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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Hes our emergency situation OL I think hes drawn in to play guard twice this year. If we dress him as our back up OL, then he's either going both ways since he rotated in on the DL or we'd need to dress another NI DT.
  2. IIrc the first game against BC was very sparse in attendance with people watching pre season jets games, and the chat box was filled with jets stuff half the time. It really sucks for the football/bombers but their share of the market has drastically dipped. Even in a year where we are in a position to take a home play off game. In the pre jets era this team would be racking up sell outs at home. I really hope this turn around is a long term sustained one. Other wise the franchise could be in real financial trouble again.
  3. .... " I have this based on nothing factual fear of chung bolting in the off season. " cmon man 2nd sentence... I wouldnt mind seeing couture get more steady reps too, but I dont think we have an NI to back up in either situation. If we go 4 imp we still have him as a back up ol.
  4. Its obviously early before the next game, but Its some thing ive been thinking about for next year. I have this based on nothing factual fear of chung bolting in the off season. If chung cant go against ott, or if we have to move forward next year do we try and build around 4 imp ol? Doesnt seem like we have a lot of options for NI ol this year. neufeld and keeping have been out soo long its hard to see either coming back this year to do more then back up.
  5. Both were cut from the NFL for being locker room cancers despite being good role players. could be all the eastern teams they play. Could be the qbs and systems run out there seem more aggressive. Or maybe its just a good time for the east. At one point the west was loaded with all the stud wrs. Especially edmonton.
  6. they will sign him now, and announce it after the next loss to save face for hc/gm/pres/god
  7. gurley is in no way shape or form a wild card like that. juran bolden was a similar problem. And mike sellers and jerome messam etc. Cato is benched for the new qb fotm
  8. a certain poster? have you seen the chat during a game?
  9. not sure if site or wrong thread but yeah. Edm would be a hot fit for duron carter. edm to or sask is where i think he ends up.
  10. I see a lot of excuses and a lot of we should of beat them out of BC. This team gets no respect league wide.
  11. I think both get it and should. The job walters has done in rebuilding NI depth and finding new to the cfl guys has been fantastic. This team has the fewest holes weve seen in ages.
  12. its pretty sad. They just arent putting up runs. The calls havent been perfect but not awful. Its the vic carapazza effect. Jays got legitimately jobbed previously and now they think all the crews are like that. Its also a league wide issue atm where strikes that are just barely at the bottom of the knee are strikes but virtually un hittable. Its why weve seen a massive increase in the past few years in no hitters. Its some thing thats been talked a bout revising. The difference between some crews is massive too. Which isnt good for the sport, but seldom (carapazza aside) is it one sided. Maybe one team adjusts better to the called strike zone but thats just better play.
  13. wbbfan


    GSP is reporting he is a FA and no longer under contract with the UFC. Dont really want to see him fighting in roidzin or bellaturd.
  14. cant knock the talent he has. Hes been very good with half the 2nd/3rd string qbs to come through the league in the last couple years. hes young hes big he has all the tools. Itll be very interesting to follow. Id love to have his talent here, his nut case attitude on the other hand not soo much. I could see him going to sask, edm or but mainly TO under new management in the off season.
  15. Or notre dame used to be in the ncaa. The boys were atleast a dynasty though. Dynasty teams allways get out of town bandwagoners. like the miami heat. I think its all hogwash. Even more in the US, where you have die hard HS football fans and college fans etc.
  16. It will be interesting to see if duron carter turns into less of a cancer on a better team next year. I dont think the nfl is gonna come sniffing with all his problems this year.
  17. state side ive run into fans of all the western teams, not much from the east. Down there i normally see a mass blanketing of local teams hs and college. I feel like ive seen more oregon ducks ohio state and florida gator gear then cfl gear in total including up here. XD But any single persons perspective is going to be a fairly small sample size. Id say in that case though that the riders being the most popular team out side of canada would lead towards what mike said. people moving out of sask. To be canadas team imop you have to be the team the nation backs. The one with a dedicated fan base across the country. Like the jays. Every stop ive made ive met tons and tons of jays fans. Same with the raptors. Those are of course easy though as they are our only teams in mlb/nba. The next closest thing for a league that has multiple canadian teams would be any canadian team on a deep play off run in the NHL. The nature of the cfl in canada is far too culturally en grained in each region to have a national team.
  18. wbbfan


    Supposedly official by the end of the week, nunes vs rousey at ufc 207. Having seen soo much emo stuff out of RR since her loss, and seemingly taking refuge in hollywood as the worst actress/actor alive while still training under tardverdyan Im kinda ready for the RR phase to be over. The belt has been passed around with no end since then, but maybe parity would be good. Im more interested in watching cybro butcher till one of the names takes the pay day or watching JJ crush the division below.
  19. Dont agree at all. Having lived across canada ive seen other teams merch in every city, but not more riders then the rest. Save for the RBs for obvious reasons. In fact in BC i saw more argos stuff especially up north then riders. Lots of jays fans out there who dont identify with the south side lions. Lots of seattle gear especially down south.
  20. Idk, the bosox had the ability to rock our starters and get past the strength of the bullpen in a hurry, leaving us strung out in the pen. I dont think the indians have that potential. Bodes well to keep our starters in games late and use the choice arms out of the pen each game. Offensively our line up can mash any staff in baseball.
  21. 6 game is a joke being revokable now. Hard to say how they get him on the roster. If wild isnt good to go I wouldnt mind seeing waggonner get the start. We could rotate him and corney to get burnette on the field some. probably doesnt happen though. Mcduffie if he isnt healthy or flanders other wise. going to be even harder if darvin adams ever gets healthy. TONS of talent at imp wr now.
  22. wbbfan


    lol. Football players have the right level and type of athletic ability to make the jump. And the vast majority are in the weak AF heavy weigh range. Wont be following him specifically but wish him luck. Hope its for the love of fighting and not the money though.
  23. yep, good play offs soo far this year. Wouldnt have minded knocking the sox out but shap gets his way instead. This should be a real good series.
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