonna bring in the sales some do. But if they out of the blue through bisping in to DC to unify 2 division belts then maybe.
  17. Some of that list isnt in the league and atleast barrett chose the ncaa over cfl. His name has risen in several teams searches apparently hes happy with what he has going down south.
  18. 6/10. few more games like the first two and itll be full on liquor snurf around here.
  19. wbbfan


    no kidding. Ive some times wondered if he would be better or worse if he didnt constant fight cheap. eye pokes, kicks to the knee etc. I went from meh but talented fighter to watching him implode and not be able to stand him. All the antics between him and DC, the childishness, then the drugs, the crash and run etc. Hes a hard guy to like. I think he would have easily 50-45'd DC in the rematch and put it all to bed. Im kinda of disappointing that at some point in the future all this will happen AGAIN. UFC is really loosing on this 200 card. Its got tons of depth and good fights top to bottom for the die hard mma fans. But it doesnt have as much appeal or sell power as it could have. Imagine if the card had; aldo/diaz vs mcG, RR vs tate, HH vs cybro, brock vs any one, JJ vs dc, and maybe even a GSP return? They could still have the loaded prelims etc too. For being the "big event" for many years they sure lack the biggest draws on the roster. I hope they dont fill the DC JJ fight. Add another prelim and bump people up. Then have DC/JJ on one of the up coming fights Mabe in NY.
  20. may as well since we have all these amateur refs..
  21. we're blue, we're gold, we're really fricken cold. Think david benefield used to sell shirts with that on it.
  22. the toxicity is rising to even higher levels, CUT THE GIF THREAD! what ever will we be down to if we went 0-10? Most of the posters hair will be cutting it self.
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