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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Yeah he said both bryant and medlock happily obliged. It certainly would be interesting. The cfl contracts are pretty mysterious. We see through out the year and pre season that chung is a pending FA turns out he isnt. These guys re work their deals and they end this year and no one hears a peep about it. 2 years in a row no less. Can you imagine how F%^#&ED we would be if the 6 game wasnt revocable/salary cap immune? Doesnt seem to expect any thing nearly as flashy this year. but anticipates being able to bring back our guys and maybe look at a key fa or 2. Which at this point with our core is more then fair.
  2. he said due to un expected expenses from injuries and players brought in along with running closer to the cap then any previous year they had to re work those 2 deals to save some cap space.
  3. id say thats a good way to put it. though glenns best football here was pretty sexy. If nichols had a year next year like glenns best we'd be in phenomenal shape.
  4. he also says he is very very confident they will both be resigned before FA starts. they renegotiated contracts to save money. Sounds like we are gonna be tight next year.
  5. yes they are. as per kyle walters end season presser. They both renegotiated contracts mid season and do not have contracts for next year.
  6. certainly in a great position and a big step forward from previous years. The team has to take the next step next year and continue to win consistently but all things considered you couldnt ask to be in a better position.
  7. Hes lights out when hes on, but thats far too seldom. Through the first like 4-5 games he had some thing like 14 tds and 1 pick. Thats elite top level production. His last 9 or so he had 4. Thats not. Similar story with harris in ottawa. Both those guys are in the same 2nd tier of cfl qbs as nichols. But those guys cant seem to stay healthy, and play a half a season or less then disapear. Where as nichols is normally very good in the second half of a game and a crap shoot in the first half. But that consistency puts him ahead of those guys despite their ability to play at the elite level. I wouldnt want to take a gamble on either. Hank, ray and a couple others are in the same boat. Nichols doesnt have that ceiling, but he has a much better basement. An interesting note from kyle walters end year presser going on right now, he said re signing nichols is his top priority. Mentioned he plop and buck will sit down and do final qb evaluations in the coming weeks and see if one of the young guys will step up. Mentioned mcleod bethel thompson too, so he might have been released and either kept in town, or let go with the intent of coming back for camp next year.
  8. The jets and the rough stretch of years has crippled the fan support for the blue. Long term between the jets and the stadium debt i worry about the stability of the franchise. If we went on a skid like we had the last few years it could be late 90s bad. Weve seen the same base system on offense and defense (bend but dont break deep match zone, 4 man front + 1 rushing backer, gap heavy line and possesion passing dink n dunk offense) under multiple co ordinators. Changing a CO isnt going to make us suddenly make good use of the deep ball, or aggressive tight D. They have to be judged more on adjustments, use of personnel, execution, and preparedness.
  9. Im not a big mos fan. But that decision was very sound. Not the one id make, but 2 yards longer then his longest kick on the year. the real team MOP and the best season for a kicker in history. It does show he has faith in his players and will give them a chance to make a play. I dont think any one in the locker room would have any thing but high praise for mos.
  10. wbbfan


    a very, very select few, probably only 2 do. Not to mention the current 10% BW rule for cutting. Been in effect since iirc ufc 200. By those rules he wouldnt be allowed to drop that %. Look at cyborg and tate. Other women make a cut but due to ahem superior build reasons one cant make it to 5 pounds off 135 and the other has been having to weight in naked and use the 1 pound buffer.
  11. Having seen what we did out of nichols the previous year behind a poor OL, if we started with him at the beginning of the season behind that turnstile OL that even harris couldnt run with he has a better chance of ending the season on the IR then with even better production. We went from giving up double digit hits and among the most sacks with a sub 3 yards per carry to among the fewest qb hits and harris finished with 5 ypc. Also you have you consider how nichols looked behind the banged up OL at the end of the regular season. His worst stretch of the season by far. He also came in at such a low point any production was a spark. Having that support and momentum could have been very important to him. Cant say for sure, but if he starts the season he certainly doesnt have that. If any thing, he has high expectations. He may not have had the long leash in that situation as well, for playing good 2nd halfs with poor first halfs and at one point back to back bad halfs one game to the next. If he started with the superior OL, and denmark I could see him having a good bump in production and winning another 2 games maybe more. But again, cant say how he'd react and perform in that situation. Assuming he is back and wins the spot / is given it we will see next year. He certainly did prove to be a no1 qb in the league though, in that 2nd tier with guys who are former top tier, or top tier quality guys who cant be relied on like he can.
  12. wbbfan


    You have a couple freaks like him, and siver but those are the exception to the rule, not the rule. Look at his size comapred to johny hendricks and hendricks cant even make 171 any more. Nate diaz too. He walks about 190, can cut to 155, but is a completely different body type and athlete. A life long endurance athlete, with modest muscle build vs the trap/quad/peck beast that GSP is. And gsp being a judoka. Close to 35 pound cut for a guy who stays close to optimal through out the year is a serious danger of causing kidney failure. Not to mention he hasnt had a fight in what 3 years now? Great athletic shape is a different animal then fighting shape. Gsp is also bat s%^& crazy. Ive seen him talk about shooting the double and aiming for the key hole and visualizing him self nailing the window as if jumping through it and coming out the other side in the mount. Little on his OCDS. I love the guy, but hes a nutter. A catch weight fight I could see, but he would certainly need a warm up fight. That said, gsp having stood in for the hardest of johny hendricks roided up blows and making a fight of it makes me think mcG couldnt KO him. The size and power difference, I dont think he could fight off the take down. And we all know GSP is more then happy to ground and pound his way to a less then exciting victory. Diaz is a border lien 171 pounder at best. With marginal divisional power and gave mcg trouble. I dont think gsp has finishing power to beat mcg either though.
  13. His lack of experience behind center could actually be a positive to coaching. When a guy was a starting star QB in HS for 2-3 years some times more, and then 4 years in college it often really limits how much they can be taught. So much of what they do is baked in after 6-7 years, to reprogram hard wired tendencies with reading and passing is probably the hardest thing in all of coaching (football). Not to mention his 2nd year in college was a big drop off from his first, and from his hype. Hes has the michael bishop / kerry joseph skill set. Which attracts lots of people. Big strong all around great athlete with a strong arm. But similarly struggles with accuracy. Very much like bishop in terms of the long ball (not as strong an arm of course) no wr is going to out run his toss, but lacks touch and accuracy deep. Playing a lot of short dink and dunk pass offense especially in his last year of college translates well to our system. But i dont hold my breath on any QB who struggles with accuracy, especially struggles with short-medium accuracy. If we didnt bring him back i wouldnt think twice about the loss. He is the type of skill set I love to as a no3 qb though. Using him as a holder on special teams, short yardage sneaker etc maybe even in an option package guy. I think all the snaps davis got in practice was to evaluate him. Get an idea if he can take a step forward next year to threaten becoming a starter. Older, weaker arm, equally struggles with the deep pass, better athlete then glenn/nichols but not nearly as good as bennett, similarly a heavy lack of experience and consistently in the experience he has, much more accurate short to medium passer though. Between the two id handily pick bennett to move forward with. While id love to get a well rounded thoroughbred QB with the tools just needing polish, that would be expensive. When we will allready very likely be paying nichols starter money, and higher level back up like glenn decent money too Id be happy to stick with a young guy who knows the system and has been in the league even on the pr/pre season over further investing a ton of money at QB.
  14. yeah its a terrible thing to have a question over who you will play for. With To, sask, and mtl in a rough spot, calgary not in great need of any thing, and our huge surge this year we could be a hot spot destination for vets looking for a run.
  15. Hes a FA thats all i think that is. A bit surprised he didnt put hank on the list too. Durant and to a lesser extent hank gives the team a better chance to win in the very short term. You cant rely on either one though. Even for a season Its hard to see them going the full 18 games at this point in time. Durant is better then hank, but more of an injury concern. We probably knee jerk and over pay for richards or sign hank/durant to come in with glenn. Best case scenario imop; Re sign nichols. Doesnt go into camp guaranteed the starters job, has to win it. Bring in durant or bring back glenn. Only one of davis and bennett. Ideally bennett. Similar skill sets and lacks of experience, but bennett is a better athlete, and much younger. Bring in a rookie 4th to provide an extra arm and push davis/bennett. Ideally some one with a unique skill compared to what we have. A gunslinger who excels at the deep ball.
  16. wbbfan


    you have to consider gsp never stopped training. He stays in great shape year round. with his build and muscle he isnt going to make it down to 155.
  17. wbbfan


    no chance what so ever gsp could cut to 155.
  18. that was the first quarter of the year, over all for the season we had one of the best OLs. And even with that and the qb change still had horrible production at NI wr. I wouldnt change the OL to get the imp wrs all in, but It is some thing i would look long and hard at doing.
  19. Have to re examine out offensive and defensive systems. Its going to be hard to win a championship when both facets of the game are soo passive. Have to bring in front 7 guys to push what we have. Out side of mo and healthy wild the front 7 really under performed. I think its also a system thing. Bring in some NI wr talent. The combo of JFG and kohlert had a poor year. JFG showed flashes at times, but hes done that since hes been here and never sustained any level of production. Need to solidify the QB position. As of the end of the year we have none under contract. I think nichols and bennett will be back. But in that case we need a back up that can come in and win games. Like glenn. Have to get away from the old boys club. Having guys start despite better talent behind them. Anointing starters before camp, not having a real position battle. Also need to bring in guys to back up the rookies that performed big. Weve seen too many one year wonders, have to insulate our self in case of set backs. Other then that, tie up the hoggies long term. Continue to bring in BPA NIs in the draft. Bring back and commit to developing guys like butcher.
  20. I could see hamilton and TO going hard after durant. Masoli isnt any kind of answer in hammy, and collaros isnt reliabe/durable enough. Maybe edm trades franklin and brings in ray as a back up? nah probably not but fun to think. At this point in rays career, and with his health I think he goes to a team that can contend and on which he starts or he retires.
  21. Not when you have such piss poor production from your NI wrs over a season, have 5 productive imp WRs, and NIs that can start at other positions. Mcduffie and flanders almost matched our NI wr productions this year. Thats like 9 games of them being used in the offense combined vs the NIs being in every single game. Would it be better to improve the usage and get better NI wrs? sure. But thats money and or assets spent when we allready have talented depth at that position. It may or may not be the way to go but it is far from senseless.
  22. Np might be some thing to that too. No doubt mo out played elimimian in the semi too.
  23. was in good timing, didnt lead with the head hit with the shoulder. Thats not a penalty and hasnt been on dressler 3-4 times this year alone.
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