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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. This draft is pretty crazy. Trades a plenty, teams with a ton of pics in a 2 round draft too.
  2. I think what we are doing is using smith to play under dressler. This can create a lot of miss matches and openings for smith. We used to do this with milt (and other teams like edm and mtl have done this too) Playing 2 strong pass catchers beside each other heavily limits the double cover ability. If they do it, it leaves gaping holes and a lop sided defense. Arland bruce, robert gordon and a few others really made a good living of this. It also opens up screens to one side, delay hand offs like a counter trap, and end arounds.
  3. wbbfan


    Its a dream gig for basically every one in the ufc. He doesnt have the appeal that brings in ppv buys like brock. If they brought some twitter boob gamer in they wouldnt see any fluctuation either in spite of having more fb/twitter/etc followers then every one in the ufc combined. I doubt he ever fights.
  4. a great coach can have a big impact in multiple ways. Helping a player to improve technique, to prepare and adjust better etc. A great person in said role can have a massive effect on the team ala richard harris. Id say most positional coaches have a modest impact on the tangibles. But can still be a considerable impact on intangibles. Think good cop, bad cop. With a positional coach vs coordinator / head coach. I remember charles roberts mentioning a rb coach we had constantly drilling the backs on a technique for regaining balance when going down the day after he used said technique to regain balance when he was nearly down then running for a decisive score.
  5. I hope your right, and i hope its not a mistake for him to play banged up.
  6. he has to turn into a star so we can rock this. And a cap hail haidara too
  7. The drop off is steep. We go from a shifty power runner who was 2nd in the league in rushing last year whose also a great pass catcher and blocker. Not to mention NI. We go to a guy whose not bad at any thing but not particularly good at any thing. Hasnt played in the cfl in any thing but garbage time during pre season, and is a imp. Willy would be worse, westerman about as bad. No other injury would hurt us as much.
  8. decent athlete hasnt done much so far but we only have 1 productive NI wr so worth taking a risk.
  9. dont forget we have what 3 ex riders added this off season? Many bad teams are bad because they evaluate talent poorly. Or use it poorly. One need only look around the league and see a few ex bombers who are doing all right for them self despite leaving this team when it wasnt good. Some of them dumped.
  10. Probably not. But id still take a flyer on him if hes willing to take a cheap deal. Mcduffie looked great as a returner but i dont see any one stepping up to take no3 wr. But we also saved some money on couple of the vet cuts.
  11. heard the riders cut denmark. wouldnt mind him back on a cheap contract.
  12. if he was going to be hidden on the IR he would be on the IR not on the active roster.
  13. thats what i would imagine. Weve had to do it with a KR before. (keith stokes) Or maybe one of the nucks like JFG
  14. wbbfan


    their podcast and break downs are still exceptional. Stann and anik are pure vanilla. Bas has some of the best insight on striking in the world.
  15. wbbfan


    I dont think there is any chance dana stays to be a figure head. His ego is far too great for that. Joe rogan is only staying in place if the same owners and management stays in place. He had actually left the ufc gig when dana and co took over. He stays on as a favor to them. Much prefers to do his fight companion. He's been pretty forward about it. They sell he goes. Too bad mauro has a job with the wwe now. Having fight companion and mauro/bas at the event would be amazing.
  16. sorry i cant fix being ocd or pedantic to return to favor.
  17. idr there being an injury. I dont think he carried in pre camp either. I guess you CAN make the club from the tub. If you have the right pass port.
  18. Flanders played garbage minutes though and got a lot more carries then harris. Harris looked better against better competition with less touches. Idk why we didnt have lochard carrying at all. Wonder if any of our WRs could back up rb. Maybe mcduffie...
  19. wbbfan


    yeah hes a side show attraction now. A has been. It pains me to see some old guys still try n fight. thats crazy. Im betting dana and joe rogan are gone.
  20. I mean mid game but yeah theres that too.
  21. Yeah if harris goes down at all we are up creek with out a paddle.
  22. pretty much. Not to mention his first play time in the cfl also. usually a guy like that is groomed a year before you expect much. Which leads me to believe he might be problematic.
  23. punted twice in the last preseason game. and some in TC. he also punted against TO last year. 8 times for 43.5 yard average.
  24. They said in camp a couple times they would keep an extra QB. Last year given how far down the depth chart ended up starting its only smart imop.
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