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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. the 26 pounds or less isnt what will make the difference. Look at how much linemen mash and play 4 quarters. especially ends vs tackles 50+ pounds heavier. KD williams was 250, tuipala etc guys like barrin simpson and ryland wickman were short 240 ish and less mobile. Jabar westerman has played end at 280 pounds, etc. The tweener position down south is one of the biggest spots for athletic freaks. Guys who run like wrs/dbs, are strong like line men, and crazy levels of quickness. In great frames no less. The amount of mobility required to play the end in the canadian game is crazy. The ability to switch to mlb would largely depend on willingness to learn, natural ability to scrape the ball, and ability to read pre snap and adjust post snap. Playing as a 3-4 hybrid pass rusher down south is very, very similar to what khalil bass struggled to do here last year. If our vet ends bring it in camp, and especially with corney to rotate its gonna be hard to make the roster as a 4th de and an imp. So if hes a great talent a position change could be very well suited to keeping him around.
  2. hey now it isnt nice to pick on people on old age pension...
  3. with his athletic ability i was thinking he could make it even at 253. What his optimal weight would be for mlb we obviously cant know but if he can move well enough to play de at that range and mlb he would be super versatile and allow us to rotate ends, use the hurl package for another imp db etc.
  4. sweet christmas thats a stud rush end prospect. Not many rush ends play basketball and track at a good level. http://www.nfl.com/draft/2014/profiles/jackson-jeffcoat?id=2543660 The difference is we dont go in projecting a guy like him to start. He has to come in and take some ones job. But yeah big school high upside kids like him are real boom or bust.
  5. Thats true, but that probably has more to do with coaching.
  6. I agree with you on smith being better then what we lost. Im not sold on knox yet. We are crazy deep at LBer, and its pretty plug n play recruiting. Especially mlb.
  7. Think you are on the money here. Get a TC visiting coach type job and impress some one. Other wise im sure he could get a job in the ncaa coaching dbs this year.
  8. Id be surprised at this point if we sign some one we project as a starter short of saving money some place.
  9. Yeah thats true. Neufie was that last weak piece for us. Its not often you take out your worst OL and put in your best. You can turn an OL around quickly but its far from a sure thing. Even if you pick up 5 good OL.
  10. Denmark, dressler, and adams spots will be really hard to steal. Assuming we start 1 NI, then its smith and every one else with a wide open 4th imp spot. Id take gurley over smith but having them fight for that spot would be the best scenario.
  11. we had nichols from the previous year though... so we had a plan. and it worked. Though the drastic change in the OL with bond can not be under rated. So we were not in the same position. Last year through out the year we had 3 no1 qbs. Unless that one trade fixes your OL, brings in a star rb, and brings in half a new defensive line up no, no the riders arent one trade away from being in our spot last year... (+ a bunch of good NI talent.)
  12. wbbfan


    rumor is the long awaited anderson silva fight is on deck .
  13. Grade A off season in my books. The draft could change that up or down a bit.
  14. lefevour presser. The perception of our staff/management is interesting and refreshing from previous regimes. http://www.bluebombers.com/2017/02/17/dan-lefevour-conference-call/
  15. Yeah 6'3 130 lbs, final cut of his lingerie bowl team last year but doesnt have the hair of addison richards or JFG. So maybe only a guy to look at with our 2nd first round pick...
  16. wow! lol thats crazy. hang over 2 and 3 killed a lot of the love for the hang over.
  17. is that current? Pube beard i guess would be next.
  18. well now we have a legit no2 qb competition, and the only real hole would be a 2nd DT or one to rotate with jake the snake. Oooh i know! denmark. If he gets a dt and resigns denmark (or gets an equivalent or better) then, idk maybe the fact he doesnt have facial hair?
  19. eat your heart out rough riders didnt take 80 years!
  20. Yep nailed it. The hype around those guys was crazy. poor poor spergon lose. xD
  21. up until last year yeah. he had a real rough half or more of football last year. and kind of invisible before that.
  22. Same old same old. But tbh its like back up qb syndrome we see here too. Why of course dominique davis is better then every no2 qb available, he hasnt had a bad showing how can he not be! To be fair, in the pile of teams back ups today resides most of the leagues stars tomorrow. Each teams fan is more familiar with their own bench/futures guys, so they seem much more valuable then they are. In TC / going in most of the board wouldnt have traded dieke (sp?) the rush end or jace davis etc. Though i would like to see jace davis back for a 2nd shot.
  23. When did we almost have burris? When he came back from the cfl? Weve been pretty desperate for QBs and recycled half the back ups and fringe guys in the league I think its more that then the mac attack longing for his guys from hamilton. Did he bring up brohm? Brohm bounced around too much for me to recall where he started.
  24. I didnt say he is exactly like, I said he reminds me of. As in a poor mans version. In that he is an athletic, spread type offense, gun slinger, prone to forcing passes and making over aggressive decisions.
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