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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Yeah. I could see EE going to FA and taking the best offer. If you wanna jump teams for a legit chance at winning it all you dont stay in the ALE. Too many strong teams. One cold streak and you go from a pennant to the wild card game or contending for a pennant to golfing come play offs. EE and JB have given a ton to the franchise. If joey bats gets a stupid amount of money to go finish his career else where im not gonna be sad to see him go. If hes back im going to be holding my breath we dont have too much tied up in him being healthy and productive this coming year. EE it would hurt to see walk for a better chance to win. Seeing him in the ale would be awful. Got a ton of love for both these guys though and if they get more money then we are willing to offer then good for em.
  2. News says both EE and bautista are being tendered by the jays. I hope they keep saunders. Im a little surprised they are tendering bautista. I think thatll be the most money he gets.
  3. Not sure how much of a following the nba/raptors have around here. Thought id throw out a thread for it though. Just saw on the score that jared sullinger the raps off season signe is out 2-3 monthes with recovery from the foot surgery he just under went. Really sucks, he would have fit with the raptors soo well. And the east is looking much improved this year. Looks like patpat will get the starts for the time being. Rookie pascal siakam seemed to get the most minutes of the young bigs. He has a similar package to biyombo with out as much length. Poeltl could should see a bump in minutes from this too.
  4. they are gonna end up with the 3rd pick and their fans will be singing the praises of rebuild finished all off season.
  5. wbbfan


    205 cant come soon enough. That under card looks better then the event we had here in winnipeg.
  6. Is that how ties for draft picks are decided? I have no clue, cant remember it happening. Better then flipping a coin xD
  7. the penalties on td returns are whats killing him. I dont remember any of them being pivotal in the return either. MOP/MOSTer medlock. With out him we arent even .500 imop. MODP Mo. The D has been turn over monsters. Mo has led the way, but hes also had clutch tackles, and been very good between turn overs for 6. MOC harris. Great blocker, great pass catcher, great runner. Despite getting far to few touches in several games, being forgotten about in the pass game for many weeks in the middle of the season, and having a brutal OL early in the year. MOL, bond. Hes been the best and key to our OLs turn around. MOR. Its soo hard to choose between the two. But im going with fogg including the amazing returns and tons of turn overs.
  8. montreal plays calgary, and hamilton. TO bandwagonmen plays edmonton dirty old regina plays bc twice. Montreal vs calgary LOL. Hamilton is in the heat for first in the east while the blackriders gades redblacks play us. I think montreal loses out gets the top pick which then goes to BC. Hamilton wins the east. No way the wally buono coached BC sucks lose 2 to dirty old regina. They might rest vets in the last game, so the crieders might win 1 game. I dont think Edm takes it easy on the tigernaughts. And even if they did half the CIS teams might beat these bandwagonmen. Race for the bottom finishes 1. messtreal 2. arblows 3. crieders. Jones trades a late season spark for a 2 spot drop in the draft, then realizes that 2 western teams that finished well ahead of them in the standings have the picks before them. And had stellar picks the previous year. And that calgary is still a thing. So they begin building again hoping for the division to capsize, or the cross over.
  9. would love to see Ricky ray torch the stumps. Doubt it happens though.
  10. cant say, injuries are kept soo close to the vest with this regime. When ever the media asks about a player they get a vague game to game type answer. he was injured in the pre season. With a community owned team that has a huge debt to the tax payers you better believe people worry about wasted money. Especially with the poor draw the bombers have had this year.
  11. Id be surprised if upton is here next year.
  12. 4 years for a HC that was on the hot seat for a good portion of this season is too much. Especially in the cfl. Weve had too many years in the past paying 2+ coaching staffs worth of guys. Especially with our ticket sales this year. 4 or 5 for walters is good imop, hes done a fantastic job finding talent via all means. Mos Id say 2 years plus a team option would be ideal.
  13. him and keeping. A ton of wasted money right there.
  14. Gonna be a good race to finish the season. I hope we either cross over or host the semi.
  15. maybe one more team around the east coast. Other then that I dont think the league should expand further. Even then, with attendances down and league wide reffing problems I dont think now or the near future is a good time to consider it.
  16. That plus the teams nature of keeping injuries as close to the chest as possible. We wont know any thing till the last second. And if its a multi game injury wont have a clue if hes done for the year or resting till play offs etc.
  17. out with a whimper. They jays have been off season champs a fist full of times in the last several years. Imagine we will see a pretty good turn over this year. But donaldson, hopefully EE, and all the young pitching is a strong base to work with.
  18. Fixed, his first name was spelled wrong too not peeve enough? I don cherry'd the hell out of that one.
  19. hes been there pretty much since he got hurt. 6 game is revocable, its mostly a SMS move to put guys there. Neufeld was serviceable previously, but this year was king turnstile. Not to mention he hasnt even practiced in soo long no way we could just start him next game. That would be a really good position if one of those 2 is ready to go. Plus we have a play off spot wrapped up so the ott games if its just for now isnt a bad time to give guys like him a chance to start. I wouldnt mind seeing waggoner get a start if mo+wild arent 100%, and maybe corney too. inztandt is a really good prospect, I think hes gonna sit on the pr for a year and get wiley'd up though. Hes pretty raw. Amazing tool set though.
  20. Im not up on recreational drugs. Apparently MDA is similar to MDMA but its more potent and lasts longer. Two guys in one year popped and suspended for rave drugs is pretty silly and dumb. I guess its a new era for the cfl. Once the bastion of recreational drug offenders, but no more.
  21. a sad sad day. The bats have gone cold at the worst possible time. If the jays lose this series I could see some serious revamping going on to the line up. Building a more traditional line up with actual lead off hitters, RISP guys after the meat of the order etc. Thankfully the young pitching is coming around in a hurry. If the jays hadnt made the ra dickey deal it might be the best young team in baseball. Yeah thats kind of the nature of home run hitting though. Its stupid streaky.
  22. wbbfan


    Yeah maybe its a ploy or some thing. 100% the situation with the ufc and fighting for the WW strap again is about money. I dont see him fighting else where. GSP is kind a crazy though. He might actually believe hes a FA.
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