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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. The first play he runs by his defender and makes a great one handed catch then leaves his man in the dust. Lots of big plays, not that youd expect much else from a highlight reel. Looks like he tends to catch the easy between the numbers passes with his body. But when the ball is thrown low, high, behind or leading him he does a great job snagging it with his hands. There are a good few guys every year on nfl PRs that make a circus catch every practice or two, but body catch and have some drops on easy passed for this exact same reason. That said, this video is 5 years old and hes been around the nfl a good while. He ran a 4.6 40 which isnt blazing, but when you watch him in game and he reaches top speed with in a couple steps. Runs away from a lot of defenders too He looks really fast 0-20 yards and 40+. That and nifty foot work and good moves is why i imagine they tried to turn him into a KR. Clearly plays faster then 4.6, strong and a strong jumper too. Isnt a tackle breaker despite his size, but one of those guys who doesnt just fall over at contact. And he clearly isnt afraid of contact with lots of over the middle plays, and catches in traffic. The NFL knocks on him were not a good route runner, inconsistent with catches, Doesnt block, and isnt a high motor guy. But in college he looked like a solid STs cover guy. That and the length of time he stuck in the nfl I tend to think he isnt a low effort guy. Id say hes some where between chris brazzell and chris mathews. Clearly has all the potential in the world. Size, speed, hands, can jump and is big and strong. Really interesting to see what he will do.
  2. Its remnants of the long off season and people not having enough to freak out over xD
  3. Im betting both will be in camp on a wink wink type of deal but thats just me.
  4. Tbh i credit that mostly with khari's quick check downs. Its not some thing we saw make a big return when he came back as a HC and ran his own offense. I would love to see that return though. Id agree with that, but Imop he should have been fired before that. Turning a possible W we had no right earning into a L even if its a moral victory isnt gonna cut it in the cfl or any league. I didnt think it was just passive play calling, though that was a problem. Our offense under him seemed soo vanilla and lacking in diversity. Maybe it was plays to set up other stuff that never came to fruition but the offensive playbook/calling is my biggest concern for this team this year. I think our talent and depth is in a great place.
  5. Im waiting to see what we run and how we run it. Plop ran some awful offenses here at multiple points in time. The weapons we have should help prevent Ds from pinning their ears back and coming at willy every down.
  6. Personally id rather see us get the best OL out possible and make the ratio work else where. Im tired of watching our willy get smacked around.
  7. and a long list of other guys i can think of. not a rb but vinny sutherland seemed to fall over at the most flailing arm tackle attempt. Yeah it was a lot of what you see in mid level talent playing on low level teams. Didnt do any thing special hit holes and ran into tackles. Couple decent moves here or there not crazy speed or any great cuts. His 40 time was awful, but the first report from rookie camp was he looks quick. Its hard to tell some from video some times, how fast a guy is on the field. Guess we will see. But even if he isnt great im pretty excited to see the rest of our RBs in camp.
  8. hey the looking at their phones none stop and talking to each other is important stuff.
  9. He hadnt had a camp came in late in the season to a new team and new system and a team that over all wasnt good at all. Cant expect much in that situation.
  10. I guess he is still trying to get an NFL deal. Hes a really good player and a ratio breaker. Hes not doing him self any favors but im sure a couple weeks into the cfl season he will have a contract. We have 3 very strong Lbers. I wouldnt mind having leggett back at S and henoc at mlb but i dont think their is any chance that happens. So long as he doesnt end up a green rider idc too much.
  11. Flanders production was incredible. His nfl scout report is pretty messed up though. They say he has to break away speed, doesnt have strong moves, and goes down with first contact. 4.78 40 yard but a best of 4.65 Looks like a guy who isnt a josh ranek esq tackle breaker but not a guy who will go down with arm tackles. Maybe hes a guy who isnt a 40 runner but has football speed. Certainly doesnt look football slow in his highlights.
  12. Bombers add 6 and subtract 6. Released. Receiver Larry Pinkard Receiver Ernest Smith Running back B.J. Catalon Defensive lineman Jordan Stanton Defensive back Justin Green Defensive back Arthur Williams Added. receivers Gerrard Sheppard and Thomas Mayo, running back Carlos Anderson, defensive lineman Cameron Henderson, linebacker Duron Singleton, and defensive back Jarrid Bryant. All players are Internationals.
  13. I hope they get corney done before TC.
  14. We have 3 IMP Lbers that will start if healthy, thats the difference.
  15. that looks bloody solid.
  16. thats true but we could end up starting an extra NI. most fans dont want to but it could well happen.
  17. Idk what happened to JFG. he went from a monster catching every thing to houdini. Maybe we could move him to RB to add to our NI rb depth
  18. Man our NI talent has gotten sooo much better. we could cut guys this TC that would have started for us 2-3 years ago.
  19. yeah i imagine its gonna be every team. Id really like us to throw money at him part way through the season. developing another NI OL to watch em walk to another team would kill me.
  20. Based on his play last year, no. He has progressed very quickly however. He could have a dominant year and be looking at the nfl, but i dont expect that. I do expect we will be fighting off other CFL teams to keep him though, unless we sign him mid season.
  21. Thats true. The couple good off seasons in a row as left us in a position with better NI depth then weve had in many years. We have more NI starters then even, with depth behind them, and development guys behind them. Willy injuries, OL play, and offensive play calling has held us back these seasons under walters. Those will also be the key point to success this season. But we are as prepared for all 3 as we can be.
  22. my favorite is still procedure mon re al entire line...
  23. In that case i imagine we are mostly done adding players till perhaps cut down days. (if other teams cut some one we are interested in) Id say we really won the off season, now if only we can translate that into a winning regular season.
  24. I think thats why they keep expanding review. Rather slow the game down, especially late and get the call right then have calls cost games. Personally, I think we need more refs. There is soo much to watch especially with the big field, but that said some stuff especially on the line needs to be let go. The cfl has shown great willingness to try different things to get games right and make them more entertaining. As long as they continue on that path I think the cfl reffing will be in a great spot a few years down the road.
  25. Thats the life of a ref. Any sport, any league or level. I will say that in the past 16 years the reffing has improved 10000x. The cfls refs last year did a better job then the NBA refs have done this post season, and are generally better then the umps strike zone in baseball.
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