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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. hank wasnt a big game performer either. Once upon a time AC was cut etc. We cant say 100% what would have happened if we changed the past. Its football things happen. With glenn it would have been a different game but could have been the same out come. in 2001 we were hands down better then calgary. Id say top to bottom. But we lost. If that team can lose to that stamps team (crandell was a journeymen and kinda avg starter too) while being pretty much healthy any thing can happen. I think if we play that game 10 times with 100% healthy rosters the bombers would win 7 times against sask. But when it came down to it, we didnt. Doesnt matter what would happen the hypothetical times, only on game day. 9.9999 times out of 10 the milt beats edmonton on the last play of the game (clutch glenn) doesnt happen. Same with the khari to arland bruce come back in calgary.
  2. xD my least favorite place to travel through or visit. * it used to be the hammer. Found the city dirty and nasty, and ivor wynne was my least favorite stadium. Id rather go into the hostile confines of dirty old regina with the intense atmosphere. But i havent been in ages and the new stadium looks nice.
  3. LOL is that a place? idr the name of it. Village of only a couple streets. I spent 4 days on a bus in a row all the names kinda melt together.
  4. I bused through sask a couple times. and one winter up north this store opened on sundays for the bus goers to get food n such. I got the usual dirty looks n stuff wearing my bomber jacket. But the woman at the till actually refused to serve my ex and I. The bus driver loaded us all back up and drove to another town to eat.
  5. i tend to agree with you. In his 3rd season i cant see reason to expect him to make huge strides any more. I really had high hopes for him. I cant say how surprised I am with his lack of fire and how flat his team plays. This roster reminds me a lot of the 2000 bombers. 7-10-1 but the big difference to me is no ritchie. The fire the team played with for him was amazing. We got a lot of penalties, but man they played their hearts out for him. Especially down the stretch.
  6. His blocking hasnt been bad, his blitz recognition and coordinating the line hasnt been good. Young center though thats kinda to be expected. He doesnt have a slow release. plop even mentioned that in the most recent interview, his release is solid and has improved. He gets happy feet once hes been pressured a bit though, doesnt look off wrs, and doesnt pick up blitz shifts well. (show and drop, delay blitz.) The more he gets hit the worse he plays. And I expect him to get hit like a red headed step child against hammer. It could get ugly.
  7. ehh the ceo/pres doesnt often impact soo much on the field imop. The argos when what his nuts took over with candy gretz et al as owners spending like wild fire worked with a green top end. Of course that was a no cap era. Rookie HC danny maccioca comes to mind. That dude was working as an accountant or some thing like 3.5 years earlier. These guys arent exactly rookies any more either. Is danny the mini mac back doing accounting or something?
  8. His trying to defend his team saying they came out and played hard because all pro's allways play hard made me face palm soo hard.
  9. he only has time for 10 yard or less passes at best of times before the 4th though.
  10. do you remember the pre willy era qbs post glenn? Most of those guys couldnt beat prevent Ds. Not to mention the qbr dyar and dvoa in the first 3qts isnt out of line with what you see in the 4th. If we get the offense working as the sum of its pieces and and deal with communication issues picking up the blitz the O will be ok. The lack of pass rush and soft coverage will be another matter though.
  11. We were almost allways going to cut butcher to send him back to school for another year. I was kinda surprised rush didnt get to stay on for teams.
  12. He does have up side dont get me wrong. Hes a good athlete and he can lay an impressive hit. He sells out for hits 100% of the time though. This is why the riders wanted him at LB. I think if he played a none sam lb position that'd be a lot better then S. I can see why he'd be worse at sam then S. Clearly a guy worth having around based on ST play a lone. Hes kinda demond washington 2.0
  13. logic? here? now? no, this is the time for toxic sentiments, rash decisions, and a trigger finger!
  14. Oh yeah that was a mess too. Are we the only team he hasnt coached?
  15. Played in counts being a back up holding a cup of coffee. Banged up in 05, and in 06. Missed grey cup game in 07 due to injury. Back to riding the pine playing through injuries in 08 (was banged up and playing poorly through when dinwidiie "took" his job) later years back to riding the pine and banged up last year again. Thats the fun thing about stats, drew willy is 2nd in the league in passing yards and 3rd or 4th in tds. But most people in the city want his head. So Benc in sask, bench first year here. injured, injured, injured when it matters most, back to bench started a season and stayed healthy in hammer, then back and forth to the bench and starting before being a bench guy. And hurt again.
  16. Yep worman. Fired in preseason in 2014. Reading about the dicking around and quick changes that happened with offensive coaches is crazy. Worman, schonert, garcia, calvillo and dinwiddie. Shuffle shuffle shuffle.
  17. haha omg xD I could see him shambling down to that locker toom to tear a strip off these young whipper snappers. Thatd probably be about the best of whats out there yeah. I just wouldnt want to automatically saddle up to him in the off season. didnt they fire his oc in TC?
  18. Then you'd have 1 man uncovered the entire time, or no deep cover at all. Most cfl Ds use zone situationally. Match zone on blitzs, prevent etc. The same is in man coverage the fast majority of the time. Thats why its virtually allways a converted DB/S.
  19. Since when did he start playing OL? And coaching D?
  20. they are riders fans. of course they have nothing better to do.
  21. If mos is axed mid season, there isnt a good choice imop. Id rather us pull a mystery card and bring in some one retired for half the season or whose out of football atm. And leave every one else where they are.
  22. any time you can add 3 NIs and all of them are good sters its been a good day. At first i was like more lbers!? but both are pretty versatile. Especially Tuck. Tuck and player are really solid nabs.
  23. your safety leading the league in tackles is not a bright spot.
  24. as baseball and analytics their have shown raw numbers ba/hr/rbi. arent that valuable. How you get there obp/ops/babip is more effective.
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