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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. my god your right. 50 10 yard pass attempts today.
  2. we better see 20+ carries today
  3. http://www.bluebombers.com/2016/10/07/what-do-45-takeaways-look-like/ greeeat video to get you ready for football!
  4. The difference between the legal and illegal drugs is beyond silly in many cases. Alcohol is probably more destructive then all but the hardest drugs. If you track any huge money industry far enough down the rabbit hole you find awful destructive stuff. Any time you get such a high value in an industry of any sort you get the kind of people who would do any thing to protect it.
  5. Points off turn over are huge, game changing events. They can be really big too, if they help you flip bad field position even if you dont score though too. If you force a turn over in the red zone then drive for 2-3 first downs get a good punt and pin em deep in there own end thats massive momentum and a good rest for the D. But yeah scoring off turn overs is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.
  6. its plus 2 here, saw 0 this morning. If it stays on the cooler side could be an advantage for us over the dome cats. I hope to see the BC SUCKS chant in full effect today
  7. Yeah, its really dumb to take such a risk for that. In his defense the cfl has long been really really lax on this kind of thing. Its still stupid, but i cant think he would have imagined this would happen. But its no defense, you just dont take a stupid risk like that. Much worse could have happened.
  8. Most high level / high pay jobs especially ones with great levels of visibility have drug testing / rules similar to this. Its a stupid thing to get busted for. Im glad he owned it apologized and is taking it like a man. I doubt he will repeat the mistake. Or any other players. Seriously has any pro athlete ever been suspended for MDMA?
  9. His return back to wally world, flanders on the roster having been tearing it up, I expect the best game to date from harris. All the games are huge from here on out, I hope we play a hard 4 quarters of smash mouth football. GO BLUE!
  10. 1 good is the enemy of great. A good coach whose a hot mess isnt a good thing. And one who also wears all the hats is a big problem. Danny maccioca was once considered a good coach. Maybe better then good. Mike kelly too, and plop etc.
  11. he has had flashes post injury but sure hasnt been consistent. That seems like the TO qbs in a nut shell. Moderate sustained flashes of brilliance followed by inconsistency and injuries. 2 steps forward one step back. Man this game was the criders to win and the RBs have roared back. Just as cfl shared a post on FB about how the riders close out games soo well.
  12. Yeah, and keep the bullpen fresh. we need to keep the bull pen innings down to have success in the play offs. Id rather see RA come out of the pen then a few of our guys in there. Imagine trying to hit his knuckler after 7 innings of filthy sanchez?
  13. as long as jones is the HC I like their chances to disappoint.
  14. 3rd over all pick here they come! Man I hope the RBs pull this one out. Too many rider fans allready planning grey cup parade route.
  15. certainly is a far cry from a league that ricky williams once took refuge in isnt it.
  16. Never claimed to be, but fact checked your posts and came back with 0 truths and whole bunch of BS. Please, tell me more about roids body. cus the minor league players who pop are shredded.
  17. ehh the rangers are choke artists in the play offs. And the jays have allready scored a ton of runs. And with sanchez going to the mound next it could well be.
  18. Plays where he tries to do too much. Kinda like early blink. When our offense is consistently better and playing a full 4qts I think we will see less of those. A good possession wr like him can be used in side or out. Playing him beside dressler could be deadily. Especially if we line up speed on the other side of the field. Hes not a guy who will run past a ton of people, but he will make all the catches. I like a one gear runner like him in the slot. On short and medium routes it gives him the ability to create separation that he wouldnt get at wr.
  19. agree with all of that. One of the other articles where a survey was taken of the broadcast media around each mlb team put it very well. Tabler and buck get along really well. Maybe too ned flanders well. But both really fill the same niche. Both should be color guys with a strong pbp guy to off set them. Jays ranked 20th in the pole with the largest number of mediocre (c) votes. If they shifted buck to color and got a good young pbp guy itd improve things a lot. Hes not pederson / rod black / etc bad. Or chic white sox guy. But its like having mitch zalnasky do bob irvings job.
  20. My money would be on sanchez. But i dont think the series is done in 4.
  21. that was all kinds of ugly. Seen a bunch of nasty come back injuries in the last idk decade or so. Do hope he is gonna be all right.
  22. Im really glad the jays are staying classy and beating the ragers with their play. I kinda thought this series had the chance to get real ugly. Its of course still very early, but it doesnt seem like its gonna go that way.
  23. some one slipped him the molly to get his starting spot Oh wait this isnt regina.
  24. aaaaaand jinxed liriano.
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