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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Practice holding a clip board doesnt take you very far in football... How much experience did bryan ahyat have here? Its not experience if you never get off the bench.
  2. This. You can fault management and coaching for not developing davis better. Weve seen guys who look all world in practice and awful in games. And some guys just dont do their best unless they are under pressure. Playing games is how you develop. Not playing games is how you rust.
  3. He was not terrible last year. He struggled in a brutal offense on a terrible gong show of a team. He completed passes at a good clip, and protected the ball. Davis played about as much college ball as cato has pro. hardly any pro experience. Cato for cheap would be a really good pick up to round out 4 qbs in camp. I wouldnt hand any one a position, let them actually fight it out in camp. We cant say how good davis is or isnt. Hes hardly played as a pro and had limited action in college. He had a limited skill set and experience coming up here and we havent done any thing to improve that. A guy who is younger, drastically more experienced and won in the cfl is better then a gigantic question mark. Going into TC with a guy who has such poor amounts of experience as davis as the no2 is suicidal.
  4. saw a fastest 40 of like mid 4.5s but yeah. Allegedly he had a bad ankle during his pro day. Looks like TCF. BUT he did get a decent look from the lions despite his numbers, testing etc. I prefer this type of TCF to re hashed clapped out cfl vets who are long in the tooth. 6'3 200 really isnt rare size at WR. What was it, law? the wr we signed late last year like 6'6 with 4.4 speed, was young and still fell through the cracks there and here rather quickly. He might still be signed and back for TC or he could be gone and pretty much gone from levels above the AFL.
  5. I like it better then the shoot out we have too. I like the shoot out a lot better then a tie though.
  6. bombers sign alex chisum wr cinncinnati http://www.bluebombers.com/2017/02/06/bombers-add-receiver-alex-chisum/
  7. yeah good point. and the slow making of calls and replays.
  8. what a game! that was more of a cfl game then nfl with that come back. Watching I couldnt help but think, how many great plays would have been erased by our dumb PI rules.
  9. Jays also now added joe smith, and suddenly the bullpen is coming together.
  10. Hes a NI, and athletic but thats about all he has goin for him. I think hes in jesse lumsden territory. We tend to carry a ton of Lbers on the roster, And i hope to see a huge amount in camp this year. Lbs/des we need some hungry guys to push for jobs.
  11. Catchers and pitchers report for spring training on the 14th for the jays. 18th is the first work out of all jays players. JP howell, probably the best LHP out of the pen previous to last year and jarrod saltalamacchia round out the jays pick ups so far this winter. I like howell to rebound, and fit in great with our pen. Could still use another arm or two there. I like saltalamacchia as the back up catcher too. Vlady jr is up to 34th prospect in baseball. And could really shoot up this year. Sean reid foley could take a big jump in competition this year too. Though none of the top 5 are likely to be up this year or maybe early next either.
  12. For the lack of production we saw for long periods of time from lbs not named mo, and our struggles up the middle he should have got some reps last year. He was excellent on teams again last year. He could play in the middle. We played burnett there at times. 0 comparison between richards and waggoner. Hes in a group of under used / poorly used guys. Hes done as much as you could ask in the time and role hes been given.
  13. no idea if you can or not. But if you can i certainly would. any thing to avoid what the riders did last year. Our top 3 candidates will depend heavily on nfl offers, and how the work outs go. top 3 talent will probably be 3 different guys from top 3 available.
  14. hes constantly been on about begging teams for a 2nd chance and how he just wants to play football etc. But if he had half an inclination he would have a deal out side the nfl in pro football any day of the week. That said Id want him less then young. vince young can move his feet. Jamarcus russel needs some one to shuffle him along the buffet line. haha wow. Just when you think he cant get any worse.
  15. the quote KBF had in his post is what i was referencing. It was saying senior was no2 and a dl.
  16. easy to see how youd think that. We were heavily into the merry go round of QBs at that point. Rough times. I actually like cole, but either the system is and coaching is awful or he cant maintain his flashes. Certainly a guy id be happy to keep around on the PR if he plays like last year. I certainly wouldnt settle for him to go into camp in a starter position. A few good guys available on the DL this year. Knapton, micah johnson, and marcus howard would all be nice. Westerman and most of the former bomber retreads seem like low hanging fruit, low risk low reward types. De is an easy spot to go down south and find a plug n play guy who can be a star right away. Unless you really need one lol.
  17. He does, but jake and corney can rotate with 2 imps. Says he is 310 lbs im guessing thats not an end I think hes one of the guys that will get a lot of attention down south. actually according to every thing i see hes an OL. http://www.hailstate.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=2243
  18. that means more then not. We have gone into seasons with bad teams. A bad team that continues to be bad is not under performing. A good or great team having a good or great season that doesnt win the cup isnt either.
  19. haha that sounds like an awesome time, i cant imagine a dave ritchie esq color/pbp call.
  20. Does that extend to the nearly nonsensical rambling stories or was that part all ritchie? Ask a question, get a story, no idea what it means but sounds good.
  21. Davis only start came week 20 of 2015 against toronto. A game we lost 21-11... 16/25 for 169 no tds.
  22. Thats an interesting question. We under performed heavily at DL. Against both the run and rushing the passer. Despite having a bunch of talent. What ever the cause thats gotta be high on the list of priorities this off season.
  23. Coach ritchie was ride or die with his vets. He lived by the sword and died by the sword. When the vets wheels fell off and got too long in the tooth things turned around on him. BUT to his credit he missed the play offs as a HC what once? the first year here? And nearly made it then. The closely bonded team atmosphere of us against the world, allways having his guys back etc got the most out of his vets. People though the likes of coleman, mcgriggs etc were toast when they landed here. But they had great performance left in them and he got it. He also benched kerwin bell for the kind of young gun khari jones. Troy mills, ryland wickman, and eric blount for charles roberts, arland bruce, albert johnson the 3rd, garrick jones, doug brown and juran bolden didnt have cfl experience, I could go on. I would argue that the entire franchise top to bottom was trying to hold onto the 2001 dream team right till he was fired and did a poorer and poorer job going out and finding good young talent, to push and replace the old guys. Same height as fogg, frederick, johnson, 1 inch taller then mo, and randle. But hey macho is 6 foot. That forehead real estate is super valuable. Didnt find a lot about him, not surprising he didnt play at the highest level. But at that level he was considered a fantastic cover guy. The exact opposite of fogg. Not a guy to get turn overs, but allways in position, tons of pass knock downs, and supposed to be very physical. Small school cover dbs are tough to evaluate. Id say hes boom or bust. But he does seem to have the desirable tool set.
  24. kind of like montreal last year xD didnt they bring like 10 qbs to camp? Thats the truth. Of the 3 I like montreal the best to turn it around. And toronto is most likely to be in the same spot next year. Whats the skinny on the green side with dylan ainsworth? Young NI at a ratio breaker position who seemed to be real good on teams.
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