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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Glad we are keeping mayo around thats for sure. Isnt richardson injured?
  2. true of the whole team. Another repeat of what we've seen the last couple years and the teams gonna get blown up top to bottom.
  3. Not great certainly. I still would say he was better then our imp ol aside from bryant and bond. How many more cuts yet to come?
  4. jace daniels? really? thats a big shock to me. Though I think bond is better i find that very surprising. perhaps the PR? Im not too surprised about veltung. He's shown some flashes here and there but far few and far between. No sergio either. No anderson is almost as big a surprise as jace.
  5. With the depth of our young NI's i doubt we start 8 ni. We have flexibility is the quality of our depth.
  6. broke his hand in the first pre season game out 6 weeks.
  7. hurl isnt cracking our starting lber core.
  8. id say more terry ray but yeah. I hope it doesnt last the whole season.
  9. I wonder what if any thing we might be looking for from the scrap heap of other teams. NI ol maybe? Perhaps a wr for the PR to push some guys we have.
  10. wbbfan


    This year will be remember for a few really good cards and tilts. Especially up sets. Luckily it wont be remember for some of the the worst fights/decisions in history. This year there have been some awful awful decisions and fights. Just 1919 black sox level of bad.
  11. By that definition sure. But thats not a pocket passer. Thats a mobile qb/ scrambler. But then drop back isnt really right either, as virtually all cfl teams run the massive amount of plays out of the gun/half gun formation and not under centre. Which is where you drop back from. A pocket passer plays inside the tackle box, steps up in the pocket or moves the pocket in response to pressure. A mobile qb who will break a run, roll out, plays mostly in gun formations, and doesnt require the added blocking schemes. Its also harder to distinguish in this era of the cfl as the majority of qbs sport the same skills currently. No ones starting a qb whose a threat to run for 1k in the season or running for negative yards over the course of the year. Pocket passer is really more of an american term now. Like the Lber/db sub terms we use here. The us doesnt use boundary or field corners, etc.
  12. how well has trump done in polls so far? Some times a majority means all the fools are on the same side. Go and watch real pure pocket passers like ive listed play then go watch glenn early-mid ac etc play and come back saying they are pure pocket passers. With the nature of how the cfl uses spread offense and the gun with lop sided pass pro and few rbs who pass block the days of this type of pass may be done for good. When FBs and 2 back sets and TEs were common with established pockets it was different. And is different in the US.
  13. He showed great push up the middle and exceptional burst despite his weight. Hes raw, very raw. But he's got a very high level of physical tool set thats very desirable especially in a ni. They have to have some processing time some one could nab him. But its one of those un written football things. I dont think there is a risk of some one grabbing him and him decided to go to a PR and not back to school.
  14. Your letting the final days of calvillo and glenn skew your view of them. Calvillo turned into a guy who stepped up into the pocket glenn is old but is still a guy who'd roll at the sight of pressure rather then step up. There isnt really any more in the cfl. Go watch some danny mac then glenn maybe that will help you see the difference. He would move to avoid the rush and roll a bit but wasnt much of a runner and turned into more of one as much as there is any more in the cfl. he wasnt danny mac levels of un mobile as people might believe but he is certainly the quintessential nfl pocket passer. Never a guy who failed to step up into the pocket when pressured. Not a guy to throw on the run etc. But the nfl pocket passer is different then the cfl as the pocket isnt the same when your under the center 90% of the time vs in the gun 90% of the time.
  15. I am sure we will nl butcher. For a late pick he really shined in camp. cant wait to see him next year. I was kind of thinking he might be pr/teams guy this year too. But im not dissapointed to see him playing another year in the cis itll make him a lot better then teams/pr.
  16. Those two are extreme cases of pocket passers, but a guy like nichols is even much more of a pure pocket passer. Glenn ac and ray all played with some designed qb run plays, and especially glenn has lived on the roll out. They are scramble to pass qbs. Guys who buy time with there feet. Which isnt what a pure pocket passer does. They stand in the pocket even while it collapses they just step up. This is by far the most popular type of qb in the cfl in this era, and the most widely sought after. With the size of the field you can easily run for a first down with a hook slide on a broken play as a mobile qb. But thats not a pocket passer. Idk that young qbs run more then old. Id say if any thing older qbs scramble for firsts selectively more then young qbs. Qbs who lack deep wr cores or a good OL tend to run more. Pocket qb isnt some thing that really applies to the cfl any more. There just arent really any. Mobile/scramble qbs is the order of the day. Willy is really not a guy whose well off throwing on the run at all. Un like glenn ac ray etc. He can scramble but if he tries to throw on the run hold your breathe.
  17. AC and glenn cut their teeth as guys who could make things happen on the run. RR doesnt have that reputation but thats because his peak years in edm he had some pretty deep wr cores. Kinda like ac later in montreal. Or damon allen. Not to mention age catching up. Guys like danny mac, and kerwin bell were pure pocket passers.
  18. None of those guys are pure pocket passers though. AC made his mark as a guy who was fearless to run and put up 3600+ yards rushing. Ricky ray has over 3k with 469 yards rushing in one season. Glenn has 1700 but is a guy who loves to scramble to through. Hes at his best throwing on the roll out like damon allen or burris.
  19. Butcher im sure they think needs another season more then any thing else in the cis. I think he could be a limited use STer right now, but he could be soo much more next year. Pav not being on the pr tells me they are gonna keep / hide sergio for a while. But I dont think he's going to be more then a phone call way. Rush i wish was kept around. Thought he'd be good as a ster too.
  20. wbbfan


    Its been bigger with GSP and brock to say the least. Its past the point of being a bubble issue. It will be as big as the fighters it promotes. I may never be what boxing was in the 90s with tyson or the early 70s but with new generations of pure mma trained fighters instead of fighters of other disciplines trying to adapt the product will only grow.
  21. its a tough spot for young ish canadians who cant go back to cis, and arent going to make a cfl squad. I hope rush catches on some place.
  22. hope that means its more aggressive. Cant stand passive D that gives up first down after first down.
  23. Yep. Its amazing how close a couple bomber legends have been to slipping through the cracks. bob cameron, walby, khari stuck on the bench behind allen in bc.
  24. he was talking about it in the 1290 pregame before the last game. It was the start of the season but pretty much. switched over due to injury.
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