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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Mcduffie showed alot. Even more then in camp. He needs to become more secure with his hands though. Id take him over stoudemire 100 times out of 100.
  2. np i wanna say that last off season or this off season they tweaked it further but i cant find record of that.
  3. If a Team A passer deliberately, and in the official's opinion for the purpose of avoiding loss of yardage, throws the ball behind the line of scrimmage to the ground or Out of Bounds or to an area in which there is not an eligible Team A receiver, the team shall be penalized. PENALTY: LD at point from which pass was thrown. If the pass was thrown from the Goal Area, a safety touch score shall be awarded to Team B, subject to the right of Team B to decline the score and accept the play as it terminated. NOTE: Team A shall not be penalized if the passer throws the ball across the line of scrimmage to an open area or Out of Bounds.
  4. he pulled the ball and looked to run, escaping the tackle box to throw away i want to say would have been possible. However looking at the rules i cant see mention of the tackle box intentional grounding.
  5. pretty much. we are carrying a crazy amount of dbs and lbs. 9 lbers. I dont recall him or any of the rookie nucks shining on teams. Though i did see us get close to blocking 2-3 punts idr who it was or if it was the same person exploding off the edge each time.
  6. Id suggest going back re watching and watching the time clock. Or in other games.
  7. MB was every bit as bad as made out to be. plop was fired here while running struggling offenses twice and his 3rd time around still had significantly better play calling and adjustments. And im not a plop fan. Can buff play OL? thats the real question xD Maybe a curse for firing dave ritchie.
  8. In winnipeg, its allways the qb after a loss. xD
  9. An over load blitz if we dont have an out let on said play yeah. How ever if the pass beat the blitz or a block and release even, can easily go for a td. Harris is a good pass blocker. I dont think we have a good 2nd pass blocker though for the back field.
  10. plop likes to leave backs in to block, and have wrs etc pinch too. Used to do it with blink and sellers a lot. To his credit opposite teams never know if the back will block, block and release, or go for a pass catch. We dont have a mike sellers any more of course. He did similar as HC here too.
  11. not with the time clock limitations after receiving a play call and calling it in the huddle. Have you watched how much time is left by the time they get to the line and in position? how about what time the d moves up to show blitz? even though they dropped to 3 and 4 man rushes frequently they walk up from the normal formation unless rushed in a hurry up.
  12. they would have audibled every other play or more that night and taken 10 time count violations. audibles are few and far between in the cfl. this isnt madden or the us in general.
  13. we went to the hurry up a couple times with good success, but it was mostly late and late in the 2nd qt. Willy doesnt do a good job of running 3 minute drill. but thats coachable.
  14. mt showed cover 0/cover1 half the game. They dropped some, the blitzed other times. It made picking up who was rushing very tough on a young centre. The cfl isnt an audible at the line league. There isnt time on 90% of plays unless your in the hurry up. A lot of teams tried a lot of strats to beat the every thing and the kitchen sink the als used to use. Some good sask and to teams tried double tights and were crushed. The best success was staying spread, running, using play action, and the hurry up to not let the D get the play in and set up smoothly.
  15. That pocket collapsed and was pushed back nearly instantly. Unless there was a screen pass called, or a wr un covered all he could have done is throw the ball away.
  16. Vast majority of people in this thread are putting every thing on willy and nothing on the ol/play calling. The simple truth is that every aspect of offense has to improve. We dropped passes, missed throws, missed blitz pick up etc etc etc. A side from harris who was a star even with too few touches especially in the first half. Every one thought he was nuts. People laughed at ott none stop. Over paid hank, then got a 2nd starter. Went all wr all day. And hes some how made it work and work bloody well. End of the day a great passing game will take you further in the cfl then any thing else. As there is allways time for one more long bomb.
  17. "It's a perfectly legitimate point. Montreal is likely the worst team in the league this season" Ive seen you make far more ridiculous claims.
  18. 2nd quarter and 3rd quarter is garbage time?
  19. Pretty much. We were 2 balls off the fingers / an upright away from winning that. In 5 weeks we could be any where between 0-6 and 5-1 depending on how they straighten things out. Love the way mcduffie returns and runs. But hes gotta get a bit more sure handed too.
  20. >.< now i feel bad AND old thanks.
  21. dear god thats depressing. But bob cameron is soo old he was punting footballs off the mayflower. He retired after his college retired! xD
  22. not wrong. Not to mention wally buono hasnt missed the play offs since ww2 broke out.
  23. ottawa is an exception to the rule with building/rebuilding. That said turn arounds should not take 3+ years in the cfl.
  24. After a full re watch. 2 of those 3 over throws that would have scored hit hands. High tosses for certain. But the ones to mcduffie and smith gotta be caught. The ball cant hit both your hands and the turf. We had more bobbled passes then i remembered on the live watch. Aside from tossing high, willy wasnt tossing the most catch-able balls. Its laughable to say only one sack was on the ol. They gave up pressure up the middle countless times. Willy did bobble the snap and didnt pick up rushes before the snap. But we also got shut down on the running plays on second down, and on short yardage. Thats not willy. Thats the OL.
  25. Its not a disaster. Its workable problems. Will we fix them? who knows. I think judging by the adjustments plop made at the half he will be able to rectify some of the poor calls if he hadnt allready in the last quarter and a half. I think we have the right OL coach to get The problems picking up blitz, stunts, and twists better. Those will all help willy. If we have some one to help settle his feet down, get him to look off wrs, and not get soo zoned in on short/medium/long itll be a good year.
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