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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. I wanna say when MTL was perennial contenders for the grey cup they had a ridiculously high rate of scoring on the first drive. Its a big haul mark of successful offenses since they can script that drive soo much before the game. I could see us having a blink esq record when harris gets 100 yards rushing. Getting scores from places other then the O is a game changer. When you do that, like winning the turn over battle, you should expect to win.
  2. Whats your top 3 things the bombers need to do to beat calgary? (aside from score more points ) Mine: 1) Win the time of possession battle. Early and often touches for Harris. Coverting on 2nd down, and stringing together firsts downs. 2) Willy on his feet. No smacking around of our willy. A strong pocket, Willy to be confident and composed in the pocket. Having pressure release and using them. But not limiting the offense to dump passes short of the first down. 3) Aggression. Blitz, swarm and hit on D. Get pressure in the back field, Play aggressive cover and not just give up easy passes for first downs. Take shots down field. Pound the D with harris.
  3. thats all accountable and logical though. Not the stuff of starting kuale, hurl and others with better back ups. As stated attitude, missing team functions, late for practise/tape etc. Also acquiring a better player in that role. Can we improve and fix our problems in house? I fully believe so. Will we? I hope so. Thats the question though. If we do fix that stuff this management and coaching staff is gonna be here next year. If not I dont think any one short of wade miller will be. Or maybe thats narrower then wade...
  4. careful john madden might sue for using his line xD
  5. https://cfldb.ca/ off the top of my head the khari to arland bruce calgary game comes to mind. IIRC that was 3 tds and a fg.
  6. http://www.cfl.ca/2016/06/29/foster-hazel-sears-and-king-fined-following-week-1/ "The Canadian Football League (CFL) announced that it has imposed its maximum fine on Edmonton Eskimos defensive back, Neil King following a reckless and dangerous tackle on Ernest Jackson." “Tackles where the helmet is the leading and primary point of contact to an opposing player are dangerous and pose a serious health and safety risk to both players,” said Vice-President for Football Operations and Player Safety, Kevin McDonald." Too bad they skipped watching the hit on dressler, or that game all together.
  7. no such thing as a pure Ster in the cfl. Not enough roster spots. We have 2 back ups at OL with one starter whose highly injury prone. Carried 2 back up wrs and one went down in the first hand full of plays. BUT 4 of those guys have been cfl starters, burnett and waggoner project as high up side starters. Briggs and gauthier are sters as well but they are far from no up side guys. The number of starters who wont see action on STs are few and far between. Having guys just listed at that position to only play teams doesnt work with such small rosters.
  8. rather be cautious with any one coming off a concussion. hope hes better soon.
  9. idk how much lber depth we need. carrying 9 for 3 starters when the 3 starters are set in stone.
  10. Not a fan of shock horror. Jump scares are cheap and when they miss your left with nothing. Kodi is great. Ive got two streaming boxes and some good sites cut the cable 5+ years ago.
  11. Bryant and chung had strong games individually. But an oline is only as strong as its communication and weakest link.
  12. Isnt richardson hurt? With the amazing boom in young de's and lbers we have it would be tough for him to crack the roster. The db and the one we picked up the other day look like gooders though.
  13. your right he ended as our starting centre taking the roll after playing guard most of the year. he lost his spot for 4 games to goosen. And the spot for good.
  14. you should read the post above yours where i say he played mostly at guard.... poor kid.
  15. goosen started 10+ games last year mostly at guard.
  16. Thats the nature of developing NI talent. You virtually never get an immediate game changer unless they come from the nfl. minimally competent? goosen was our starting centre last year. must be new to the cfl.
  17. he wasnt ranked top 5, montreal went off the board for him. And if you will recall our scouts had couture as the best OL on the board. And we all know how that works compared to what the common consensus for drafting. We've frequently taken "our guy" over the highest rated available player.
  18. youve never been positive. Your predictions sticking to vague and negative. elevated due to injuries and under performance wasnt projected to start in tc/ps. he isnt starter quality atm.
  19. a broken clock is right twice a day. once in 3 years is hardly as impressive.
  20. Your comparing the other qbs in garbage pre season time to willy over the course of this last regular season game. Willy started 5/5 and while struggling horribly in the middle of the game, did more then the rest did in the preseason. No one was remotely good enough, even against players no longer in the league to take the starting job. Not to mention we also have the previous play of willy to gauge off of.
  21. What are you using as a tool to compare preseason garbage time? Willy looked good in regular season garbage time its not much of a tool to compare.
  22. Say what? career ster? The guy is raw but has all the tools to start eventually. Canadian rookie defensive players take a while. Wally buono was trying to sign him as an imp. That says more then enough about his talent level. Goosen didnt not start for a number of years. He took the starting role before the halfway point of his 2nd year. Played in all games in his 2nd year. You need to have a clue what your talking about before you call for some ones job man.
  23. I think there was a first round offer on the board I know there was a second. but iirc its a double blind bid. We went corney with our highest pick this year too. I think walters draft strategy is BPA. At least, with the top pics. Im a big waggoner fan and think he and corney will be the future of our NI ratio. Would i rather have st john or even groulx? yeah. I think every one would. Bomber brass included. Im more worried addison richards, and goossens development. Hurl ending up playing too much some how. neufeld staying healthy, and our lack of NI talent behind kohlert. We took a risk, spent a pick and got a talented player who will start eventually. I call that a win.
  24. Unless its a brilliant come back game yes.
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