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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. A big part of the off season is getting depth guys for training camp. Lochard has carried 3 times in 2+ years, hes more of a Ster.
  2. Lol most arent 5'9 tall and 5'9 wide. Id say 635-650 range. Isnt cam marshall 215 just shorter and more compact?
  3. We can run it else where, but given then we have to DI a back up imp RB. And then we'd have to shift a starting import out else where. While we seem to be saddled with IMps on the OL and 3 atm for wrs it wouldnt be easy. With the number of roster spots and how cheap we'd find a canadian rb i think its well worth while to try. Mid to late draft pic maybe some one else like lochard whose been sitting in the cfl.
  4. Im not too surprised at that given his time playing teams and lack of touches. I wonder if hes gotten bigger since college.
  5. We have to have a canadian to that can take the spot if Harris goes down mid game. Ideally its some one that can keep filling the role so it doesnt cause large shifts in ratio else where. I allways like volny but idk how his knee is. Lochard had a strong college career running behind an incredible line at laval. He was slower then expected, and wasnt that big for a powerback. I wonder what itd take to get anthony coombs in a trade. Dare to dream lol.
  6. Yeah thats the hope. He was an excellent runner with laval which is a great system. But he's had like 3 touches as a pro. Id still like to bring in another guy to compete for that back up spot. Maybe a couple.
  7. Need depth at NI rb, some one who can carry the ball and back up. To start a ratio breaking nuck you gotta have another ready to start in case of injury. Aside from that, Depth at OL and a guy or two to push for a starters job, high up side QB to groom, Couple tall Wrs who can push or grow under the guys we have. Think we could still use more competition and depth at returner. Guys who can cover and guys who can pass rush to push guys we have. Pretty happy with our roster so far, not done but certainly shaping up very nicely.
  8. his pieces werent better then what willy has had to work with and on the ol the post 2001 2002 ol khari played in front of wasnt any thing special either.
  9. His best year in blue was his 2nd year only played 5 games first year. That year he threw 4 more pics then tds averaged 200 yards a game with 2 less tds then games played. Thats nealon green with out the running. His best year in bc he had a good td to int ratio but still just a shade over 1td per game and even less yards per game. 19 tds 9 ints and 6 fumbles with under 200 yards a game isnt the career best year of a qb who was any more then average as a starter. He was a gifted leader on the field but a poor qb.
  10. He really wasnt. He was a good leader and an awful qb. He made kerwin bell look like warren moon. Qb is certainly the hot position to draw coaches from. And plenty of them werent stars. Bucks seems great for a position coach. I just hope he can coach qb better then he could play. People are iffy on khari jones at OC despite calling the plays in very successful and diverse offenses.
  11. they hate us cus they anus. I wonder if we just blew past the cap or if we had actually cut back to be this far under the cap.
  12. Not automatically. But its certainly not a good indicator. Not alot of teams run around trying to sign retired bad qbs to coach.
  13. it was a small sample size and a strange position for him to coach. The question is will he be better qb coach then he was a qb.
  14. haha and about a million other guys who were cut by multiple teams and then us That said we have picked up other teams cast offs and gotten some good years out of them. lemarr mcgriggs, moe elowanebe, and eldfred peyton come to mind. Some times a change of pace and the feeling of being out of football at your heels prompts quick improvement. I dont think macho is more then TCF but i guess we will see.
  15. yeah I think thats how hes allways talked.
  16. Go back and read charles roberts interviews talking about his RBs coach at sac state and the impact he had. Or go back and look at the denver broncos and their ability to turn out highly productive runners out of nobodys. The first move the tought combined with the angle and running philosophy had huge impacts. Its certainly not a heralded position, but nor is any position coach. But it does hold great importance to improvement.
  17. Football has little to do with the person you are. Plenty of bad guys whove been great and beloved. Clearly hes saying he doesnt care for buck as a professional. He was a crappy qb and hasnt been a game breaking coach so its understandable to feel meh a bout it. He could turn out to be a really good coach despite his playing career ala marcus brady.
  18. This is really shaping up to be a draft to trade out of if at all possible. Forced oline picks arent gonna help us. If any thing in a draft like this Id consider serviceable reaches earlier. Sters and role guys. Im super excited to see what waggoner can do too. Think he's gonna be a gooder. I hope goosen is ready to be an every game starter but I think we need to be looking for 2 guards with one hole to fill and a battle at the other spot. I dont think that hole would likely come in the draft right away most years any how. Weve been spoiled with a few bumper crops ins a row of prospects.
  19. yep. High energy rabble rousing veterans with some thing to prove are good TCF. Having guys like that from out side the team can really help push rookies.
  20. Dont mind it as a depth move. Type of guy that i like to see in camp. Dont expect to see him starting personally But who knows.
  21. He showed huge spurts when healthy despite not being in a very good offense. IF he signs a reasonable deal he could be steal of the off season.
  22. 100% true. Especially if your being run on. If it was that easy to be on the field none stop, stars would play both ways still.
  23. Did we ever start actually retiring numbers? I wouldnt mind no 4 to wash the ages old arland bruce taste away from an old jersey i have laying around. Idk if a wr can wear 00 but that was probably my favorite of all time. Other wise traditional boring 80 some thing not ending in 5 is good by me.
  24. I see your mid season and raise you 0 games played ever.
  25. If we get one of those guys ill be pretty happy. If that guy is bourke, harris or laurent id be over the moon. Adding bourke to our line, man i dont even wanna think of it. I dont think hes going any where.
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