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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. If we could have challenged a none call pass interference on milt alone back in the early 2000s we would have won like 4-5 more games. Yeah idr the rule changes either. I wouldnt mind going a couple years with out a huge rule change.
  2. I think its become a none decision for a lot of luke warm guys. The main stay of guys live and breathe football, and or dream of the nfl would chase that dream through the business end of a mack truck for a chance.
  3. STs regulars and rotational players in the offense. Maybe less for richards since he was banged up soo often in his rookie year.
  4. if you dont want instant replay you must not remember the horrid refing of the early 2000s and prior very well. Replay is good, in a game of inches its important to get calls right. If anything put the XPA back to normal rules. Any one got a list of the new rules?
  5. should tell that to charles roberts keith stocks arland bruce gizmo williams and about 100 other under 5'9 play makers in cfl history. to be 5'8 and stick in the nfl as long as he did, and actually play on a regular basis says alot. Dude runs through soo many tackles in that college clip. Runs like hes 6'4 245 xD
  6. http://www.nfl.com/player/jerreljernigan/2495179/careerstats 21 kick returns for 492 yard 23.4 average. 4.46 40, 37.5" vert, 11 reps. http://www.nfl.com/draft/2011/profiles/jerrel-jernigan?id=2495179 Lots of talk of him being a play making slot receiver. Despite his 5'8 height. Real interesting pick up cant wait to see him in camp. replacement for the wr prospect who just retired maybe.
  7. http://www.bluebombers.com/2016/04/12/bombers-add-receiver-jerrel-jernigan-2/ bombers sign jerrel jernigan wr from the ny giants.
  8. Most of the guys in the cfl especially from the states have had high level coaching since they were 8. Theres some adaptation to the cfl game, but i dont see it being a constant thing out side of camp. Maybe im wrong. Motivating pro athletes is a tough thing. Many many coaches have talked about how you can motivate alot of college guys but after that step to he pros its a lot less influential. Harris was a position coach his entire time here. He got a lot of credit and seemed like a great football mind and person. But he was one in a million. Personally it doesnt seem like a lot of positional coaches in the cfl have been highly impact full. Our OL coach for one, bob wylie. a lot of hype, a lot of camps and stuff. Yet despite better pieces then we had when he came back we havent seen any big improvements.
  9. Thats too bad. Would have liked to have seen him. Goalie ive often wondered how effective some of the depth position coaches are. I havent see a lot of RB coaches make a big impact in the cfl.
  10. No progression in his play calls, or adaptation to what a defense was giving showing or doing either. Did we ever score a td on those in side the 10 shot gun dives up the gut?
  11. Blocking has been a problem sure. But you cant look past up the middle dives from shot gun in the red zone and so many awful 2nd down plays designed to get less then first down yardage. MBs offence was awful. If the line doesnt keep willy healthy every one will be looking for a new job. But if plops offence is run as poorly as MBs itll be the same result.
  12. I agree in that plop wouldnt be an upgrade from mos. And that if the parachute gets pulled on mos it should take walters out too. I really dont think this front office fires a coach mid season though.
  13. for guys whove made it as vets for depth its rarer for them to fall through the cracks. I can see mulumba evolving into a ST pro. Bilukudi is an intensely gifted athlete. But he isnt getting younger and that potential loses value every year with a new crop of gifted young guys trying to make it. For him I imagine he's only looking at 2 more TCs if he doesnt show he can atleast be a Ster. A lot of people dont recognize that if a guy wants to hustle and be the guy that breaks up the wedge on teams you can have a career in the nfl for as long as you want/ hold up.
  14. The instant gratification generation. Nothing can be developing, its either the greatest thing ever or crap.
  15. Imop if we did a mid season firing of MOS (which i think is very very unlikely.) plop would become HC pierce would probably become asst OC and take over WRs
  16. No kidding. A lot of fans over waggoner. Its very very rare for a guy to step in and be dominant the year hes drafted. Especially at a ratio breaking position, even more so coming from the US. Henoc didnt light the world on fire in his first season. Waggoner has shown some really nice flashes and i cant wait to see what he brings in his 2nd year.
  17. Doug browns departure from the nfl didnt have to do with years. He posted a list of players on his team with criminal convictions in the locker room and was cut just shy of his pension. If he hadnt of done that he may never have ended up in the cfl. Mike is right i brain farted and it was 4th round not 2nd. And while rushing from a stand up position is a good bit different from lining up over a tackle its not exactly the hardest position switch in football. I wouldnt expect a westerman level of adjustment though.
  18. Yeah thats true. I think once you get out of the top couple picks gambles on ratio breakers can really be worth it. In the case of mulumba, i think taking that kind of risk wasnt a great idea. Hes a lber, but at his size he could easily be a DE in the cfl. Bilukidi i think has a better chance of ending up down here. And taking that risk in iirc the 2nd round is a good gamble.
  19. Idk why your concerned with who lapo hired, that was ages ago. Im more concerned with the offense he ran.
  20. Atleast 3 that i recall. 2 back to back. Hurt in pre season or late tc the first time. Brought back the 2nd disappeared in pre season. Then i wanna say brought in again after a year or two gap. Two interesting guys. Dieke is soo big i wonder if hes coming in to push at DT. I cant see him being a DE up here unless its in a 3-4. And from what i recall we dont have to be down to the roster limit of 75 till TC. we can carry extra bodies in mini camp.
  21. we gambled on him knowing like every one else that he was going to get a good look in the nfl. We may have lost on the gamble. You cant fault the rules for taking a high risk pick and losing.
  22. Yeah. And at this point, he has to adapt to what he has. If the bombers dont make the play offs this year at the very least the entire coaching staff will be looking for work else where this year. Maybe front office too.
  23. We could maybe have 2 drafts. Your drafted imports go on your neglist and you can hold a players rights for say 2-3 years. Have a 10-12 round imp draft and say 20-24 neg list spots. I dont think having imp's on the draft list with nucks works well though. and it doesnt fix the problem with guys going to the nfl. I do think letting teams draft guys earlier and let them return to the cis while retaining their rights is a good thing though.
  24. Id say we have a good chance of one day seeing mulumba(26) or bilukidi(27). Age is quickly counting down to the point the nfl wont continue to try to develop them, and neither and become much of a special teams player. Mulumba showed some flashes early, and is younger so id say bilukidi is the guy to bet on. That kind of size and athletic ability could have him bouncing around nfl teams a bit longer though. The job we did drafting since the cfl draft has become some thing of value is kinda sad.
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