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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Isnt that 1 too many DI for 7 ni starters? Iirc dont we get the 4th if we start an 8th ni? Other wise id say thats pretty much it. Knox imop would be the extra DI to come off. Of course gurley would go in for mayo, and smith for mcduffie. Assuming mcduffie is still hurt. If he or adams gets healthy Id put smith on the 2man or ir and give the other two a chance and shake up smith a bit.
  2. fogg cant return full time, and heath is a none factor. Mcduffie should and almost certainly will be on the roster as a DI to rotate/provide depth at wr and return. injury history and salary dont change talent level. Dressler is far better and far more consistent. Dressler in a down year is a career best year for denmark. Denmark stays healthy, but has huge gaps of several games where he flat out disappears. Dressler has been really good, even when our OL offense and willy were struggling some thing awful.
  3. weve made some confounding roster decisions, by play and production it should handily be smith on the outs. Yeah. Mayo has shown some real nice flashes. Weve run packages for smith and he still hasnt found an niche here.
  4. a great, great pick up. Cant wait to see what he does in blue! I wonder how our WR core will stack up at 100% healthy with considerations for the ratio though. kohlert, dressler, denmark, gurley, and smith for now. Smith really hasnt lived up to the contract or his previous level of play. Im sure we will bring back mcduffie to split return duty with fogg. Either way Id say this is our best WR core since atleast bruce +stegall.
  5. yeah exactly. weve also been spoiled with some amazing sportscasters too.
  6. not a fan of buck or tabby at all. That said i hate watching my teams play when announced by none home broadcasters.
  7. Broken player on a broken team its a bad combo. With that Ol, lack of run game, and now lack of proven wrs its not gonna be pretty for willy.
  8. spent a lot of time there too, never heard of it either. At this rate the rest of the league should kick in and form a fund to pay pederson to never ever publish any thing ever again. D has been consistent, it just hasnt been very good. How many picks called back by penalties and how many db drops in that time? Nichols if any thing is consistent. Low production first half, good 2nd half, at his best late in the game. Gets breaks, but makes the most of his breaks. Our team has averaged 35.3 points, not our offense. 50+ yard fgs, and drives starting in side fg range ending in fgs is not our offense scoring. Its special teams/turn overs.
  9. wbbfan


    and broken J penn has pulled out due to injury. Ufc looking for a replacemat.
  10. those bleep bleep bleeeeeeeeeeeeps thought they would pull some garbage in the last game and series and not have to see us again. Oh how the tables have turned. I seriously hope the umps are smart and keep the games under control.
  11. Pretty much. Virtually no chance they play this week any way. With the waiver wire gone these guys probably have a decent amount of offers right now. Chance to star on some teams, and contribute on contenders. Maybe they want to play out the year and try the nfl, maybe get a big deal for the remainder of the year plus next year etc.
  12. We dont, but thats a symptom of the greater offensive problem. Awful calls and design. +1 pound the ball. run 25-30 times a game minimum with both backs and watch our TOP soar.
  13. coombs has been a WR in TO. Hed come in imop for lochard as a wr and back up harris at RB.
  14. Never gonna consistently put up 6-10 runs in modern baseball. Pitchers are too strong and the low strike is called too much. Plus tulo, saunders, travis, martin and bautista missed a TON of time this year. 175 games combined. In the last 10 games in September the jays offense averaged 4.2 runs a game while they gave up an average of 2.7. But They only won half of those games. The bullpen was awful. Major swings is what you get with big fly offenses.
  15. No kidding. That following a hand full of trades including the willy trade which is border line block buster with how much TO gave up. Oh man thatd be soo sweet.
  16. This is hands down the craziest late season transaction period ive ever seen. No idea what toronto is thinking. Id take any of these guys.
  17. late September with an offense like the jays its better that way though. Because it isnt sustainable for long.
  18. Might happen any way. If the reports they dont want to pay EE are true, and bautista has only been consistently hurt of late. Not much of a baseball purist, but I dont like the suicide series of 1 game. Hes been soo erratic this year. If they are going to have any chance to win a series though hes gotta pitch like he did when he came back last year. Not my first choice but a good game from the offense could cover for him.
  19. contracts actually protect players who are healthy from being placed on the IR. We cant keep hiding him on the 2 game because we have too many game time decision injuries too frequently. He hits the PR, hes gonna be claimed by another team that day.
  20. Yeah he can. Would love to see him in for the next game smith/mcduffie/dressler misses. If every one is healthy and performing then its a great situation to be in. Mcduffie has shown some really good flashes at wr. Keeping him at DI and rotating him in at WR while returning might have the best effect while he gets used to starting at wr.
  21. while you offer none, and no counter points only none sequiturs and ad hominems. Probably are going to back into the play offs at worse. And I believe that wade will extend mos and walters. Should he? Thats not so easy.
  22. I think its as simple as he makes the play offs he keeps his job he misses and he doesnt. And despite the last two games I think we make the play offs.
  23. the huge majority of the start of the game is preparation and coaching. The first drive on offense is scripted and practiced. The nervous energy at the start is real, but for the majority of players its an asset imop. We got away with poor starts, kicking too many field goals, playing half a game, and giving up long drives through out the win streak. The last few weeks where sask was at our throat, then TO was rolling against us and into the loses weve seen the same kinds of problems. Now the turn overs have mostly dried up and weve looked bad again. But such things are to be expected from a shell shocked fan base that has seen too many awful years in a row and had though this year was just another one allready. Not to mention these fans now have the jets to cheer for and its that time of year. People turn toxic and negative quickly and easily. Turning back not so much. Plus MOS tearing a strip off the team late, seemingly trying to fire up the flat squad says a lot. Weve never seen him fiery like that on the side line before. Hes allways stuck to his, they are pro's they allways play hard and prepare.
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