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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. He had all day to throw, and thats one thats gotta be a strike. Instead he threw the wrong route, and still heavily over threw the ball. Dressler is what 5'6? If he was 6'4 you could expect him to make that catch. But then, bowman would have flat dropped it. Nichols had him and put the ball in the worst place other then the hands of the db. Its tough though, to stay sharp on posts/corners and deeper routes when your offense is running short stuff 90% of the time.
  2. Dont watch half times either. Would have been great if they had the hip play one more time, this is kinda meh + meh.
  3. With a healthy ray and wrs To could make a run. But at this point it would be a surprise. The west is much stronger imop.
  4. I bet if it rains during the riders dinner it will be orridges fault too. Leafs fans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rider fans. They dont whine and complain about conspiracies nearly as much..
  5. yep happens every year or two. Actually the worst i can recall is calgary with matt dunnigan as every thing when they did that on side punt, recovered it and the refs messed it up. then calgary released team video that clearly showed the guy on side by a mile. The PI none call wasnt any where near as bad as that stuff. It was par for the season tbh.
  6. i wanna say in 2000 late in the season while we were scraping for a play off spot, either hamilton or mtl got a roughing the passer call on lamar mcgriggs and the fans blew up throwing stuff on the field lamar lost his mind we got a ton of flags from it. But in the end it was a horrible call and the league issued an apology. Even under the use against the world dave ritchie era it was considered that we just didnt get respect and the benefit of the doubt. No one was calling it a conspiracy.
  7. Ehh all 4 of our qbs have very similar tool kits. 3/4 more and more athletic then willy and nichols. Nichols doesnt shed tackles much better then willy, thats for sure. When hes playing at his best his release mechanic /throwing motion is smooth and straight and his footwork is crisp. None of the guys have a great arm on them, but get by with touch and ball placement like most cfl qbs. Touch on the wide field gets you a lot further then raw arm strength. Idk if id say mental strength was willys strong suit but its certainly whats failed. Hearing foot steps and forcing his passes. He was throwing at peoples feet especially mid+ and over the middle. Which is what you see when a qb is forcing the ball, trying to throw it too hard it doesnt leave the hand cleanly / gripping the ball too hard. Pretty much bang on with nichols and willy, I dont know that willy has the potential to full fill his potential here any more. BUt no one will know untill we see him on the field here again/ or if we do.
  8. Thats one time we were down 29. And with a full quarter to play thats tons of time, in our worst blow out. Doesnt change the fact the games scores were close largely in the first half. The D stopped blitzing. they were playing an over-under which isnt easy to throw against. Robber is the cause of a ton of turn overs. One need only look at the last 2 games when dropping a DE into under coverage. Actually it still is. Thats why there is a massive business that rotates around coaching kids coming out into the nfl on how to do interviews. Interviews are weighed as less and less valuable with some teams out right skipping them due to this. Colleges dont teach kids to be leaders, they coach them to play systems. Vast majority of kids who are highly scouted were the leader of their HS team simply because they were head and shoulders better then the rest of their team.
  9. I cant believe the rider fans are pointing fingers at the league and refs. Every team has had tons of awful calls go against them, no witch hunt here. Just a terrible team with a vocal majority of blind fans un willing to accept the truth. Atleast when this fan base was losing and getting toxic we didnt pull crap like this.
  10. not true. the average score against us was 25 in the first 5 games. Only once did a team score 29 or more points in that period. We werent down by 30 at any point in time. We were out played to a level similar, but not nearly close to it on the score board. A half of football isnt garbarge time. Even a quarter unless you are down by 4+ scores. And we were not.
  11. It is because its some thing that cant be measured. Its some thing fans and even media can only speculate on. Some guys are considered locker room issues on one team, and strong leaders on others. Or in different years. The changing nature of most locker rooms year to year especially with higher roll over really effect what type of leader ship is effective. Some guys like buck pierce have had good length pro careers Being a blood n guts football player at a skill position. And that certainly has an effect on the team around them. But that doesnt change there actual ability to perform the position. Think tim tebow. its hard to say how good of a leader nichols is. He isnt that buck pierce type of player. And we can only speculate how much impact he's had, vs the improvements to the OL and the defense catching fire.
  12. might have to pick up a freep hes usually a good read. QFT I think what the closeness in stats really shows is the vanilla/passiveness of our offense. Even with the better OL we have now, I dont think willy would do well playing if the offense was opened up more. I think nichols would greatly benefit from opening up the offense.
  13. qbs arent pitchers. The team is 5-0 in the last 5. his release isnt any quicker and they both threw mostly short passes. he was out right shaky at first in the LDC, but did find strong poise after that. Willy did have choppy foot work, but the play collapsing on short yardage passes isnt the qb. It isnt supposed to be about team willy or team nichols. Its amazing how close there stats are in equal time, despite a dynamic difference in team performance.
  14. No i mean putting passes between the numbers, not forcing guys to lay out and leave them self vulnerable which he did countless times. You right he did hit some guys in stride and did so better in this game then the past games, but the majority of his passes beyond mid range are far off the man. idk who eric M is, but we make very very little use out of the fade route.
  15. *point of this thread isnt a flame war* Both guys have played give or take a quarter 5 games now. Thought itd be interesting to compare the stats. Drew willy 137/191 71.7% 1473 yards 7.7 yards per pass 5 tds 4 ints. sacked 16 times. andrew Harris 206 yards 53 carries 3.88 YPC. 283 yards on 30 catches 9.43 per catch Matt nichols 126/177 71.1% 1448 yards 8.2 yards per pass 7 tds 1 int. 10 sacks. (3 in the last 3 games) adrew Harris 449 yards 90 carries 4.98 ypc. 85 yards on 11 catches 7.72 per catch. The obvious large differences are willys lower tds, more picks, and greater number of sacks. Also the contrast between harris running vs catching. I think a good bit of the harris difference is OL, and play calling change. When you cant run, tossing it to the RB is just as high percentage while putting the rb in a better spot to make a play. Of course willy had the worse of the OL, and nichols hasnt had the compliment of wrs. Combined numbers 263/368 71.4% 2,921 12 tds 5 picks 26 sacks. Yards would be 3rd while passing tds would be tied for 4th. I would bet the number of sacks would be still very high. The trend and play of the ol with bond/hardrick + foketi has been very good though. I would expect one of if not the best pass protections in the last 3 games. Before that we had a lot of hits on the qb out side sacks and qb rushes. Lots of yards per game, but as we all have seen, too many FGs not enough tds. Hope fully we continue to get healthy and show an improvement in play calling.
  16. Figured it wouldnt take long for mtl to go back to him. glenn doesnt give them a chance to grow and become a contending organization in the future. Im sure he will catch on some where though. Maybe they trade him to the argos.
  17. i dont think the offense as a whole can say they did what we needed them to. 7 fgs is never a good sign. If they had it wouldnt have been such a ridiculous come back it would have been a blow out.
  18. He didnt look good to start, but rounded into shape. It was probably his best game, but he was still missing passes deeper then medium, and connecting on passes that were over thrown, and thrown low. He had some nice passes, Most of them. But his passes that were more then short were not great. He threw no picks, again though he had more then one pass that should have been. Hes been the beneficiary of of defenses that havent caught the ball. If he played a D that caught the ball like ours hed be in big trouble. Willy only threw one clutch time pick this year. That doesnt mean he was performing well. Same with his yardage. The offence has struggled especially with those passes over short with every qb this year and last. With more wrs then i can count and 2 ocs. 32/44 358 2 tds 0 picks against calgary, 27/39 341 1td 0 picks against sask. Winning the game doesnt change that, nor do the stats. We still cant consistently hit guys in stride, or more then medium routes.
  19. Said that, but forced up atleast 2 passes into coverage he should not have. Its not just stretching the field. We had big runs from harris all day and just stopped running for long periods of time. Some awful play calls. That shot gun draw in the red zone when sask was stacking the line for instance. Denmark didnt get all the looks. Not gonna have 2 150 yard receivers in one game.
  20. Yeah, its just not sustainable to kick 7 field goals and be +4 on turnovers or better every game. Needing that to win a nail biter is how you miss the play offs for several years, dont win a grey cup in 20+, and have multiple sub 4 win seasons in the last hand full of years. We had drops, and we had misses. Nichols talked in the ob post game show about missing guys out there. Early on he was kinda shaky. Didnt look comfortable in the pocket. This game, our play calling was awful. I credit that a lot with our missed chances. Drops, and sub par execution in general certainly didnt help. Nichols had guys in great position and threw wide and low several times too. Some times what most fans see as a drop, was actual a great effort to get to a ball that was heavily over thrown. If lapo had called a half decent game imop we have 30-35 points by half. Harris was tearing up the sask D and went a huge period of time with out a carry. During which we gave dressler runs twice. The run was soo hard on the riders what little play action we used worked great. But we didnt use it consistently etc. Nichols needs to be better, our wrs need to be better, but plop more then any one else needs to get it together. I could see him getting fired mid season and Buck pierce taking over at this rate.
  21. heard abit about that on OB post game show. Hope he is ok.
  22. yes we did. we had several games just like this in the 2003 win streak. Sask choked and gave up opportunity and we took some. But we made them count in the clutch. Ssk had all the momentum in the 2nd half in a loud home field and we still out executed them and took it. We also missed a fg, and kicked 7. excuses dont win games or over turn results. The refs were awful. Jones threw away his challenge on a horrible decision and that cost them the game. Good teams dont get beat by the breaks. They pressure the other team till they make a mistake and capitalize. Bearing down when the breaks dont go there way.
  23. yeah you dont score 1 td on offense and win many games. Rider pride better hide bomber blue coming through!
  24. Harris ran like a beast, drives me nuts we didnt get him the ball more. The OL is also very close to being 3rd star as a group.
  25. 1 medlock 7 fgs tnite, first miss but gaming winning fg from beyond 40 as the clock runs out. 2 mcduffie. 7-153 1 td 21.9 ypc. Could be the kind of guy weve been missing for a long while. 3 nichols 27/39 341 1 td. Protected the ball, 6 different wrs had a catch. 21 first downs, ended up nearly dead even in TOP. HH johnny adams. Had some bumps this week and the past few but had a huge clutch pick.
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