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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. as dragon said we suffered from chronic bad tacklers last night, even from our best tacklers. That said calgary racked some a ridiculous edge in TOP some thing like 15 minutes more then we had. And when defenders get tired, tackling is the first thing to go. Hes came up with a massive one on one tackle against toronto its not some thing that would be expected of him. Nor would the early missed tackle that got calgary a first down instead of punting by ian wild. No one player can have this loss pinned on them. We spotted calgary a 2 td lead and hardly showed up at all in the first half. You just cant do that. You know your playing flat when MOS pulls the team aside mid game to tear a strip off them. Fogg got beat like a red headed step child, and really none of our dbs looked good. Not even mo. I think its coaching. How you start the game is a huge portion coaching and preparation. Its some thing that mos can learn and improve on though. But this junk of they are pros they are allways prepared and play hard has to go out the window. Even he now has to see that simply isnt the case.
  2. is it flanders fault we got him the ball like 5 times in that first half?
  3. Not nearly as fun after a loss, and 2 in a row but here it is. 1 Timothy flanders. 12-65 on runs 5-63 on catches. didnt get nearly enough touches in the first half but he was a monster in the 2nd half. 2 Ian wild. Played really well a side from one missed tackle. 10 tackles 1 st 1 sack 3 Nichols is close to 3rd star, medlock again some good punts a monster 54 yarder and 5 field goals. Kevin fogg too got beat a bunch in the first half, but great returns and a big forced fumble. Im going with fogg but its really close. HH Gonna say westerman who had a big sack while the game was close to force a punt after not having a sack in the last 5 games.
  4. Considering our system isnt set up to funnel to a guy like him, taking him out of the line up for wild or bass and paying him a fortune to be here one year at a time is a waste. That money could be much better spent other places. Even then we dont have the ni depth at lber for that. And thats one spot. Even at that point we'd need an extra DI free'd up to have the back up. we have zero qbs under contract for next year, suhk chung is a fa and we have a bunch of money tied up in other vets. We be taking wild/bass out and paying a ton of money for a year to year guy whose hardly played since he was here to what? move kohlert for mcduffie starting or sheppard?
  5. would be nice, but not really viable. Not while starting 2 imps on the OL. We just have to do a better job finding NI wrs and fitting them into our system. Jfg has shown hes better then his last year and a bit, he just doesnt fit into what we do. same with kohlert.
  6. when you have to stretch out to make a catch, or dive to make an attempt your vulnerable. our wrs have seen a whole lot of that this year. I prefer good players to size.
  7. That grade is his over all but yeah, there numerical system is kinda funny. Like baseball. 99% of prospects are ranked low 60 high 50s number but the difference between a potential no 1 guy, a potential first round pick and a guy picked after the first 10 rounds. they score 30-80. But a scout who over blows a top pick like him loses his job when the guy is a miss. Even though you miss more then you hit. So they protect them selves by being understated on top guys.
  8. bombers favored by 3.5 points, im betting this is the game of the year for us. Close fought, full 4 quarters against a good hungry team.
  9. no joke. Soo much hope for him, such great physical tools. Soo little football player. it was a shame. Iirc we let him go and he went some place else and had a sick 2-3 games then disappeared for good. No question mos had to live with a banged up willy so long even john wayne bobbitt even feels bad for him.
  10. Yeah and to consider he was originally a DL which are even smaller usually then OL is crazy. Taking a quick glance only a hand full of active OL currently are 5-10 % under 300lbs as listed. Michael couture whose listed 285 seems to be amongst the smallest and his knock was of course needs to gain weight.
  11. It used to be the case that nfl looked at arm strength first but that was ages ago. currently and for the last 10+ years its accuracy, tenure as a starting qb etc. Guys like our PR qb MBT are praised for strong arms. mike vick, peyton manning, praised for super arm strength. Michael bishop too. Most nfl starting qbs arent considered to have weak arm strength. But for a long time the cfl has gone to touch /accuracy passers who are experience in throwing out of the gun/pistol to spread formations. There is a considerable difference in velocity when your taking a drop step and throwing mostly timing routes when your back foot hits for the drop count the play was designed for and when your throwing from set feet / stand still too. The nfl has much better field coverage on defense while the offense has much less catching targets then we do. The result is in the cfl you can throw a number of different kinds of passes to the same route. Where as in the nfl, you have far less options and have to be able to make each throw consistently. A guy like kevin glenn can get away with some side arm action throwing a 10+ yard out and use touch to lead his target to the side line. Putting the ball out of the reach of the defender and still having plenty of room on the side line. In the nfl, that pass would be thrown well out of bounds. It would have to be a bullet pass to a smaller window, and would have to clear a much bigger DE so it would need a higher release point. A cannon of an arm isnt by any means the most important attribute a QB has, nfl or other wise. But it is a limiting factor. More so then here.
  12. not that old but i remember when 300 was considered really big. Now the last really good sub 300 ol i can remember is brett macniel. Tony mandarich iirc was a shade under 300 and supposed to revolutionize the position. This guy has that new generation OL body type though, which is closer to what it used to be. More of a strong man/power lifter build.
  13. yeah he did some thing. Every now and then he'd have a big quarter run hot then disappear. A poor mans, poor man version of adarius bowman.
  14. but but how else will we find the next demetrious breedlove or chris brazzel??
  15. Size isnt nearly the same as durability. Look at blink. Look at darvin adams, nic moore, addison richards, keeping, neufeld, etc etc etc. Both willy and nichols in this system have tended to throw passes that put WRs in a dangerous position, one that means they dive to make catches or stretch out and cant protect them self while making a catch. By that standard we wouldnt have had milt, albert johnson 3, arland bruce, geroy simon, terrence edwards. Of the top 10 wrs in the cfl right now this is how it breaks down; 6'3 or over. under. 6' or less. 3 7 3 Duron carter, and adarius bowman the bigest head case at wr, and the worst hands of any consistant cfl starter are 2 of the 3 6'3 or taller. Greg ellingson is the 3rd. So as many short wrs as tall in the top 10. In fact the three short guys are 5'9-5'11. But height, includes forehead. If Smith had a mega forehead adding 4 inches to his height, that would make you happy? Wing span is far more important then height, and size as i showed in the start of the post doesnt mean some one is durable. The top 10 wrs in the cfl average 6'0 and 197 pounds. You know how many 6'3+ imp wrs who produce stick in the cfl? ask chris mathews.
  16. We have moved him in and out in a few different packages this year. To get our extra DB in, early this year he was subbed out for hurl as well. When our lbers are 100% its wild thats on the field nearly every down. Waggoner has also backed up leggett for the first portion of the season too. But heath has played that spot as well.
  17. The old scouting tendency to put a shine on dark horse low prospects and throw as much mud on highly ranked / anticipated ones as possible. Finding a dark horse can make your career, where as missing on a high pick can cost it.
  18. leggett to safety, then either or both corney in at DE / waggoner in at LBer. Probably a rotation of those two.
  19. Could be never know. Man that guy has the most negative scouting reports i have ever seen. He must be good.
  20. you can if you throw it behind the line of scrimmage. Old trick play.
  21. No hes looked good because aside from that one play hes maintained good tight coverage. Scheme has a ton to do with DL and ends. We play gap cancellation not pass rush as our base. Trying to limit the run and give the stunting LBer/(s) a place to go rather then running them at a linemen, the lineman has to make a choice who to block. We drop justin cole back as a wrinkle, thats how he has a pick a drop and a couple pass deflections. Burnette is much more rangy and covers far more ground then wild. He just doesnt cover it as well as wild in our system. Burnette was a track star at USC who walked on as a football player. Watch him play his incredible speed motor and agility is what has him on teams every game. Hes among the fastest lbers in the cfl. he was a 100m 200m long jump triple guy. And its great great football speed too. You couldnt design a better athlete for LBer in the cfl.
  22. Ya. Any of these guys could be back for TC next year too. Outlaw sounded kind of raw. But who knows. Seems like a bit of a tajh boyd situation. High promise young guy in and out real quick despite raw tools. Could be an off the field issue.
  23. http://www.draftinsider.net/reports/2016/T/John-Kling http://www.ubbullrun.com/2016/4/30/11530800/nfl-draft-2016-john-kling-drafted-signed-by-team-in-round-as-free Considered a high up side project. Highly regarded student athlete. 90%+ hs&college. One of the higher rated UDFA. 30" vert, 8'8" broad jump, 21 reps. Was squating near 400 and benching near 350 in HS. All the reports say his raw tools would put him in the top tier athletically of OL. Knock on him is his technique and footwork need work. Sounds like a perfect guy to have wylie work with.
  24. In, John Kling. 6'7 315 buffalo Out; WR outlaw, DL eric martin, DL erik williams, and lb nick temple.
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