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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. pass rusher getting into the back field before he qb has gotten rid of the ball. Forcing him to throw a pass run or throw it away.
  2. been rewatching old trek, ill prolly check this out but i really wish it wasnt set back in time again.
  3. I think the real question is would you trade the package we got for willy for durant. Glenn + heath + first + 4th. I wouldnt.
  4. pretty much how i felt when i found out we traded blink.
  5. He is as hard to replace as any one on our team. Every one is replaceable though, because one day no matter what you get replaced. Yeah thats along the lines of what id do too. draws, and the run could take TO by surprise. I think between the 3 backs we can fill all the holes fairly well. Just not with one guy like we do with harris. I wouldnt have minded seeing JFG carry the ball. Hes a hard nosed kinda guy getting him the ball easier might improve his performance a whole bunch. We will/would probably do a lot more of the smith package, with wr runs. I imagine with mcduffie though. wr motion power toss, etc. That stuff could be help full to keep defenders honest we we do run too. if we have mcduffie in motion and have a 2nd fake hand off or run the end around To wouldnt be able to crash down as hard. I dont expect lochard, or flanders to be able to run through tackles in the backfield nearly as well as harris. Our OL will certainly have to step up and wrs too if harris is out.
  6. That would be pretty good. burnette starting also frees up the DI slot.
  7. Yeah as much as it would be nice i dont think so either. elfred peyton maybe? rod hill? less browne? khari? I think the most seasons for any of those guys is 5. Blink should go up. Dave ritchie too.
  8. Big question mark for our team this week. Im sure he will want to go and soldier it out. He kept trying to run last week while still being pretty banged up. Personally if he isnt 100% id like to see him sit this week and be 100% for the stretch run if possible. If he doesnt go, who should? Flanders means we have to shift the ratio. I certainly dont think we have NI wrs to step in for the imps we have. Hurl is hurt too. Db is too stacked imop to run a NI starter.(beyond loffler) I certainly wouldnt want to see us mess with the OL. Corney imop could start, but then we wouldnt have the NI depth to rotate or god forbid some one gets hurt on the edge. Maybe waggoner could step in? Other wise Maybe DI flanders and run our pair of NI rbs. Lochard certainly didnt look out of place. Id really like to see normand get some touches too. I think he could be a surprising tool on offense out side of blocking. And he could replace the blocking we get from harris.
  9. wbbfan


    Yep, i dont think hes fought yet this year but hes pretty active. I think the biggest fight of his career was bob sapp which says it all. Sapp some how is still mailing it in for pay days too. Hasnt won in his last 13 fights. 1 win in his last 17. But once in that losing streak he made it out of the first round so hey thats improvement. Idk if lashley was a name like phil brooks or dave bautista. Bautistas fight was pretty awful too and I think a good while ago. Kurt angle wouldnt be the kind of issue imop that brooks was. He was an olympic (gold?) medalist in wrestling. Thats usually a fast track in mma. The gold medalist this year said he wants to go to the ufc eventually. If he follows through he will be fast tracked for sure. And no one will bat an eye. If brooks was 145, it wouldnt even have been as big an issue. But WW is a murders row. Easily the deepest and best division in mma, and big enough the guys have true one shot KTFO power. The smaller divisions are much "safer". But what they did with him is like tossing him a baseball letting him start against a healthy blue jays team with low A ball lead off hitter. Tuf wouldnt be an issue either. I personally have never watched it. Idk reality tv isnt my thing even based around mma. As the skill gap continues to widen in mma/ufc and grass roots develop we will reach a point where this kind of thing wont be viable. This might be the last time we see it even. The guys at the bottom of most divisions today would be top half 10 years ago. Yeah HW is as thin as it gets. a 3rd division for women would probably be stronger in a year or less. With the rarity of big athletes feeder leagues tend to have to dig much deeper. Any guy under 35 and around 250-260 whose mildly athletic or skilled could have a pro fight in a year and a half at most.
  10. if we split the rest of the way we will be in great shape.
  11. Yeah we are getting to the point where the next inductees could be interesting. Leo lewis was a shoe in. Glad hes gonna get a day hope we win the game for him.
  12. I mean in general though with more reference to the dressler play. The sheppard play was a drop out right. yeah pretty much have to go to the game on YT, go through and find the exact moment and link the minute it happened. Its a hue PITA. Nichols tends to lead his passes over the middle / away which makes for more diving efforts from wrs. If we opened up the play book a bit, used the hurry up more, and made better use of progression plays it would help nichols and our wrs a lot more. Thats the old saying, but yeah. Thats from an era when guys werent crazy athletes for the most part and you didnt dive soo far and have a crazy reach. Athletes in football today are good enough to some times make them self look kinda bad by nearly making a crazy play. Kinda like how middle infielders in baseball with the highest range factor create more errors then a guy with shorter range would because they can get to a ball to touch it but not catch it or catch it with out time to throw.
  13. wbbfan


    I think that is the peak of action from wrestling fans. The ones that tune in to see a wrestler, arent going to switch over or provide an over time boost. Especially as the sport evolves and wrestler cross overs do worse. Curious, have you watched bobby lashleys fights, or dave bautistas fight? I think especially with new ownership the ufc can and should focus on the putting together the best cards with the best fighters. Let bellator and rizin do the freak show stuff.
  14. wbbfan


    250k-300k isnt an unfair mark then for that card. I wonder how much of the tune in crowd due to punk was wrestling fans, and how much was people wanting to see a freak show fight. If not bellator, i bet rizin would take him and feed him soup cans for a while. He wont have that effect as a draw again, but he could still bring in enough for bellator/roidzin as a depth card guy. As a none wrestling fan I hope he goes to the lowest level he can find after training for another year or so in no gi bjj.
  15. heard of a mid 40 year old guy who paid to go to one of these try outs no ball since HS, around 5'8 250lbs asking out of breath what his chances would be of making the team at DB.
  16. guy is a top wr talent wise no question. And young too. At his height im sure as soon as he hits FA hes going to the nfl for atleast a good cup of coffee. Idk how much of it is hes a cancer, and how much that team is cancer. Really good players on really bad teams often get irritated like that. They cant accept mediocrity. We saw it at times with milt and blink and a ton of other guys. Cancers else where, suddenly model citizens in a good locker room. hes certainly worth the gamble.
  17. Toronto is a win now market. They are a team with out a ton of cap space, they would have had to let ricky ray go to keep one of those guys. Do you think they can hold that team together with half a season of collaros at best, or harris? Harris has looked like a shade of his early season self since coming back from injury too. teams often choose the vet qb over the young guy in the cfl. Its job security and the fear of losing a sure thing at qb for a guy whose flashes may not be the real deal. Dont forget how people felt about willy not soo long ago here. Or a laundry list of young qbs who had a flash but where all sizzle and no steak. Would you want to bet your job on the young guy? I dont blame them for holding on to ray for dear life. Kilgore and masoli before they played us too. Hank and DD behind jeff garcia. Casey printers getting yanked for DD. etc.
  18. wbbfan


    idk how you accurately gauge how many ppl bought a ppv to watch a certain fight. Considering 500k ppv sales at 60 bucks is 30,000,000 I dont see that being true. Last i heard it had around 650k sales. which is 39m total. I dont think theyve had a sub 300k draw in a long while. Id say at most half of that would probably be the case. Certainly bellator will give him a call now that he is reportedly done in the ufc. And im sure they can dig up a few legit soup cans for him to fight. I dont know if he will ever have that kind of mma draw again though, after the beating by gall. Especially if gall doesnt go any where him self.
  19. Thanks sammy great break down. I really hope we dont have frederick off the active roster again. All he does is perform when hes in there. Id hate for him to be a guy we let go. Would be nice to see what Flanders can do in regular season action. But with the ratio Idk if that happens. We are tight on the DI spot even right now. I dont think we have the players or depth to start 2 ni wrs even if harris doesnt play.
  20. would love to add lewis. I think he'd fit great with what we do on offense too. But id be some kind of shocked if any other deals of any level happen.
  21. wbbfan


    yeah. when a camp talks about how "tough" a guy is, that tends to mean hes getting beat on by every one and not stopping when he should. Charged in like he thought he was johnny hendricks on the juice too.
  22. wbbfan


    toney was also a world champion boxer who fought multiple divisions. He got fat going up, but was still gifted and experienced. Punk looked physically more sloppy then any WW in the ufc. Idk how much of those 2 years he trained with all the injuries, but he didnt seem to gain much from it.
  23. wbbfan


    not just that they put a boxer against a wrestler. If james toney had fought some one like chuck it would have been a better fight, though fat toney would still have gotten crushed.
  24. this, and hes a big body whose good at blocking and doing the little things. Some thing we dont have much of at wr. Id like denmark to be on the roster but i guess its a good problem to have.
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